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Family Time

Posted on 2023, Thu Sep 14th, @ 8:21am by Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway & Commodore Emily Janeway

862 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)OUTPOST
Location: Grandma Janeways

After the Beamed to Grandmas, Kathryn let Emily take the lead.

Emily and her mother went into Grandma’s house to greet everyone and then she uploaded their overnight luggage and her horse riding equipment and her favorite big stuffed animal toy was won by her mother and her daughter at the carnival games.

While Emily Did that Kathryn was out in the barn getting the Horses ready.

Grandma Janeway walked out from the kitchen door Shoutout asking her older daughter do you and your daughter want some lemonade freshly squeezed and homemade ?”

"Yes, We will come in, in a Minute, Got to get the horses saddled and Ready first"

Emily finished with the unloading overnight luggage for herself and her mother into the guest bedrooms inside grandma’s farmhouse/stables she takes a small moment to reflect upon the experiences of her time spent with her mother in afternoon, she continues to walking down the stairs with all her horse riding equipment on her body while she continues to head down the hill to her mother in the stables “ hey mom do you still remember when I was first discovered in Voyager’s trash recycling deck, sneaking in do you remember?”

"Ah Yes, Its kinda hard to Forget, Since it was when we were all stuck Far away from home"

“ I was just only 5 years old when you discovered me two years ago voyager’s journey and how could you not have in love with me when you were the one who that gone out of your way to find me and raised me like your own daughter and taught me to behave and to become a Starfleet officer?”

"Could you imagine Being raised by the Docter? By God, You would sounded like a Vulcan by time we got home!" She said with a laugh.

I guess I was the doctors and the chief of securitie’s favorite kid specially Uncle Tovck’was the one who taught me how to fire a phaser. I guess weapons were my specialty when we were trying to find my placement on voyager,” and all the others were around during the voyage during my time, they were talking and ready to head off to their favorite nature trail sites

"Oh by the Way Did you Know Tuvok got a Promotion to Admiral is Head of Star Fleet Security Now?

“No mother I don’t known that “ her daughter said “I was
busy with my duties as a Starfleet officer haven’t had the time to catch up since everyone for voyager crew is well with things with their allies and they go and move on. I just hope when I have my missions with my ship you’ll still be around to keep in contact”.

"Thats Okay, So you ready to ride?"

“ yes mother “

Kathryn hopped onto the Horse and started to Move towards the trail.

Emily was already on her horse continuing following her mom to continue family moments together.

"So Emily, Is there anyone special in your Life? Husband? Or Some Secret boyfriend?" Kathryn asked

"Yes ma I am in relationship with a boyfriend currently and you will be meeting him in person in do time"

"Well, Just say the name I will have My Chief Of Security tag and bag his ass" she said with a Laugh.

“ his name is Commander JB Dersch he will be joining us for dinner tonight, so you can meet him” just let Grandma that we’re having company”

"Nice, Grandma's gonna love the New One...Maybe even tried to scare him a little.”

"Good" then they continued riding around on their wooded trails and nearby the Janeway’s farm acre land property and they went by the old Pond that used to be frozen in the winter time and Emily used to go play ice hockey with the kids in their neighborhood.

"Remember this Place?" Kathryn asked.

Emily said that she had recognize the place she used to skate down pond when winter came until she joined the Academy play for official athletics sport activity at the Academy had join the ice hockey team known as the Starfleet academy, ice Timberwolves and she was chosen as captain the team “ oh, don’t forget Mom I do have the broadcast stream from my regional tournament playoffs I saved it on a data chip for you to watch and also did you know I was able to dance with giant trophy cup.”

Although I might remember our private cemetery plot as the farmhouse had one that was located on the acre property.”

Emily and her mother continued their horseback trail riding with attempting to have their moments together reconnecting with each other and sharing their time together.

“We should be on our way home to Grandma’s house or before it gets dusk outside since I totally forgot the way back to your mom and dad’s farmhouse/stable in time for dinner to meet my boyfriend who should be on its way since there was escort sent out for him coming to visit me and meeting you.”

"Okay, Lets Go" And they ride back to the House.


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