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The Dinner

Posted on 2023, Mon Sep 18th, @ 8:23am by Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway & Captain Chakotay & Sergeant Major JB Dersch & Commodore Emily Janeway
Edited on on 2023, Mon Sep 18th, @ 8:24am

1,594 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)OUTPOST
Location: Grandma Janeways
Timeline: Current

After Getting Ready JB was escorted to the House Hope I don't screw this up

Kathryn was reading waiting for their guest.

Emily had switched her outfit from her usual duty outfit for something more casual for the duration of the dinner meeting and she was still already nervous with her own thoughts. Grandma downstairs in the kitchen cooking dinner that she was prepping all afternoon for special occasion.

Then a Knock at the Door. Kathryn rose to get it, But Emily Ran up beating her to the Punch. Emily introduced JB to her mother while some soft dinner music playing in the background they have said their greetings.

Emily turned to talk with boyfriend "so far she’s pretty calm so good just remember it’s taken easy. I know you and I have a lot going to talk to her about” I just want this to go well, if we lose the killer person, maybe they could pick upon the trails of the paper trail of the killer” “ even Augustus would find ‘ the reaper’ because he was left behind. I think he was barking like crazy and growling. I think he had an instinct. He knew he might be able to find them she was just hugging her boyfriend.

"It has been good so far, Going to wait till after we eat, So I don't darken the mood with the Reaper, Sound Good?"

"Good idea" Emily says. "Check with My Grandma and see when dinner is gonna be ready. It’s gonna be a big country dinner for us also so also, I’ll show you around the estate and we can go to the barn together for a little bit."

"Sounds Good" And He walks into the Kitchen to see when Dinner would be done.

Then Emily went to find her mother to tell her that she and JB were going outside to take a tour around the house and horses’s stable to watch and show him their horse’s. Because she wanted to show her boyfriend her black Friesian horse and her mom’s mustang horse. And finish with unsaddle their horses and take them out pasture for the night.

"You ready?" asked JB.

Emily nodded as she looked at JB “yes I’m ready to go with you “ Did you check with my grandma and my mom about when they would be starting to serve us dinner tonight? Holding JB’s hand for a while.

"In a Hour"

Emily heard about her boyfriend said about the dinner is going to be ready in an hour “well OK then we could on walk down to the barn real quick. The horses are still in the stalls still has their tack on still so you could come with me to help me with the horses and until my mother comes to call us back to the house for the dinner meeting “ I hope my mother wasn’t hurst on you “

"Well She wasn't, Lets go meet the Horses" He said as they walked to the Barn. “ that’s good” said Emily and JB had reached the barn and heard all the horses from behind their stalls as they walked through the barn doors. Emily and JB were working together on the horses in the barn and letting out horses out to the paddock.

The dinner bell is already ringing for them to come inside “ are you ready? I think I’ll be all right is this fine just take it slow Tell her everything even tell her that I undergone serious major surgeries in order to save my life because my heart could take all that trauma from the accident, that’s how gravely serious damage the toxicity of poison was ingested by the liquid inside the wine bottle at the hotel,"

"also I have realized that I will be needing to get myself prepared to take on the mission’s duties orders from Starfleet command from my ship to go whatever the halo goes on, there’s I guess it only be myself and my personal issues tribulations will have to come in to terms with dealing with protocols as being a Captain, as far as relationships is concerned and I don’t want to lose my loved ones since me and my mom reunited and you getting to have a relationship with each other for once in my life."

He thought about this then said.

"I can get reassigned to become a Marine or SEC/TAC Officer on the Intrepid? On the SEC/TAC could be Assistant Chief, Or Maybe even a Marine, I have done 4 Tours, So I am Qualified to lead a Battalion " He suggested

Emily saw her boyfriend suggestion and she smiled nervously nodded her head and said “ that’s a good idea I guessing the command regulations for a Starfleet officers personnel has layaway for that option. I would be happy very happy.” let’s go inside I hear at the dinner bell. She always rings at my grandma does. We’re having a brisket beef brisket, the Texas Way I hope you’re hungry and then you can see the big carnival stuffed animal my mom won at the games.”

"Beef Brisket? Man I am going to eat like a King!" He said with a Laugh as they walked up to the house

As they walked towards the house they had been sitting on the dining room with Kathryn and her mother.

"Well Mom and Grandma Janeway, Thank you for having me, Your Kindness has been very Nice for me"

Kathryn replied "you’re very pleasure. Shall we get down to eating? I’m shore you have something to tell me about you and my daughter?"

"Well yes, Besides us Being together, But I feel like it should wait till after dinner"

after they have eaten dinner Emily’s mother and grandmother and JB still going to continue their conversations.

"Well, Thank you for Dinner, The Janeways can definitely cook some food."

Emily got up from her seat as well and turn to face and announce to her boyfriend and mother that "oh me and my boyfriend we need to talk with you more Mom we got some stuff I need to discuss with you at this moment."

Dersch walked to Kathryn and whispered to her "I don't want Gradman to get upset, Can we take this outside?"

Kathryn whispers to the couple “ yes let’s go ahead and take this conversation outside away from my mother let’s go to the barn and it’s feeding time for the horses. And then we will call early night pretty soon as it is getting dark and it’s getting late.” “ do you like to spend the night with us JB?”

"Only If theres room, I don't want to bother you guys anymore I don’t know there is an extra room"

yes said to at least boyfriend. Yes, there is it’s on a top loft of the house towards my husband study. There’s a daybed you can use. As we can continue the conversation that you would like to talk about sure Grandma won’t mind. so please tell me what is the important discussion you and my daughter would like to discuss.

"Has she told you about the Reaper?"

“she has told me but I’m not sure it’s a lot of things going on with her lately since we got back from our family bonding time. I would like to hear the details from you as well let’s get to know each other I’ll take this moment to do so." Her mother waits patiently.

"Well, I had just transferred from the Hanes to the Albion which was on LOA at SB1 here at earth. Emily was in her hotel, and i was on the Albion when I got a Alarm from the Manual Release in her room, and I found her almost dead..." he stopped letting this little bit soak in. Emily’s mother was deep in her thoughts about what just happened “ please continue” your girlfriend has told me a little bit about ‘the reaper’ but not in the good details. the hotel name that you were staying?”

Emily said her mother “ JB had to be the eyewitness who had to get the medical emergency transported directly… I had complications from reactions of poison that was snuck in my suitcase, when I was not even in my hotel room the one who attacked me. But he was lucky because the reaper he left his calling card behind in a sealed envelope with a black skull wax seal. I was on the verge of death or death’s doorstep when my boyfriend manage to go to the source of the last known and that’s where JB met our dog Augustus and our dog is the one who helped him gather the clues to but that’s where the trail went cold and we still need your help mother take down this personal vendetta that’s threaten my life. Emily waited for her mother to speak..

Emily goes into the kitchen to get the dessert cookies and coffee from her grandmother.

"And I have the files I currently have on the Reaper, If you want them" JB said.

Kathryn nodded and said, "Send them to the Captain Chakotay of the USS Protostar, I have given him the Mission of locating the Reaper, Now if lets head out to the Barn"


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