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Filling In Missing Pieces

Posted on 2023, Tue Sep 12th, @ 8:31am by Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway & Commodore Emily Janeway
Edited on on 2023, Wed Sep 13th, @ 10:12am

1,141 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)OUTPOST
Location: amusement park/carnival
Timeline: Current

After they arrived at the Carnival it was full of Kids. They did take looks at them as they walked to the Ferris wheel, Only cause Kathryn had opted to keep her Starfleet Uniform on.

After they went to the Ferris wheel and then they went to go look for more amusement rides to continue with their small time they had to only could part take in, they had decided to go riding on the aggressive thrill rides that were at the amusement park since the amusement park was a family orientated and operated family park, Janeway checked her book bag she had brought into the amusement park with her daughter like her spare clothes that she could change out of her own uniform for one day. As well as change her footwear some sneakers and roller coasters don’t allow high heels.

"I miss doing these things....But do need to tell you something through" Kathryn stopped and turned to Emily.

Emily stopped fast walking to catch up with the waiting crowd for one of the wooden roller coasters in the area where she and her mother were staying for an brief period before they were to board their coaster ride train to to ride reapers revenge, the ultimate top ride of the earth, Emily asks whispering “ whispering to to her mother” did I do something wrong? Am I in trouble? I hope I didn’t ruin something , happen is something I can’t control.” Emily just waited patiently until Kathryn was ready to give her daughter a chance to respond

"No it’s nothing you did....I am Going to retire next Month after figuring out the New Sector." Emily felt speechless, and still on sure what to speak, they were getting ready to board their roller coaster ride biggest one in amusement park

“ but wait no that’s not good. That means you won’t have contact with me at all or how we can keep in touch with each other because you’ll be not in communications when my ship is in a sector to send slipstream messages.”

Emily showed scared face emotion, and she breaks down in tears when her mother tells her the news about her retirement from her career as a Starfleet, an Admiral. “ that means I’ll lose you over again, and you’re going to abandon me.” Don’t let that happen again please?” let’s go before we lose our chance to ride this roller coaster’s like there’s 15 of them, and try to make use of our three day hiatus, gather, knowing I won’t see you again once I start my captain job."

"I won't leave you, I will stay for another year before I leave only because we have one year left till we have Finished our Mission as a Full Circle"

Emily still in shock after hearing the words from her mother while they were waiting inside the roller coaster’s cart to begin the ride with their big ascend then riding on tracks twisted into carved sharp turns into steep slopes that stretch across the tracks alongside the amusement park’s.

After the First ride, THey got something to eat. Elephant Ears to be precise. "So, Emily, Have you checked out your ship?"

“ Yes I did checked out my ship it’s not as big as yours but it’s still shaped like yours though it’s definitely designed a whole lot different than yours.”,” it’s still missing things I liked to adding on onto the ship but so missing things.” doesn’t have the recon all-wheel assault vehicle for the ground forces mission/patrol/escort/ exploration missions with it’s heavy artillery tank combat capabilities.” I was thinking afterwards we go back to Bloomington Indiana visit grandma’ farm stables for dinner tonight.”

"Not the same size? Really? That's not good, So Voyager might be the last of her class.. And yes we can head to Grandmas after this"

“ yes ma it’s still not like voyager if you have received the specs from the admiral,..but i guess it will be great a vessel for me to be captain of that ship and I’ll be shore to carry on our janeway last name tradition… if you still think of something else that needs to be changed on my vessel then please do that for me, he didn’t answer my question, “ what would you have done me if you had received the news from Star fleet that I was was injured or unconscious from unknowingly person or something unknown cause that occurred in the accident?” I don’t even expects that my Co on the uss. Albion was capable of taking action at the time on Hydra Gamma IV and the mission after on the Starbase was in the sector. “ let’s go to visit grandma’s farm and house for dinner and then we’ll go to the barn to see my horse and all the animals.” Do you still think that the vessel I have will be good enough for me it’s seems like it looks like voyager’s cousin

"I would have hauled ass back to Earth and Took the Investigation to find your attacker, That's what I would have done" Emily just seems to enjoying the fun memories of the moment with her mother.

“ You do realize that there’s definitely something that you could do about it for me or something.” It’s not a closed case “ “ I just don’t want to go losing you again against fate or unexpected consequences or unexpected events that will happen again when I start my voyage missions onto unknown space with the USS. intrepid , the individual assassin was named As the Reaper."

"I will have Chakotay take the Protostar and hunt for them"

“Good mom do you think the intrepid is gonna be good fit for me as my first Command vessel ?” “ are you positive that you are going have Confidence in Chakotay that he will be able to do the manhunt for the alleged assassin besides reaper’s name the reaper behind or the only way to find out who is responsible for attempting to eliminate me. Also are we still ready to leave the amusement park Emily said still waiting for her mother’s response and she is currently holding a stuffed black horse from a carnival game that they have won together a big cuddly enough for her daughter’s bed to remember the times with her mother. “Are you ready to go to the farm at Grandma’s?”

"Chakotay is more than capable to take on the hunt. Hes in command of one of the Baddest ships ever put into service besides the Odyssey class" She waited a few moments and Nodded. "all Ready"


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