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Posted on 2024, Sat Jul 13th, @ 12:23pm by Lieutenant Rachel Kane & Lieutenant Commander Grace Johnsen & Lieutenant Colonel Kane & Commodore Emily Janeway
Edited on on 2024, Sun Jul 14th, @ 3:13am

1,951 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Revenge Of Group Omega
Location: Intrepid CO Office - Star Base 113
Timeline: Halo At Earth for Reprovisons

Kane, a skilled and experienced member of Star Fleet, had recently been reassigned to the USS Intrepid, the first Marine Vessel created since the 2390s. The Intrepid was a state-of-the-art ship equipped with the latest technology and weaponry. It was responsible for carrying out some of the most critical missions undertaken by Star Fleet.

Kane had just arrived at Star Base 113 after a long journey and was eager to get started on his new assignment. After going to the Intrepid's office, he paused momentarily to gather his thoughts before pressing the chime. He could feel his heart pounding excitedly as he waited for someone to answer the door.

Standing there, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and honor to serve on such a prestigious vessel. He knew the challenges ahead would be great, but he was confident that he had the skills and determination to succeed. He couldn't wait to meet his new crewmates and embark on this new adventure.

Brigadier General Janeway works in her office room on the Intrepid vessel. Sitting behind her desk, she hears a chime at the door and takes a deep breath before saying, "Please enter." Despite the interruption, she continues working diligently.

Kane entered and stood ready. "Lt. Colonel Kane Mam, Executive Officer, USS Intrepid"

Brigadier General Janeway, the commanding officer of the USS Intrepid, rose from her desk with a warm smile to welcome Lt. Colonel Mam. "Welcome," she said graciously.

"Thank you, General. Is there anything I should know about this posting?" Kane asked.

“ as of yet, there are no missions at this moment for reassignments for the ship till we get active crew members for the rest of the department of the Intrepid. I am unsure what else to say to you if I have more to say to let you know about the posting.” Janeway retorts to Kane’s question.

Kane nodded. That's an odd way to speak. "Okay, I figured we could do a Joint Meeting with the crew to give them a heads up and let us meet them."

Janeway nodded. Janeway sat back down in her desk chair. “ Agreed. Let’s do that. Have a joint meeting with the crew to give them the heads up, and then let us meet them simultaneously,” Janeway said. “Also, Kane, we are scheduling this meeting with crew mates in one hour,” Janeway said.

"Understood Will Gather them Up," Kane said.

Janeway nodded at Kane's response to her orders to set up the meeting. “Would you like to resume talking together? You are the executive officer of my ship?” Janeway asked Kane.

"It's up to you. I'm about to get a drink. Would you like to join me?" Kane asked. He didn't usually ask Senior Officers for a drink, but this one seemed different from the others, which was good. H, hence he asked.

“I will join you we can continue our conversation over drinks and dinner to go with the drinks,” Janeway said. As she smiled at Kan "Alright, I know a good place to go" Kane replied as he walked to the door.

Janeway started to follow Kane through the door “I can’t wait for this celebration for myself because I have gotten the award for my own long-time deserved Medal of Honor from the Starfleet head of Command from Townsend during the grand opening of the SB 133.” Janeway said to Kane.

"Congrats on the award, I have one or two from my time in the Dominion War," Kane said to Janeway walking towards the elevator to go out to have drinks.

“ thank you so much for your nice compliment,” Janeway tells Kane with a small smile on her face as she presses the button on the elevator to bring a lift to their destination.

As they entered more marines stepped in. It was Colonel Rachel Kane and Colonel Grace Johnson.

"Colonels," Kane said nodding to them.

Janeway nodded to them back with a way of saying to Colonels “ Hello there” as Janeway stood close behind Kane inside the Turbo lift.

The Colonel's nodded. "General, Where may you be off to?" Grace asked.

The General looked up at Grace with a smile on her face as Janeway said “Going with my lieutenant colonel to get drinks with him to celebrate my Medal of Honor .” The General smiled at them.

"Well, I will be joining, Just finished up with Rachel in the Holodeck, We could use a drink" Grace replied who then walked with the Marines.

“Well, we will see you then when you’ve arrived at our destination for the Drinking to get to know each other rest of the marines,” Janeway spoke clearly towards Rachel. Janeway still has been standing in the elevator with Mam only to find herself in confusion feeling as though she realized now she’s not in a normal social environment since everyone is military marines.

Rachel just nodded. She wasn't the type to just talk to the high command.

Emily nodded back at Rachel, but only because Rachel was one of the few who didn't talk with the command higher-ups. Janeway's current state of mental hysteria and needed to speak with her lieutenant colonel urgently. She turned to Mam and told him to wait for their general at the place they were going for drinks and to set the table for their meeting with Rachel and Grace. Janeway ordered him to call her over via com-link intercom so that Janeway to go to the place and rejoin them.

