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Meeting Petty Officer 1st class Sorrens

Posted on 2024, Wed Apr 17th, @ 1:54am by Commander Quinn Pensky-Reese

711 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: Engineering room USS Townsend
Timeline: Current

After her whole entire of shore leave happened. She must be extremely happy that she is back on duty. Starfleet has ordered her and her husband and her sister-in-law and her father-in-law to come back on duty. However, her sister-in-law Lyric has been reassigned to Starbase 113. Her father-in-law Malcolm is back on the Halo and herself and her husband are on the Townsend together. However, she was in her office on her new starship that she wasn't sure what to do. But it felt like the same ship as if it was the Halo before being reassigned. She then got herself setup in her office and noticed in her engineering roster that she has someone in her department. Someone who she unfamiliar with. She's happy that she has her spot back as chief engineer but on a new vessel. However, she did want to meet this new petty officer first class Sorrens. She had then had to sit there and await her petty officer 1st class to come and see her new commanding officer on engineering.

Arcadia had known it had to happen at some stage. But the longer it hadn't happened the more she'd hoped that it wouldn't. Wiggling backwards, she lifted her left leg, twisted herself onto her back and guided her left leg into the junction slide and wiggled more to allow her right left to follow it's twin. Gripping the overhead bar with her right artificial replacement, she twisted herself until she was in the correct alignment and then let go, her body beginning the slide down until she reached the level she was being beeped from.

Landing in a neat laying position, Arcadia considered her options. Her brain focussed on the nearest point of match. The fact that it happened to be a vent, direct to the person's location, Arcadia's brain didn't register that that might be a problem. Her body merely slide it's way towards the vent, pulled a driver from her belt and began removing the rivets, before pushing the vent cover out of the way and wiggling through into the realm of the person who was calling her.

Standing slowly upright, Arc uncurled herself, moving as one in her NonAtmo until she faced the caller. "I am here." Arcadia announced. She had long forgotten what she was supposed to say, so she stuck to the obvious.

"Hello Petty Officers. I am your Chief Engineer on board here on the USS Townsend. It's a pleasure to have met you. Please do tell me who you are and what you do here on the ship." She had said.

Arcadia stood there mind blank. She had to wait till her brain cycled round like a merry go round stopping at the right section.

"Arcadia Sorrens. Damage Control Engineering." Arcadia wasn't sure what else to say. She was better when it came to DCE things. She didn't see the point in all this meeting stuff. It was all in her files. She wore her NonAtmo always because, all people wanted to know was how she lost her legs and right arm, or talk about the teeth marks visible on other parts. Staying in her NonAtmo meant they couldn't see them, so they couldn't ask. "I only do Damage." There were a lot of things she didn't do, like meetings, large crowds, noise, the list went on and on. "I work from the notification list. When I start a task it tells you. When I finish it tells you. No need for meetings. When I start new task, it tells you. No need for meeting." Arcadia answered. "I do Mad's way."

"Well a pleasure to meet you petty officer. If you need anything I will be here in engineering." She smiled.

Arcadia nodded her head, still not sure if she was supposed to do anything. She watched her boss for a few more moments before dropping down and crawling back into the vent, reinserting the rivets and putting the vent cover back on. Scrambling out of sight, Arcadia sat in the darkness and pondered.

Commander Reese had then started to work and didn't know what to do. Her husband was all alone on the bridge with absolutely no one else there but herself and the petty officer.



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