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Getting Caught Up

Posted on 2024, Wed Aug 14th, @ 8:27am by Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell & Lieutenant Colonel Kane

682 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Welcome To Hell(Outpost/Janeway)
Location: USS Intrepid - Executive Officer's Office
Timeline: Janeway in Bio-Containment

The USS Intrepid's XO office was sleek and modern, its large viewport offering a glimpse of the stars outside. Lt. Colonel Kane, the acting First Officer, sat at his desk, his brow furrowed in thought. He had been kept in the dark about General Janeway's recent assignment, only informed that she was currently in Bio Containment due to a medical concern. As he sifted through reports, a priority message from Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell appeared on his terminal, the Admiral's expression serious.

"Kane," Admiral Lovell began, his tone conveying the gravity of the situation, "I understand you’ve been handling things aboard the Intrepid while General Janeway is in Bio Containment." Kane immediately stood, offering a crisp salute. "Yes, Admiral. I was told it was a precautionary measure due to a medical issue, but I've received no further details." The Admiral nodded, his tone grave as he explained, "That’s because the mission she’s been assigned is classified at the highest level. You need to be brought up to speed now, Kane, as it directly affects the ship and your duties."

Kane straightened, his expression serious as he absorbed the Admiral's words. "Understood, Admiral. What’s the situation?" The Admiral's response was direct and urgent: "General Janeway has been tasked with a critical mission on Cardassia. Her objective is to retrieve highly sensitive information that was stolen by the Cardassian government. This intel is vital, Kane—it could compromise Starfleet's security and our alliances if it falls into the wrong hands." Kane, surprised by the gravity of the mission, quickly regained his composure. "Cardassia... and this is why she’s in Bio Containment?"

Lovell confirmed his suspicions. "Yes. Cardassia's environment is harsh, with unique pathogens that pose a serious risk. The Bio Containment is a precaution to ensure she's fully prepared for the conditions there. However, that’s not the only challenge." Kane leaned in, realizing there was more at stake. "What else is she facing?" The Admiral's expression grew steely as he revealed the additional complication. "She’ll need to negotiate an alliance with a group of space pirates. These aren’t your average raiders—they hold a deep grudge against Starfleet. Gaining their trust is essential, but it won’t be easy. The success of the mission hinges on this alliance."

Kane frowned, understanding the precariousness of the situation. "And if she can’t secure their cooperation?" Lovell's voice was firm as he outlined the potential consequences. "If the pirates don’t cooperate, the mission will be compromised, and we’ll have to consider more drastic measures. That’s why Janeway needs every advantage we can give her." Kane, fully aware of the stakes now, asked, "What are our current orders, Admiral?" Lovell instructed him to ensure the Intrepid was ready to provide any necessary backup and to stay on high alert. "Your primary role is to support the mission from here. Stay on high alert—if things go wrong, we may need to act fast."

Determined, Kane nodded. "We’ll be ready, Admiral. I’ll ensure the crew is prepped for any eventuality." The Admiral concluded the briefing with a final word of caution. "Good. I’ll keep you updated as more information becomes available. And Kane—General Janeway is one of our best. But she’s walking into a hornet's nest. Stay sharp." Kane saluted once more, his resolve firm. "Aye, Admiral. We won’t let her down."

As the transmission ended, the screen went dark, leaving Kane to process the briefing. The weight of the mission was now fully apparent. He glanced out at the stars, knowing that the fate of the mission—and perhaps much more—could depend on the decisions made in the coming days.

=/\=All Senior Staff Please Report Ready Room, Karry to La Forge, You Too Please=/\=


Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell
Commander In Cheif, Star Fleet

NPC Lieutenant Colonel Kane
Acting First Officer, USS Intrepid


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