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New Damage Control For Not So Much Damage

Posted on 2024, Thu Aug 15th, @ 6:55pm by Lieutenant Commander Jim Karry & Crewman La Forge

626 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Welcome To Hell(Outpost/Janeway)
Location: Intrepid Main Engieering
Timeline: Janeway preparing to leave for Cardassia

Karry has just got back from a big lunch, Which was something he did not need, He went to walk into his office and noticed a new pearson. Women, Engineering? Unknown. "Hello, Major Karry Chief Engineer, Can I help you

Shortly after she landed on the Intrepid on her old retrofitted Type 7 shuttlecraft from the Enterprise Delta. She was instructed to report to the Chief Engineer, after they triple checked her Orders. She noticed the various looks she was getting in her transit from the Main Shuttlebay to Main Engineering. Once she entered Engineer she noticed the man that she was looking for. She used her Advanced optics to scan the man before she answered. "La Forge, designation Private 1st class, Engineering Department, sub-section Damage Control." She said.

Karry jumped back. "Borg" He mumbled under his breath. "Hello, La Forge, Welcome to my babys heart, So Damage Control Huh? Sounds like a fun and boring job in one!" Karry smiled and laughed

"Yes sir, I am a Borg, from the Hugh Collective." La Forge stated. "I was assigned to Damage Control, due to many refuse to work with me. This is due to fear of assimilation."

"Nah! I don't care, You try to do anything like that, I would just let it happen, I have seen it all" Karry replied with more laughter.

La Forge was confused by the Chief Engineering. "You might not have that fear, but I know you can't answer for the others on this ship."

"I have no fear Lady! I am a Marine for godsakes, I have ripped the heads of guys twice my size!" Karry then started to walk around the warp core.

La Forge scanned the man. "Sir you don't have the muscle mass for such a feat." She stated following the man. "To inform you that I have a retrofitted Type 7 shuttlecraft from the Enterprise Delta in the main shuttlebay. I have my Regeneration Alcoves there."

"Type 7? Didn't know we had that one on the Intrepid, I will need to head down there to make sure everything's aline and not messing with the shuttles main power conduits" Karry picked a PADD up and begin to shift through some reports

"Sir the primary systems have been upgraded using Borg Technologies, which are slight more advanced then the timeframe the Enterprise Delta was upon my homeworld." La Forge stated.

"Interesting, Could I take a look some time? Just as a Second Eye?" Karry stopped and looked up to La Forge

"I have been informed by Starfleet Command that any inspections will be allowed." La Forge said. "That is one of my conditions for service."

"Could I see that report?" Karry asked.

"Yes sir." La Forge said as she pulled out a Borgified Federation PaDD. "This PaDD contains all the Standing Orders and Conditions that I must obey. It also contains the full load out of my shuttle and even my own unique systems."

Karry took the PADD. And quickly skimmed through it. Just as he went to speak. The Ships inter comms spoke.

=/\=All Senior Staff Please Report Ready Room, Karry to La Forge, You Too Please=/\=

La Forge tilted her head in confusion. "Sir, why am I being summoned with all Senior Staff?" She asked Karry

"To be truthful, I don't know, Lets find out shall we?" Karry asked

"Yes sir." La Forge simply said as she was still confused. Perhaps some of the other Senor Staff know the reason for her summons."

NPC Major Jim Karry
Chief Engineering Officer, USS Intrepid

Private 1st Class La Forge
Damage Control Officer, USS Intrepid


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