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Am I wrong?

Posted on 2023, Thu Sep 7th, @ 11:41am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Captain Logan Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé

330 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: Security Deck 7
Timeline: Current

"It's true you are the Capt sir" said Reneé "but I am chief of security and it is my job and duty to make sure everyone on this ship is safe calmly" said Reneé.

"What I fail to understand is and I hope I am wrong about this is why would someone want to hurt her" (pointing at the victim on screen) "yes I have made an accusation and I understand it's my word against yours, and you may have your reasons" said Jason as he turns back to the screen.

Jason then proceeds to lean over pressing just a few controls. That should do it thinking to himself as he saves a copy of the video on a micro card then turns back and sits down.

"So are you saying I went and stepped overboard when the Admiral has asked me to take care of it?" He asked Commander Renee.

"He asked both of us sir" stated Reneé. "We can argue or let the admiral decide when he shows up" says Jason.

Just as he finished the Admiral walked onto the Deck.

"Okay whats our status?"

"Well you should see this for yourself" as Reneé has the officer play the security footage of the attack.

After watching the clip. "So we have a Possible Suspect?"

"Aye sir" says Reneé as he looks at the Reese family.

"Get a Security Team ready to go, Commander Get suited up in some light Gear." The Admiral walked over to a weapons locker and handed some phasers to the Security detail.

Aye sir, the chief of security walked into another room and gathered 5 men all in light gear.

Reneé came back with his team suited up and ready. "Sir we are ready to go says Reneé"

"I'll take care of everything else here sir." Reese said.

"Copy That," He pulled the Captain aside, "Do not, On ANY Chances let him get away. Is that Clear?" The Admiral looked seriously.

"Yes sir." He said.


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