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Wow, The C-IN-C In Pearson

Posted on 2023, Mon Aug 28th, @ 10:58am by Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell & Lieutenant JG Jason ReneƩ
Edited on on 2023, Mon Aug 28th, @ 12:51pm

380 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)
Location: Outside of Commander Renee Quarters
Timeline: Current

The CINC Walked down the Corridor and behind him was 5 Officers One was a Star Fleet Captain and the others were below the rank, They wore the SEC color of Yellow, they were the Star Fleet CINCs Security Detail. The CINC walked to the Door and pushed the signal button.Time to Surprise the Commander with a Visit Not in History had a CINC came to a Ship and Meet with a Random SEC/TAC officer for fun, Plus he was New, He wanted to change the way Star Fleet Did things, Not in the bad way but the good way, He wanted to Extend their Programs that helped others.

Enter calls out the Commander

The cinc walks in. "Hello Commander"

Hello please sit down, how may I help you?

"Do you know who I am?" he might know he was the CINC but just some admiral coming to visit

Yes I know who you are, I was actually just finishing up as Renee' sets down his padd.

"So, Well I am the Commander in Chief of Star Fleet and wanted to see how you were doing with your new Posting"

I'm doing good, just took a stroll to see the ship and I am excited to help everyone improve on everything.

"I heard you have a New First Officer, I chat with him later, So you like it here on the Halo?"

Yes I haven't met him as of yet but I will soon. I do like the ship and tbh this is my first time being on one so it's going to be different, the academy helped all of us to be ready for times like this. Also sir we met at the academy at graduation, you also gave me an inspirational message.

"Oh Thats Right, Sorry Been Trying to get that New Funding Bill passed, But Looks like My Speech did make a impact, I thought it didn't" He said with a laugh.

I'm sure the bill will get passed says ReneƩ, would you like to walk and talk I'm getting a bit hungry and lunch is on me

"Oh thats fine, I have to get going, Having a meeting in 10 with the President, But good to see you," and he walked out.


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