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The Waitout

Posted on 2023, Thu Sep 14th, @ 8:24am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese & Captain Logan Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé
Edited on on 2023, Thu Sep 14th, @ 8:27am

481 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: Klingon Neutral Zone
Timeline: Current

After the Halo Arrived at the Neutral zone, The Admiral made the choice to maintain a Yellow alert. meanwhile while waiting for the Ship to Show he,Admiral Reese,Captain Reese were down in Medical waiting for the Ambassador to wake up.

Medical Bay

"Doctor whens the Wake up time?"

"Maybe an hour. .maybe any minute sir." The doctor said unsure.

"Keep me updated doctor, Captain, Stay here and Keep with the Security Detail, Till she wakes up, when she dose, Notify me. Admiral with me"

"Yes sir." Doctor Matthews said.

The admiral went with Admiral Townsend. "yes admiral."

As they walked to the Turbo lift the Admiral spoke to the Other Admiral. "Admiral Reese, So what are your thoughts about this. We have a Rogue Starfleet Officer Who attacked and almost killed a Federation Ambassador and now is Sitting in the Klingon Neutral zone knowing if we cross the Line we will have started a war."

"It's possible. Maybe, if you think about it, it's an assassin who's trying to get rid of her." He said. "I'm not so sure why or who. But I know for one thing, we don't have a full crew and not having a few security detail can hurt us a lot if we don't have the numbers to get the guy." He said to Admiral Townsend.


As they walked on the Bridge Renee spoke

"Captain ship approaching on my scanner" said Reneé

"On Screen Commander" Chris said as he stood Behind Ops and Helm.

Reneé tapped a button and the view screen opened to a ship

"Sir it's the shuttle we have tracked, no signs of anybody on it says Reneé. " Jason pressed another button, "sir I'm picking up a cloaked Klingon vessel."

"Shields Up..Yellow Alert"

"Aye sir, shields up yellow alert" repeated Reneé.

"Renee is is the Same Cargo Vessel or a War ship?"

"It's the same cargo vessel but the cloaked Klingon ship is a war ship" said Reneé

"Great, Are there any signs of Transporters in Use between the Two ships?" The Admiral walked up to Tactical and stood next to the Commander

"No sir"says Reneé.

"If there is notify me Right away" And he went to his Ready room.

"Captain you have the Bridge"

10 minutes later
"Captain Klingon war ship de-cloaking and sending transmission to us "said Reneé

He walked out. "Whats the Transmission?"

Reneé plays the transmission "Why are you in our area humans"

"Open the Channel...Klingon Vessel, You have a Klingon Cargo vessel that is Currently Harboring a Wanted Fugitive, releash him now"

"Sir they want to see you on the view screen" then the Klingon says, "I captain T'nadroka do not have any fugitive on my ship, now leave or you will be fired upon as act of war!"

"Sir their charging their photon torpedoes" says Reneé!


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