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The Chase

Posted on 2023, Tue Sep 12th, @ 9:45am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese & Captain Logan Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé

617 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: Bridge-Deck 1-USS HALO
Timeline: Current

The Admiral comes out of his ready room. "Shields Up! All Hands Battlestations!" He takes his spot at the Center chair. "Helm, Bring us with weapons range"

"Yes Sir" The View Screen shifted as the Halo turned around to get into weapons range. "Computer, What type of shuttle is it."

"Class 6 SEC/TAC Grade Dunnabe Runabout" It stated

"Great, Captain your On Tactical till Mr. Renee arrives"

The Ship was still turning around arming its weapons to stop the Shuttle.

Moments later Reneé comes stumbling in holding his chest as the phaser shot stunned him, he sees the admiral and apologized for letting the person get away.

"Commander your Hurt, Medical Now, And thats a order"

Aye sir, Reneé gets on the turbo lift and goes right to medical to be treated.


The Admiral watched as the ship still moved into its position to take some sort of action to stop the Shuttle. He looked over to the Captain who was manning Tactical. "Captain target to disable".

"Yes sir. Phasers on target sir" he fires the phasers and disables the vessel. "Shuttle disabled sir." He said.

Then Alerts sounded a s a Klingon Cargo Vessel Uncloak. Weapons Armed.

"Sir. It's a Klingon Cargo Vessel. Phasers are on target sir." Captain Reese said.

The Admiral stood as the comm station beep with an Incoming Hail. "ON Screen"

A Hologram of a Klingon appeared right in front of the Admiral.

"Klingon Vessel, You have No Rights to Arm Weapons inside FEDERATION Space and on a STARFLEET Vessel, As of now I can Spot two Treaties you have broken, Drop your shields and lower weapons And Prepare to boarded, and I will let that two Treaties broken slide, And You are to help us Capture that shuttle who is wanted for a Crime."

The Klingon looked on in disgust and said. "'NGOQVAMMO' CHA'MAJ NEHTAHGHACHMAJ! NGOQVAM WISUVTAHVIS, QASPU'" then he appeared off screen.

Then more alerts sounded at Tactical as the Klingon Ship started to fire at the Halo. "Tactical, Fire At Will! Helm Attack Pattern Echo 6!"

Reese fires weapons and continues to fire.

But Then the Ship Warps away with the Attackers shuttle in its Shuttle bay!

"DAMN IT!" Townsend yelled! He turns to Logan. "Track the Shuttle"

"Yes sir." As he was tracking the shuttle he noticed something. "Sir. You might want to look at this sir."

The Admiral walks over to Tactical. "Where are they?"

"Sir. They aren't even in any system we know. They are to long distance. It's hard to track"

"Did they turn off the Shuttle Transponder?" The Admiral asked as he went and Took over the Science Station.

"Yes they did. Surprisingly, I don't know what they were thinking." Captain Reese said.

"Well Admiral." Admiral Malcolm Reese started to say something. "Maybe they did it cause they didn't want to be followed or tracked." He added.

The Admiral sighed and took his spot in the Command Chair.

The captain stepped away from tactical and came to the admiral. "sir. I apologize." He said.

Reneé finally walked onto the bridge

"Apologize for what Captain? You Did your Job, and we all make mistakes, Take your Seat, We are going to be Searching for a while"

Reneé takes is post but keeps quiet as he's disappointed in himself that he let this person escape.

"Reneé, Do deep space scans and look for any signs of the shuttle or even the Klingon Vessel"

Aye sir, Reneé starts scanning deep space scans

A few minutes later, sir I have something says Reneé I'm picking up a shuttle. It's located in the Klingon neutral zone.

"Helm Set Course For The Neutral Zone, Maximum Warp"


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