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Janeway on the move

Posted on 2024, Tue Apr 16th, @ 8:24pm by Outpost Captain Savage Ivanov

1,389 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: Kalkarindji Outpost
Timeline: Current

The ladies in the room were still in the room while the two ladies were talking. Emily shouted to the two ladies, “It looks like I'll be playing dress up with Viv Emily went on browsing the assortment of clothing with a cheerful look on her face and picked up the appealing lovely button-up blouse With long sleeves she looked at a pair of pants then proceeds to try clothes on while the proceeds to try clothing.

"Great. I know just the seamstress. She'll have a great selection."

Emily continues by looking at the assortment of clothes with Viv and Cait. Emily seems to be looking like she’s really enjoying her time with her new job assignment along with introducing herself to new people.

Ten minutes later, Emily stood in Roxy's salon with a range of clothing surrounding her on all but one side. Roxy was a large woman, with a large personality, and she'd taken a quick glance at Emily and started selecting clothes, four at a time. She stood in an old fashioned lace up satin corset, matching briefs, suspender belt and white satin stockings. "You're going to need a variety of clothes to cover all occasions, casual, evening, formal, picnic, winter, summer, every type. Now some of it will creep up, but I'm sure if you ask Deeton, he'll be happy to help you adjust them. You have a lovely form, and not a mark, scar or blemish. Your skin is baby soft and so so smooth. SF so needs to update it's uniforms, they really don't do anything to show of the wearer's assets." Roxy handed Emily a simple black dress. "Try this on."

Emily happily puts on the dress on and shows the ladies in the room how it looks on her body.

"I think...."
"No." Roxy interrupted Cait. "I'm well aware that your man, likes your boobs on display. Deeton is not Steel." Roxy selected another black dress and handed it to Emily. "This one will fit better." She pushed Cait towards a couple of dresses and a fitting room. Waiting till Cait gushed and disappeared into the fitting room. "Sorry ladies, given I've made some deliberate omissions, Nancy should keep her occupied for at least an hour or two." Helping Emily with the zipper, she turned her around to eye the fit. "Yes, this fits better. Let's try the gown please."

Black full length pencil gown, tried then disguarded. Black full length swing gown tried and into the pile. Three different colored, different length skirts, one colour disguarded, one kept, one color swapped. Six pairs of long trousers, five pairs of 3/4 crop pants, two pairs of shorts. Several pairs of sweat pants, and matching tops, jumpers, jackets, singlets, t-shirts, the list went on and on. Right down to nail polish, dusting powder, smelly floral scent and deodorant.

"Glenda is waiting at you." Roxy told Viv. "I'll have all of this taken to the Warlord."

"Thanks Roxy. Bling." She told Emily steering her across to another waiting creator.

Emily did what she was supposed to be doing she just changed her clothes to the next dress gown to fit her body type she looked at the item she was satisfied with as she trying on the second outfits she had looked at some other jewelry accessories that she wanted to wearing but she couldn’t find anything else that fit.

"Don't worry about them fitting. We use a system designed by Viv and Sugar, if it's necklace put the piece you like near your neck, and it will adjust to the size you need it to be. If it's a bracelet put your wrist near it and it will adjust." She picked up a kids ring and slid it onto Emily's finger, and it resized till it was the right fit. "So basically pick anything you like."

Emily picked the jewelry of precious stones she wished to wear till destination to the planet Cardassia for her mission undercover she put on a nice golden bracelet and then arranged it on her own body, and she looked happy with all this new stuff she acquired.

"Let's head to D's quarters, and I'll leave you to soak Viv, collected a few more bags, that were being held out as they headed towards the door.

Emily pick up her personal tactical backpack and placed back on her own shoulders follows the and then follows ViV. Emily turned says the other people in the room “it's nice meeting you.” as Emily following walking with Viv to D’s quarters.

Viv stepped out of the TL and pulled Emily to the side, their bags were quickly removed from the TL as another group of male's stepped out from a second TL. About to ask, Viv stayed silent as three barely dressed women were dragged out of the nearest JT, by a known female. Viv guessed what happened, and listened to the station's lead damage control engineer as she gave one, then two and finally number three female into the men, who quickly forced them into the TL and out of sight.

"Exactly what don't you lot understand?" Jason asked eyeing the men who remained. "If you're going to fuck them. Don't take'em to your quarters. Clear!"

"Clear." Nordic stated, giving Jason a nod. "If they haven't been claimed. Screw'em elsewhere." Getting nods, he turned the deck over to Warlord's crew, nodded to Viv and Q and departed with the rest, Jason squeezing into the lift as it shut.

Taking Emily's hand Viv lead her into Deeton's quarters. "Deeton and his men are on this deck. Viv lead her through to the main bathroom. "You've got your choice of a water shower for half his crew. A spa, for the whole crew, a sauna, a large bath and a soak tub, don't look for a sonic shower, it's too SF." Viv pointed to each.

Emily decided to go as she took, some towels, To get a water shower to clean herself up then afterward putting on the clothes that was given to her And to put on something to relax herself “ do you wanna dress my hair up before tonight’s dinner she asked Viv?” as she starts the water to fill up the bathtub. while playing some beautiful music in the background to relax Emily with gentle candles, lit around bathroom.

"I can do that." Viv pulled out the chair for her to sit and started to do Emily's hair. It didn't take long, before it was up in a ponytail with pillows of hair making it look nothing like a school requirement to keep long hair out of the way. Viv weaved some lace and perfumed blooms into it, and sprayed it lightly with something lemon-scented, to hold it.

Soon after Emily’s hair dressed up in a style that Viv put together for her. She proceeds to bathe her body with the scented bubble soap to soak in. Emily looks over at Viv shocked look on her face. I do hope not to ruin the little magic bugs by washing myself to take a quick bath.

"Forget about the bugs. Nothing will fall out or die. D's got a supply of bugs and paint should they need it, but my longest user got them when she was born and she's now twenty three, and hasn't needed a second go yet." Viv stated. "Your scars are gone, any other marks on your body that were there before the process have also gone. You've got perfect skin. If you get injured, they'll take away those scars as well. If any areas of your body were numb you've got feeling back. you want to soak for twenty four hours soak away. Though it wouldn't surprise me if Savage knocked down a wall to get his large dining room table in here. I'm not too sure I could be naked in a tub with all that maleness sitting watching me though."

Emily continued soaking in the tub and finished washing up with rose-scented water. so as to be able to get herself ready to go for the dinner conversation with the other members of the officers. While drying herself off with a soft towel wiped off the water from her own body carefully not to ruin her hairstyle.


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