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The Hunt

Posted on 2023, Fri Sep 8th, @ 9:53am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Captain Logan Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé

410 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: Deck 10- Shuttle Bay 1

Just before leaving Reneé took Reese aside and gave a formal apology, he explained this was his first real mission and he shouldn't be doubting anybody unless otherwise.

Reese went ahead and accepted the apology and allowed him to do what he needs to do and Reese does the same.

Before Renee' takes his team he asks Reese to check the closest security cameras to where the incident happened to see if the person of interest walked by

then Renee' takes his team and starts doing sweeps in teams of 2 as they can get around faster.

=/\= Commander this is Captain Reese. I've looked at the closest security cameras but I'm not receiving anything in that corridor. Somehow, they were able to disable it. =/\=

Then the officer to the left dropped to the ground dead as a phaser shot hit him in the chest, took more shots dropping another Officer then took off running.

=/\= damn, I will check all areas of interest. =/\=

As they begun the search the Traitor Officer was hiding, then as they came around the corner, Another officer dropped to the ground and he ran again, this time to the Shuttle bay.

As the officer was hit, Reneé pulled his phaser and took a shot but missed.

Jason took chase, as he's running =/\= Capt Reese I'm in pursuit of the assailant =/\=

Reneé is finally catching up to this person when bam Jason goes down from a phaser shot to the chest.

=/\= Copy Commander. Keep me inform and I'll meet you in the section. =/\=

Then the Killer steals a shuttle and Leaves. As the computer Reacts to the UnClear shuttle departure. "Uncleared Departure Deck 10"


The Admiral comes out of his ready room. "Shields Up! All Hands Battlestations!" He takes his spot at the Center chair. "Helm, Bring us with weapons range"

"Yes Sir" The View Screen shifted as the Halo turned around to get into weapons range. "Computer, What type of shuttle is it."

"Class 6 SEC/TAC Grade Dunnabe Runabout" It stated

"Great, Captain your On Tactical till Mr. Renee arrives"

The Ship was still turning around arming its weapons to stop the Shuttle.

Moments later Reneé comes stumbling in holding his chest as the phaser shot stunned him, he sees the admiral and apologized for letting the person get away.

"Commander your Hurt, Medical Now, And thats a order"

Aye sir, Reneé gets on the turbo lift and goes right to medical to be treated.


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