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The Attack and Disable

Posted on 2023, Fri Sep 15th, @ 11:37am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Corporal Kate Score & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese & Captain Logan Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé

356 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: Klingon Neutral Zone
Timeline: Current

"I captain T'nadroka do not have any fugitive on my ship, now leave or you will be fired upon as act of war!"

"Sir their charging their photon torpedoes" says Reneé!


"Red Alert, All Personal to Battle Stations!" Chris took his spot in the Chair, "Commander Shoot to Disable, Helm Make sure we get less hits"

"Aye sir" said Reneé, then with the push of a button the USS Halo shot out a red beam at the same time the Klingon war ship fired their photon torpedoes.

"Torpedoes missed captain, one more hit and they should be disabled" said Reneé as he fired another shot, hitting the warship disabling it.

The Admiral stood, "Admiral Reese You have the Bridge Townsend to Score Meet us in Transporter Room 1, Captain, Commander With me" and they walked to the Lift.

"Aye sir" said Reneé while leaving his post.

"Admiral sir, I've never encountered a Klingon before what is expected to happen?" asked Reneé

"We are going to beam over and take our Wanted Pearson back..By Force" Replied the Admiral

"Aye sir," just a little nervous.

"Admiral. If I may. As you're second in command, I highly recommend you stay here on the ship and I lead the away team sir." Captain Reese said.

"Duly Noted XO, But If the CINC was here you think he would follow that Regulation?..No he would not So, Get a One hell of a Away team together and lets go kick ass and get Our Rebel back"

I should have seen that coming, But truth is Pat would send not only him but a Regiment of Marines which sucks cause we are a little short staff. DAMN IT! Why Couldn't Star Fleet give us a Full Crew! Command said, Oh this mission should be easy! Oh no its not! We are NOW sitting at the Edge of the Klingon Neutral zone after we just disabled a Klingon Warship And Get Ready to Board the Damn Ship and Take a Rebel StarFleet Officer Back By Force! Chris thought with anger.

"Yes sir right away."


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