

Posted on 2024, Wed Oct 16th, @ 9:59am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commodore Emily Janeway & Captain Selk & Commander MOO Richardson IX & Commander Ardon Devasia & Ensign Sidney La Forge

1,271 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Road To Recovery
Location: Gorn Homeworld
Timeline: 7 Days after Baptism By Fire
Tags: Evac, Mission, Baptism By Fire, Evacuation Mission

USS Voyager, Enterprise, and Halo ----- Location: Gorn

Voyager and Enterprise were entering the planetary atmosphere. Heading towards some positions where flares were fired. The Gorn approached as well but were behind the Voyager's as well as Enterprise's ETA.

Ardon had spent the morning hunting an eight legged well finned sea turtle he had captured. the creatures was over 50 kilos and he was hiking back to the cave slowly. when he suddenly heard a sonic boom. He looked up but couldn't see anything as the fog was starting to role in.

He tapped his communicator.

=/\= This is Dr. Ardon Devasia formerly of the Federation Starship USS Resolute, Mayday Mayday Maday=/\=

He continued slogging his way to the cave with his turtle.

"Gentlemen I have dinner, lets get the fire going" Ardon said

Commander Selk smiled at the doctor and said. "yes we must." Said the commander to the doctor. Realizing that survival is the best way until you pick up.

"I also found some tubers for you Mr. Selk, and something similar to spinach." The Doctor said.

The USS Voyager wasted no time after picking up an emergency signal from survivors who had activated distress flares. Commodore Janeway took charge and, from the bridge, intercepted a weak distress call from the survivors of the USS Resolute. The communications officer informed Janeway that they could only transmit a faint audio signal that wouldn't be detected by enemy vessels. Janeway nodded and responded, =/\= USS Voyager to any surviving crew of the Resolute; this Commodore Emily Janeway speaking to on a secure communication channel that We're sending out shuttlecrafts immediately to assist with the evacuation =/\= Janeway stayed in close contact with the former crewmembers of the USS Resolute, coordinating the rescue efforts.

Commander Selk then tapped his combadge. =/\= Voyager. It's good to see you. Thanks for the pick up. We're ready whenever you're ready to pick us up. =/\= he said to the Commodore. With him being sure that him and the crew of the Resolute will be able to get off this god awful planet. Himself and the surviving crew of the Resolute soon later will get off of it and hopefully a new home for themselves when they return home.

Commodore Janeway carefully listened to the ship’s ops station with subspace Transmission audio, saying, =/\=“Understood, you’re welcome, Commander. I recommend that we stay in contact throughout the evacuation process. I'll dispatch 50 of my Voyager shuttles to your location, as we have already received mapped areas from the distress flares on the planet for us to begin proper assistance with the evacuation. Voyager has been orbiting above the planetary perimeter since we arrived ahead of our ETA. Do you understand, Commander Selk?”=/\=

While the crew members of the Voyager stayed in direct communication with the crew of the Resolute, Commodore Janeway swiftly organized a team to gather 50 shuttle pilots. Their mission: to swiftly travel to the planet's surface and rescue the stranded crew of the Federation starship, the Resolute.

The USS Halo, barrels through space at high warp, its sleek, angular hull cutting through the stars like a knife. As it approaches Gorn territory, the glow of its warp nacelles burns bright blue, leaving a shimmering trail in its wake. The Halo’s reinforced frame is designed for tactical superiority, with advanced deflector shields and cutting-edge weapons arrays lining its sharp, battle-ready structure.

Dropping out of warp, the Halo is met with the wreckage of the USS Resolute, now a scattered, burning mass of debris—its destruction complete. Nearby, the USS Voyager hovers, battered but still operational, its shields flickering, but its hull largely intact. The Halo quickly locks onto Voyager's position, ready to reinforce its defense and secure the area.

Admiral Chris Townsend’s face suddenly appears on the viewscreen, his voice cutting through the tension. "Voyager, this is Admiral Townsend. I see you've taken some hits, but you’re holding strong. Halo’s here to provide cover. Focus on restoring full operational status and be ready for further action."

It took several hours for the shuttles to get there an pick us up, there must have been too much interference for transporters., however everyone was well fed. Ardon decided to take the shell from one of the turtles that had eaten. He would make something out of it, as a remembrance. At the very least it would make a good conversational peace that they survived on a Gorn world for three weeks after there ship had been destroyed. Once the shuttles finally arrived the officers helped the enlisted to there ships got everyone loaded, especially Mr. Selk he seemed to take personal responsibility for all of us. Ardon felt the lift off and soon they were in orbit approaching a Federation startship, the configuration of which he had never seen. This wasn't Voyager, it was the USS Halo. Ardon formed up with what was left of the crew an waited for instructions. There were only 69 out of a crew of 450. The battle had certainly taken its toll. Ardon soon found out the Captain didn't make it. He must have gone down with the ship.

In the last few hours, the USS Voyager has been working to restore its full operational status after receiving orders from the USS Halo. Admiral Chris Townsend instructed Voyager to be ready for action and provide any necessary support. Commodore Janeway, who was mourning the loss of a crew member, continued with rescue efforts to locate and transfer any remaining crew from the Resolute to her ship. Janeway took it upon herself to use a shuttlecraft to reach the planet's surface. After Vanessa's loss, she also recognized the need for a new executive officer. Despite her grief, Janeway focused on her duty, hoping to build a better future despite the physical and emotional healing process still needed. She was determined to rebuild Voyager's legacy despite the attempts to save as many lives during the battle of the Gorn, aiming for Voyager to be acknowledged as a heroic ship of the Federation under her command.

Halo Ready Room

"Well, After the current Events, And Our efforts to find her, It is sad to say, Captain Eris Talon, is dead, We have scanned the entire crash site, and around, there's no sign, As of now, All Resolute Crew are being reassigned. Any questions?" Townsend asked at the end.

"Yes Sir, I am Dr Ardon Devasia, How long will the reassignments take and where do we go from here, Sir?"

"It won't take long, W just had a CMO spot open up on the Halo, You Interested? The Med bay is a lot different compared the the Resolute." Townsend asked the Doc.

I'm sure I will fit right in, Sir. Ardon said.

MOO (pronounced Moe) waited until he had a break in the conversation, then said, "I, was previously the Tactical Officer on the USS Resolute. I have yet to receive orders." Looking down at his almost-healed leg, he said, "I hope to receive my fit for full duty from Medical tomorrow. Where will I be sent?"

¨Üp to you, Either gonna be Halo or Voyager," Townsend Replied.

Moo smiled then said, "USS Halo, for now, until it crashes, or gets blown up... I seem to attract bad landings!"

"Funny" Townsend replied.

Commodore Janeway continues to fly her own shuttle to go search for her own new crewmates. any of the remaining crew members Voyager, even though, she is ordered herself bringing back the dead body bodies for the admiral to sort out the burials of the fallen from the resolution



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