Janeway urgently sprinted back to her own CO office for a brief moment, and she assured her executive officer of the uss-intrepid that she would be back soon., Emily Janeway's interaction with her ship of crew members. honestly, it should be clear to the point where Janeway has been under intense stress with her new rank as Brigadier General attained by Starfleet. She was still perspiring profusely in her duty uniform even her cyber heart implant she had received many years back started to take its toll on herself to keep up with the lifestyle of Starfleet officers.

Kane followed Janeway in. "You Alright?"

Janeway stopped walking to her office but she was weary of trying so hard to find the right words to describe how she was feeling Tell Kane to say “I'm fine Kane don't be worried about me I have been lately uneasy or stressed out onking sure that the ship crew ready for job assignments.” Janeway said. “ I have been not used to social interactions between crewmembers for my military ship. It’s different than regular Federation ship crewmates to be able to socialize with their Captain, I don’t know what to say. I feel lost.” she said.

"It's gonna be alright" He moved closer to Janeway

Janeway gave Kane a small nod to show him that Janeway understood “ make sure nobody spikes my drink during the meeting with new crew members. this is a beautiful ship, but not only our Vessel is beautiful as their own women General.” Janeway said to him.

Kane pretty much fucked his morales. he grabbed Janeway and lightly kissed her. He then pulled back.

After Janeway is kissed by Kane she shows confusion in her face when he is kissing Janeway unexpectedly “ I guess we will see each other again soon .” She whispered to him as she continued walking towards back towards her Co office.

Kane nodded. And walked out of the room to go to the restaurant to meet with the general.

General Janeway walked back to her own office to get herself to relax and finish any work before returning to the restaurant. After meeting Kane she realizes that she is feeling of love towards Kane.

Kane smiled as Janeway entered. "Over here"

Janeway greeted Kane with a smile as she made her way to the restaurant table and took a seat across from him. "Thanks for waiting for me," she said warmly.

"You're welcome, I read the New XO's file, He's something" Kane then took a drink of coffee.

“That sounds very Interesting as well me enjoying this little meeting you and I are having at this restaurant.” Janeway took a drink of her calming tea.

"Agreed" Kane replied with a smile as he looked at Janeway’s eyes so beautiful that he couldn’t even take his eyes off of her face.

General Janeway gracefully lifted her intricately designed ceramic teacup to her beautiful red lips and savored a few calming sips of aromatic green tea. Pausing thoughtfully, she contemplated her following action as she conversed with Kane. "We can either thoroughly review our upcoming duty work roster or take advantage of this off-duty time to deepen our acquaintance," Janeway suggested to Kane with an affectionate, subtle smile, secretly harboring romantic feelings for him.

"I know I may be a little upfront, But why did you follow your mother's footsteps?" Kane asked.

Janeway said, “ Since the beginning when Kathryn Janeway was the only one who had rescued me during a planet invasion war when I was only five years old and survived since then Janeway took me under her wings and raised me as one of her daughters. It’s inspired me to lead with her same bravery and wisdom., I kinda do owe her everything for shaping my life and my dreams. my entire existence to her. Her bravery and resilience became the blueprint for my aspirations of becoming a captain in Starfleet.” She said then took a bite of the food on her plate.

"Interesting, Why choose here? You could be the first officer on the Protostar" Kane asked.

Janeway gave Kane a nod as she looked around the room so she could gather herself to speak again to him Janeway was still in an uncomfortable stressful state of mind when speaking about her past. She spoke to him “This intrepid reminds me more of Voyager’s cousin because since I had been kinda a fast track to command, the admirals just saw me as a good candidate for Starfleet’s Command position not just because of the fact I am a foster child of Kathryn Janeway’s influence, also I’m grateful for her support but I truly don’t expect to become the rank of a Brigadier General .” Janeway simply said.

"Fast Track? There's no such thing as a fast track in the Marines" Kane replied.

Janeway fell silent as she gazed into Kane's eyes, feeling the stress, her heart thumping, and the weight of pressure heavily on her chest. "Before I even rose to the rank of Brigadier General," she struggled to articulate her own words to Kane. Blood began to trickle out of her mouth. She quickly coughed into a napkin and then started to go her face went pale then started to feel like her own heart's like not even working properly then she started feeling an intense pain in her chest as she collapsed on the floor of the restaurant where she had been sitting there having a conversation with Kane.

Kane quickly stood. =/\= Medical Emgenrecy! Crew Lounge!=/\= Janeway and Kane were then quickly beamed to the Intrepid's sickbay

Brigadier General Emily Janeway
Commanding Officer, USS Intrepid

NPC Colonel Grace Johnsen
Chief Medical Officer, USS Intrepid

NPC Colonel Rachel Kane
Chief Military Intelligence Officer, USS Intrepid

NPC Lieutenant Colonel Kane
Marine Commanding Officer, USS Intrepid


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