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On Death’s doors Memento Mori ?

Posted on 2024, Sat Aug 24th, @ 1:34pm by Commodore Emily Janeway & Lieutenant Colonel Kane & Lieutenant Commander Grace Johnsen
Edited on on 2024, Mon Aug 26th, @ 11:08am

1,209 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Revenge Of Group Omega
Location: Intrepid Medical Bay - Intrepid Docked At Star Base 113
Timeline: Halo Enroute Back to Star Base 113

------------------- Medical Bay - Deck -------------------

General Janeway and Kane were engaged in a meaningful discussion in the crew lounge when Janeway suddenly experienced a medical emergency. Kane swiftly carried Janeway's limp body to the medical bay, where the medical staff immediately sprang into action to provide urgent assistance. Without hesitation, Kane stepped away from Janeway's unresponsive body on a meticulously prepared medical bed and worked to save Janeway's life in this crucial situation.

Despite Brigadier General Janeway's drained body's challenges, the medical team worked diligently to stabilize her condition. They implemented various methods and intense procedures to restore Janeway's cybernetic heart.

General Janeway was positioned on the medical bed, with a variety of instruments and EKG electrodes attached to her body to keep track of her vital signs. The chief medical officer, together with the medical team, endeavored to resuscitate the Brigadier General by administering electric shocks from a cardiovascular chest stimulator.

The display monitors above Janeway's medical bed showed conflicting results. A series of test results of Janeway’s blood revealed the presence of dangerous chemicals that had caused rapid decay inside Janeway’s cybernetic cortex, which is connected to her heart’s hardware system through Janeway’s blood vessels and resulted in heavy bleeding from her mouth and other parts of Janeway’s body.

Grace was pissed; it would seem this new assignment had some deadly consequences. "Get her to Bio Containment, and Find me a damn reverse pathogen that works, and Someone needs to get back to Command them that someone has injected the general with poisonous chems."

The nurse nodded. "Yes Mam"

Kane looked to the CMO. "I will send a message to Command and Learn of our mission. Our Current XO has been relieved, and the investigation is pending, so I am acting as First Officer until further notice."

Grace shook her head. "What a Convenience; CO is poison, XO is Relieved of duty pending investigation, and Our New Mission is unknown; how fucking worse can this get!" She grabbed a PADD and raced to help get Janeway into the Bio-Containment.
Kane observed Janeway's unresponsive body as she lay on the medical bed for a little longer.
He then fled the medical bay to get everything underway.

------------------- 1 Hour Later -------------------

General Janeway is currently stable but in a medical biocontainment. Despite resuscitation efforts, the toxicity is still spreading through her body, affecting her heart. She suddenly collapsed at a restaurant and was subsequently taken to sickbay, where she remains stable. She is conscious and able to walk and talk, but her condition has not improved significantly.

"Commodore, Lieutenant Commander Grace Johnsen, Your Chief Medical Officer, Would you like your status update on what we have done?

General Janeway wakes up still lying in the medical bed with wired electrodes attached to her body while she is still wearing on her own body a medical gown with a sickly complexion. She is trying to stay focused while speaking with her chief medical officer, Colonel Johnsen. "Can you please give me a status update on my current condition? Also, how long was I almost pronounced dead? "Why did you contain me in a biocontainment?" Janeway asked Johnsen.

"Safety Precaution General, Didn't know what's harming you, I'm sorry about that, " Johnsen replied

General Janeway exhibited signs of sudden onset dysphagia, manifesting as severe coughing and discomfort.

Janeway was able to get some air back into her lungs, sickly wheezing exhaled, and she began gasping for oxygen as a mixture of vomiting all over her medical gown.

Janeway attempted to close her eyes as she was sweating profusely, sweat dripping down her forehead. But she couldn't sleep because of the harsh overhead lights flickering sporadically. Eerie shadows danced on the walls. As she spoke to the CMO, "My heart is going to start shutting down again. How long was I in cardiac arrest before you were able to revive me?" the General inquired of Johansen.

"Not long, But enough; Kane is now acting XO. He is getting briefed for our current mission by the CINC."

Janeway replied weakly and asked the Chief Medical Officer, "What's the best course of action? Are alternative treatments my only options? The toxic chemicals from the unknown ingested tea poisoning are already breaking me down; I'm slowly deteriorating from within. Can Kane please visit me when he debriefs the senior staff members?"

"Unknown Commodore, I have reached out to my friends at the Medical outpost that deals with these things, Nothing Yet, yes I will"

"Please, Doctor, ensure my survival on this current mission," pleaded Commodore Janeway. "The poisoning is causing excruciating chest pain and making it difficult for me to breathe." She wearily lowered her head back onto the medical bed's pillowcases, hoping to get some snooze, but it would be unbearable slumber.

"I will, Commodore. Kane will be here soon. Get some rest," Grace told the Commodore. Grace continued her medical examination to check on Janeway’s condition, using stethoscopes to check Janeway’s heart condition.

Janeway slowly closed her eyes and waited for Kane to visit her in the hospital bed, where I was she was kept in a bio-containment unit. She was starting to feel sleepy. "I love you, Kane," she sleepily whispered, as Grane had given Janeway a sedative to help her sleep.

Grace moved to head to her medical office.

By the darkest river, beneath the leafless trees
I think I'm drowning, this dream is killing me
(Wake up, wake up, wake up)
In the coldest winter, between the fading lights
I feel I'm falling into a frozen sky
(Wake up, wake up, wake up)
Past the blackest heaven, above the dying stars
I watch me breaking into a million shards
(Wake up, wake up, wake up)
But through the hardest hour, below the cruelest sign
I know I'm waking up from this wretched lie
(Wake up, wake up)
Wake up
A depression fed by overload
False perceptions, the weight of the world
A universe in the palm of your hand
The artifice of endless strands
Distraction flows down an obsessive stream
Rejection grows into oppressive screams
The hardest hour, the cruelest sign
I'm waking up from this wretched lie
I fight it the same, don't waste this day
Wake up, wake up, wake up
Memento mori
The regression of advancing modes
And Imperial corrosive nodes
A prime directive to disconnect
Reclaim yourself and resurrect
Distraction flows down an obsessive stream
Rejection grows into oppressive screams
The hardest hour, the cruelest sign
I'm waking up from this wretched lie
I fight it the same, don't waste this day
Wake up, wake up, wake up
Memento mori
There's too many choices
And I hear their relentless voices
But you've gotta run them out
Return to now and shut it down
Shut it down
A depression fed by overload
False perceptions, the weight of the world
Because there's too many choices
Gotta kill their relentless voices
I know I'm waking up from this wretched lie
The hardest hour, the cruelest sign
I'm waking up from this wretched lie
I fight it the same, don't waste this day
Wake up, wake up, wake up
Wake up, wake up
Wake up
Memento mori
Memento mori


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