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Looking at security footage

Posted on 2023, Wed Sep 6th, @ 1:17pm by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Captain Logan Reese & Commander Quinn Pensky-Reese

246 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: Security Deck 7-Camera footage
Timeline: Present Day Mission

While the captain and the commander went to the security deck, they went into where they have their security camera footage room is at. They then sat down and started to look at the footage and noticed that something was really off. =/\= Admiral Townsend. I think we might have something. But I'm not so sure. Something to do with this security footage that you have asked us to look into, well looks like they have disabled the security on this deck and reactivated them right after sir. =/\= Captain Logan Reese tapped his combadge to inform the captain.

=^=On my way=^=

Soon the admiral walked in "What do we got?"

"Well, sir this is what I see here. Apparently, someone or something disabled the camera and attacked her. It's some sort of reading I couldn't really tell. But from my understanding sir, someone wanted to cover up their tracks, which means they disabled the security system without us even knowing sir." He explained.

"Great, Well, Lets start the Investigation then Start with everyone on that deck"

"Well, sir. We don't even know who it would be. And besides we are still at a skeleton Crew." He said.

"Yea I know so it should be easy." he tapped his comm badge.

=^= Townsend to Helm, Set course for Earth=^= and he tapped off before the helms officer could reply

"So start with that crew on the deck then lets go from there"

"Yes sir. Right away sir." He said.


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