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The Hurt

Posted on 2023, Mon Sep 11th, @ 11:27am by Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé

229 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: Medical Bay
Timeline: Present

Doctor Matthews was working in sickbay he didn't know there was a medical emergency. But he heard phaser fire on board wondering what is going on.

Commander Reneé stumbles in after being ordered to go to medical, still holding his chest he calls out for a Dr with the pain being too much he drops to his knees.

"Commander what is the medical emergency?" He asked. Then looks at him and is like "Commander please come to biobed 4." He asked the commander to do that and have help by the doctor.

He does as he's told, Reneé says I've been hit by phaser from enemy on ship.... he's gotten away.

"Enemy on board? Here on the Halo?" He said.

Reneé nods, I was right behind him but he shot me in the chest. The Capt and Admiral are already on it as this person took an unauthorized pod.

"What pod?" As he ask curiously.

I don't know exactly but when I stumbled into the bridge, he was turning to us arming his weapons.

Doc please help me so I can get back to duty and take this pos down said Reneé

"Alright." As Matthews got Renee patched up, he said, "Alright you're all set. Just please be careful."

Aye as he thanks the Dr.

Reneé hustles out and straight to the bridge.

Doctor Matthews goes back to his work.


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