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Check Up

Posted on 2023, Mon Sep 18th, @ 10:11am by Commander Kate Townsend

294 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: Med Bay- Deck
Timeline: The Wait out At Klingon Border

Kate walked into medical and looked for the Doc. "Hey Doc, Here for my Annual Check up"

"Hello Commander please come on in. Find yourself a biobed. I'll be right with you." He said.

She nodded and found the nearest one. "By the Way, I am Commander Kate Townsend, The Admirals Wife, Sorry we haven't met yet, Been trying to get Katie Situated in the Living Quarters"

"No need to apologize. It's okay. I'm here all the time everyday. So it's okay commander." He said.

"Okay, well lets start"

"Okay. Commander how have you been feeling lately?" He asked the commander as he was running scans.

"Okay, But have had some weird appetite through, But Differently nervous, Only because we have been trying to get the room situated while Katie is going Crazy about being on a Ship for the first time..Man, Kids, Doctor if you ever have kids, They are a handful, For just one of them" She said

"Yes commander I know I've babysat one before." He said.

"Really? Whos?" She was now interested about this Doctor.

"Some other classmates before they started the academy."

"Nice" She said as she laid back for the Full Body Scan.

"Well commander. From what the scans tell me is that you're pregnant."

"Pregnant?!" She said with shock

"Yes. Congratulations."

"How long? Weeks..Days?" she asked

"You're about 3 weeks pregnant."

"Well...This ought to be a fun next few hours..." She said

"Well for next few months. Commander."

"Well thank you Doctor, When will you want me back for a Check up? Come back every month? Or every 3 Weeks?" Kate asked Matthews

"I would like to see you back every month commander." He replied.

"Thank You Commander, Will see you..Later" And She walked out


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