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Posted on 2024, Tue Oct 15th, @ 9:45am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commander Kate Townsend & Lieutenant Commander B'Orak & Lieutenant Aubrie Fox & Lieutenant La'an Hanes & Lieutenant Lillian Hansen & Sergeant Major JB Dersch & Gunnery Sergeant Janet Bruke III & Petty Officer 1st Class Kate Bock & Petty Officer 1st Class Olivia Ponton & Corporal Kate Score & Leela & Commodore Paul Sleeford & Captain John Fitzgerald & Commander Dorna Villersh

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Mission: Road To Recovery
Location: With Independence and Disabled Vessels
Timeline: Current

Bridge - Vector 1 - Deck 1

"Incoming package.." Someone announced. "Package continues information from 5 Cardiassian Vessels. USS Independence. No response from Leela. Package secured under the authority of Star Fleet Marines. Message reads:

Why is Independence visiting known black market centers?
Why is the Independence visiting known body sellers?
Why is the Independence visiting known Slave sellers?
Why is the Independence visiting known Deep Space Cryo Facility full of prisoners with life sentences who are sold for transplantation?
Do you want me to continue to list?

She glanced at the Admiral. "Admiral has possession of files included."

Leela stood from across from Admiral Townsend, her emitter fully charging.

Townsend waited till the marines had secured the lead Cardassian ship then looked to Sleeford. "With me, Comms have the CEO meet in transporter room one"

Handing over to the duty tactical officer Sleeford followed the Admiral out of the bridge into the turbolift.
As the car rode towards the transporter room, Sleeford sent instructions for a couple of rifles, some body armor, and a brace of security officers to meet him in Transporter room one. entering the room slightly after the security detail. Nodding Sleeford took a set of armor and handed it to Townsend. "Better safe than trying to find another Admiral half as decent as the one we have."

"Agreed, Lt.Hanes and Lt. Fox will be coming" Chris replied. Just as he spoke both women entered dressed and ready to go.

Nodding to the two security officers Sleeford smiled slightly as he knew that the admiral had been half a step ahead of him in organizing a detail for protection. He also knew that if the shit hit then Townsend would like him to be in the thick of it.

Slipping his Armor on, Sleeford checked the rifle's charge, nodding he slipped the sling over his arm and waited.

Hanes and Fox walked up to Sleeford. "Commander" Aubrie began. "What's our plan if shit hits the fan?"

Nodding once to Fox, Sleeford turned and looked over his shoulder towards the Admiral. "Get the old man away and out of harm's way. I know it will be a hard fight, but if you have to knock the old coot out first then you have my blessing, I'll take the arse kicking later."

Aubrie nodded. "Understood"

"Commander Villersh, I am gonna want to get access to every database entry on that ship," Townsend told the Chief.

Dorna nodded. "It's what I live for, Admiral." The Tellarite did the equivalent of cracking her knuckles. "Cracking open what's broken and coaxing out answers."

"Captain, You can stay with me once we arrive" Chris told the Captain

He then opened the weapons locker and handed out two weapons to each, A brand new Phase Pistol and a Type III Phaser rifle. "Alright, Command has issued us new Phase Pistols and New Rifles, This is the first mission they will be used on, Any questions?"

Dersch walked in wearing all Marine tactical gear ready to roll.

Sleeford turned the rifle over in his hands, the rumors of the development had been the talk of his OC cadre, several years ago. Changing weapons Sleeford stowed his Mk 2 back in the locker, the armory chief, would track its nonuse place it back in the main armory, and send a scathing memo to Sleeford regarding his tardiness.

Dorna took the weapons with an annoyed grunt and grumble. She put the pistol on her hip and maneuvered the rifle onto a shoulder, making sure she had access to her Engineering Kit also. Lastly, she rolled her shoulders and moved her torso to make sure she had freedom of movement with all the equipment.

Dorna cursed in Tellar, grunts, and minor squeals adding to her annoyance. "I hope you're happy, Admiral. I'm trussed up like your Earth bird you eat on your weird feasting day!"

Dorna then looked around at the assembled personnel, porcine fingers pulling in a "come on" gesture. "Let's go, children. I've left my Lady in the hands of beings who could blast Her into Oblivion with their ineptitude! Don't make me regret this!"

