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Two Commanders In a Pod

Posted on 2024, Thu Aug 15th, @ 1:35am by Commander Kate Townsend & Katie Townsend & Commander Raelyn Langley-Hess
Edited on on 2024, Thu Aug 15th, @ 1:35am

368 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Revenge Of Group Omega
Location: Star Base 113
Timeline: Current

Kate had just walked into the Lunch on area and noticed a New person she had yet to meet. She walked up and introduced herself. "Hello, Kate Townsend, And you are?" Katie was there as well.

“Hi.” Raelyn said with a smile. “I am Raekyn Langley-Hess.” She motioned to one of the empty chairs. “Please have a seat.” She was glad that Kate had walked up to her, Raelyn was hoping to start meeting the crew on the base.

Kate sat down and Little Katie sat besides her, "This is my Daugther Katie, And also welcome to the team"

"Thank you." Raelyn looked to her daughter. "it's nice to meet you as well, Katie." Her eyes went back to Kate. "It certainly is busy on this base. I really like it this way."

Katie smiled and pulled out her little game PADD. "Agreed, But soon it will settle down some, Right now everyone is working out kinks, Here and there"

"I like being busy." Raelyn added. "I don't mind having somethings to keep me busy. No one wants to feel like they have nothing to do." She smiled at her. "What do you do on the base?"

"oh, no, I don't work on the Star Base, I am Cheif Couseler on the Halo" Kate replyied.

"I probably should have known that." Raelyn confessed. "I am still learning names and where people serve." She smiled. "I am the Chief Operations officer on 113. My husband serves their as well and we have a young daughter."

"Nice, What your daughter's name?" Kate asked, Katie looked up and had the look of what her age?

"Her name is Ember." Raelyn said with a smile. "She is eighteen months old. She is in to anything and everything. My husband and I probably spoil her more than we should."

"Nice, I am 11 weeks Pregenat now, Chris wanted another Girl, I really don't care if its a boy or girl" Kate replyied.

Commander Kate Townsend
Cheif Counselor, USS Halo

Commander Raelyn Langley-Hess
Cheif Operations Officer, Star Base 113/USS Ross


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