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Getting to know the ship

Posted on 2023, Thu Aug 24th, @ 10:22pm by Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé

143 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)
Location: Personal quarters
Timeline: Current

It's been a long day, meeting the Admiral and getting my personal belongings into my quarters so for now I'll just rest.

Next day: Jason woke feeling ready and wanting to get things done, he does his normal routine like he did back home. With a fresh uniform on Reneé leaves and starts walking around starting off with the bridge, it takes s bit but he eventually gets there (it's a maze in here) Jason thought to himself.

on the bridge: Jason walks onto the bridge and is amazed at how big it is, walking around looking at everything he finds the spot he would be at. After spending some time on the bridge Jason leaves and keeps exploring finding different areas including the engine room.

Taking his time Reneé eventually goes back to his quarters to relax and maybe read a book.


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