Townsend nodded and the group stepped on the transporter pad. "Energize" The away team disappears in a blue hue only to disappear in the same manner.

A Few minutes after the Away team beamed to Independence, Scanners picked up a cloaked vessel at high warp heading towards Archer.

Fitzgerald turn his head to the beeping console, "Report," he said, turning to the station.

"Security is at all alert sir." Ens Belria said

"Raise shields, do we have any identification of the incoming vessel?" Fitzgerald asked

"No Sir, It seemed of went to Archer"

"Understood. Tactical, Bring the weapons online, keep scanning that vessel, I do not, repeat, DO NOT, want to be caught off guard." John said, "As soon as we have an ID on that ship, I want it immediately."

“Sir, I’m picking up multiple different ships at Archer, on star fleet”

Tag: John

Bridge - Deck 1 - SS Saber

Fox and Hanes took a quick step forward and cleared the bridge. "Clear" Dersch stood and stayed near Townsend.

Stepping after Fox and Hanes, Sleeford scanned the surrounding area, waiting for the admiral and the erasable, engineer to catch up.

Townsend stepped down toward the Helm and Ops console of the Ambassador class. "Marines have already secured everything, Hanes, Dorna head to engineering, Pull all Logs, Paul, Fox, Head to the Brig, Find out who they were holding, Dersch, Stay with me"

Hanes, Fox, and Dersch all nodded.

Dorna grunted her understanding and headed to the door. Grabbing her Tricorder, she raised one arm without breaking stride and did the Tellarite version on a snapping motion and point ahead of her. "Let's go Hanes. This ship can't fix itself...yet..."

Hanes stood close, Ready to move. "Well Chief, Who Knew we would have sneak around on a starfleet ship?"

Dorna shook her head and spoke in her language in frustration, then looked up at Hanes ruefully. "How would I sneak in this getup?" She grumbled, pointing at herself a moment. "I'm a Tellarite to boot. Have YOU seen us sneak?" She shook her head and grumbled again. "In any case, it can always get worse."

Tag: Dorna

Brig - SS Saber

Fox walked slowly down the hall. "What do you think we will find?"

Sleeford smiled slightly. In all his years he'd never felt ill at ease in the security area of a starship, now his flesh crawled, the niggles of something very wrong washed over him, this was a weird sensation, one he instantly disliked.

"Hopefully an empty brig. I'm holding out no hope for that. What ever we find, we'll deal with it like the professionals we are and by that I mean screaming like little girls and running in circles."

Bursting out laughing Sleeford turned to Fox, "To be honest I don't know. Nothing good to be sure"

"Hey, Gotta be honest" Fox replied with a smirk.

Sleeford nodded once and turned the corner, the brig was active, each cell held, well something, approaching slowly he could hear the quite hum of the fields closing each cell. As he closed with the first, the smell that attacked his nostrils was horrendous, a mixture of death and old bodily fluids. Swallowing hard Sleeford stopped and looked past the hazy filed.

The body on the floor had been there a while, four days max. Walking in a circle he checked the remaining six cells, the results where the same.

"Well at least we know what we have here Aubrie. Like i said nothing good. We'd best let the old man know."

"This can't be good...." Fox replied as she looked around.

Tapping his badge Sleeford waited for a second, "Sleeford to Bridge. Admiral, Bad news and slightly less bad news. First bit the brigs clear. Second bit, everyone in the cells is dead and have been for at least four days"

"That's Not Good, See if there's anything else there besides that" Townsend ordered.

Closing the link, Sleeford looked round, finding the control panel he turned off the cell fields, the smell intensified, entering the first cell he squatted to examine the body.

"Phaser blast close range to the left temple. Death instant. This was deliberate. Lets look round the rest of the complex see what we can find"

“This can’t be any good, I will take left” Aubrie told Paul

Nodding once Sleeford took a step to the right and placed his foot against the wall, raising his rifle he slowly walked forward, sweeping the corridor for anything. Reaching a cross hallway, he stared left along the length he could see, knowing Aubrie was doing the same to the right.


"We are clear, Got nothing" Fox replied as she looked around.

Tag: Paul



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