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Kane's Replacement On Voyager.

Posted on 2024, Wed Aug 28th, @ 10:50pm by Commodore Emily Janeway & Commander Vanessa Shepard 's

1,252 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Revenge Of Group Omega
Location: Med Bay
Timeline: 2 hours after Janeway went to Sickbay/Bio containment
Tags: Voyager, Reassignment, Meeting, Promotion, Medical bay. Vanessa, Janeway

The newly assigned Marine Commander and Executive First Officer checked on Janeway. She wore a mini-skirted classical uniform with the Starfleet badge on her chest. She wore no boots and lacked a tail, unlike other Caitians. Walking down the corridor, she could only close her eyes as she remembered how she got there—phasers and screams echoing in her memories. A sadness and shattered spirit were behind her emerald eyes. They were remembering all her pains and just how alone she was—being nearly the sole survivor of a Gorn slave camp.

Regrettably, she knew she would replace another and face a Captain who barely knew her. A Captain whom she wasn't sure she was worthy of being under. Her eyes clenched tightly as she placed her hand at the edge of the door. Looking down, wondering what she could say. Possibly do to earn the faith and trust of this Captain. Phasers fire, still ringing as a phantom to her ears in her memories. It fires all around her, being in the flesh-tainted caves again. Her hand shaking as she glided it toward the door button. Her hand shaking as she finally opened her eyes and opened the door. Remembering and at first, it's as if she saw her old closest friend, nearly lover, wounded, weak, and dying, But she would shake her head, pushing those flashbacks away.

"Captain, given your current situation, you probably weren't expecting me. I was shipped out not too long ago and assigned to the Voyager as your Executive First Officer and Marine Commander. I am Vanessa Shepard. I came here as soon as I heard you were injured, knowing I couldn't forgive myself if I waited much longer to see you."

Janeway lay on a medical bed, appearing somewhat lifeless. She had several monitors and medical devices attached to her bare chest, with only a thin sheet covering her. The doctor had already checked her heart with a stethoscope. Janeway's heartbeat was weak, and her condition hadn't improved in the last few hours since she was brought into sick bay. “ Welcome to my ship, Vanessa. I thought you were my handsome prince, Kane.” Janeway struggled to speak before green liquid gurgled from her mouth.

"Apologies, Captain, I'm afraid I am no prince in shining armor. I heard of your condition. I'm sorry for what happened and that I wasn't there. Perhaps then it could have been me in the medical bay instead of you." *She averted her eyes from the Captain, not wanting admire her figure. For she was a taken woman, and Amelia didn't wish to step on any toes.*

Janeway's eyes were pale from her illness and from the poisoning as she gazed at the new crewman who had come to visit her in the medical bay. "I understand, commander. I only wish to that I could give you a handshake to give you a proper greeting." she learned that Kane was not able to meet with her since she had collapsed suddenly and nearly died hours ago due to the unknown poisoning.

"That's alright Captain, another time. I heard what happened how you got here..I came to notify you as well there's been a development in the investigation aside from checking in on you. Some of the suspects were murdered, people Starfleet was investigating. Whoever wanted you dead wanted no loose ends." She showed her a data pad as she sat at the edge of the bed so she could see it better.

Janeway appeared baffled upon waking from her sedated sleep, questioning, "Somebody wanted me dead?" Dr. Grace had administered the sedative hours earlier. Janeway couldn’t move around much since she’s in the bio containment.

"I believe someone might have tried to kill you to get to your mother. Or perhaps they are trying to cause a unrest within Starfleet. But those who attempted are long dead. We will need to keep a closer eye on you. I advise more ship security details."

Janeway said, "Perhaps that's a possibility, but to be sure add more security detail, perhaps the assassin put toxin in my tea last time while I was drinking with Kane in the crew lounge before I collapsed. It was hemlock, deadly nightshade, and some plants from the planet the assassin got it from. They gave it to the waiter to poison me or something like that," Janeway spoke with a small coughing .

"I'm sorry Captain, I can't imagine anyone that would want to kill one so beautiful..Apologies I overstep, I wouldn't want to make you..Uncomfortable given your current condition. Been in this position before with another woman, she looked nearly as you do. Had no one to be at her side, as the world seemed to crumble and collapse around us. On that day I lost them, I saw my future of a wife and children vanish in the blink of an eye. I don't want to lose my captain in the same way." Vanessa looked down as she placed her hand on Janeway's wrist.

As Janeway gently held Vanessa's hand, her own hand trembled slightly. The medical staff had finally helped Janeway sit up in bed, after she had been lying down for the past half hour and was nearly at death's door. Despite her condition, Janeway held onto Vanessa's hand tightly and turned her head to smile and say, "Today's a good chance for us to get to know each other. I appreciate the compliment. Honestly, I am very sorry for the loss of your future wife and child, and I am beautiful. I am surprised that some people could glimpse my stunning physical characteristics.”

"Even wounded and in your current condition you demonstrate just how strong your are. That shows me just how beautiful you are beyond the physical. I admire you, not because you're alluring, but because of your heart. I'm honored to serve under one such as yourself. We are lucky, the universe would be rather without you in it." She kissed he palm of her hand."

While talking, Commodore Janeway smiled at Vanessa and said, "Thank you for visiting me today. I look forward to working together on our ship and the command bridge deck. I'm still suffering from the effects of an unknown, dangerous poison. As my new Executive Officer, please take good care of yourself and the ship, as I'm not sure how long it will be before I can resume my duties as a captain." Janeway's strength to stay awake was wearing thin and beginning to fade. Suddenly, she asphyxiate on an unidentified sickly acidic black bloody substance , which continued to leaking from her mouth she tries to make sure a lot fluid not drip all over Vanessa.

She used a strip of cloth to wipe her mouth. Planting a kiss on her forehead before leaning back again. "Get well soon captain, I'll see you aboard the bridge. I was only assigned recently as they ship us out soon. I look forward to seeing you again.." *She held her hand for a moment before finally leaving her to rest. Her hips swaying as she headed out the door. Vanessa was soon gone from her sight but the lip stick stained her Captain's forehead.

After Vanessa left the room, Janeway smiled as she succumbed to drowsiness caused by the unidentified poisoning. It still affected her physically, dampening her spirits, but the visit lifted her mood. Feeling delighted, she lay back on the hospital bed pillowcase.


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