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Gender Reveal

Posted on 2024, Wed Oct 16th, @ 9:59am by Commander Kate Townsend & Commander Ardon Devasia

599 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Road To Recovery
Location: USS Halo Med Bay
Timeline: 6 Hours Before Halo Leaves Earth - After Road to Recovery

Kate has only six hours left before the Halo leaves Earth to head back to SB 113 After the latest mission where the Resolute lost almost all her crew. She wants to find out the gender of her baby and walks into the Medical area. She finds Spade, who is working on some reports, and asks if they can do their 10-week check-up and determine the gender of the baby. "Hey Doc, Could we get a head start our my 10 week check up, and find the gender?"

Hello Kate, do come in, I was just finishing up with this mornings medical reports.

Ardon got up, he was 5'11 and quite a bit older than Kate. He ran a scanner over Kate, who was 25 years old quite ypung for someone of her position. She was 9 weeks and 4 days pregnant.

The chromosomal sex of the embryo is established at fertilization. However, 6 weeks elapse in humans before the first signs of sex differentiation are noticed. Sex differentiation involves a series of events whereby the sexually indifferent gonads and genitalia progressively acquire male or female characteristics. Believed initially to be governed entirely by the presence or absence of the SRY gene on the Y chromosome, gonadal determination has proven to rely on a complex network of genes, whose balanced expression levels either activate the testis pathway and simultaneously repress the ovarian pathway or vice versa. The presence or absence of primordial germ cells, of extragonadal origin, also has a sexually dimorphic relevance. Subsequently, internal and external genitalia will follow the male pathway in the presence of androgens and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), or the female pathway in their absence. Here we review the sexually undifferentiated stage of embryonic development, and the anatomic, histologic, physiologic and molecular aspects of the fetal sexual differentiation of the gonads, the internal reproductive tract and the external genitalia.

"Are you sure you want to know the sex of your child Kate?"

"Yes, Yes I do" Kate took a deep breath, awaiting the word of her new child.

"According to my readings the Androgens and AMH levels are more than sufficient to produce a male child. You are carrying a son, Kate, Congratulations.

Kate took a deep breath. "Well that saves me another teenage girl year" Kate said with a laugh. "Now Chris has got a wish come true" Kate sat up a bit. "Thank you Doctor. Now, To find a creative way to tell Chris...Got any ideas?"

That depends on how intimate you want to be with him. is he a man who appreciates privacy or would a public announcement be better?

"He's both, But depends on time we catch him," Replied Kate.

We could put on the crew rotation list or the promotion list.

"Interesting, Would need some assistants from a Engineer to hide our edit of the documents...Then would ask him how it is going...That sounds like...Wait, What if....We get the crew together, Like they all ignore him for a hour or so, then they all meet in the Officers mess, then the entire crew can help me surprise him?" Suggested Kate. She liked the Doc's idea, But she wanted the crew to be apart of it as well.

"While I am new here such news is a cause for joy and I believe the crew would happily cooperate.

"Well, I will think of some ideas for the crew to help, Shouldn't be too hard" Kate replyied.

"No it shouldn't and I will help where I can." The Doctor said.

"Well I will be in touch" Kate then got up and left.


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