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Janeway con't.

Posted on 2024, Tue Apr 16th, @ 8:23pm by Outpost Captain Savage Ivanov

2,251 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Welcome To Hell(Outpost/Janeway)
Location: Kalkarindji Outpost
Timeline: current

Emily's standing naked with profound scarring of incisions on the left and right parts of her chest in a pattern past cybernetic, heart transplanted surgery related to her accidental assassination poisoning back on the first ship she served as captain marine officer USS Albion NCC-3020. Emily's military service tags are still dangling from the chain attached to her neck. She unclips her necklace and then hands it over to Viv’s metal tray with the supplies for the makeover operation. The paint for her body felt warm, moist, and not too sticky on her bare skin color; she was nevertheless in top muscular physique, with her body age being different from when she was wearing facial makeup within her hairstyle, more defined darker brown. In the sense of beautiful military fashion hairstyles likeness, the pigments of paint for her whole body were turning a sheet of gray to match the specifics of the mission to be undercover. Emily felt her hair coated with the paint or wax on her scalp start burning slightly; then, her body was still getting used to the overall performance operation. That Viv was performing. Emily’s hair is coming out. Her hair is lying loose at her shoulders. Emily asked Viv “What’s the dom/sub relationship for me to be able to blend coexistence at the outpost at least during this mission until my destination, and coming back from Cardassian homeworld?” she questioned as her own eyes were sealed. So the chemicals don’t go into her eyes or inside her mouth.
Emily shouted with saying “ I am a girl type of woman, but who really knows what kind of person l will transform into at the end of this mission if I survive the ordeal.” Emily finished Emily finished shower, she finished shouting as the pigment began charring her skin. But She was combatting the wrath.

"Relax the product won't burn your skin, it's just working it's way into your body. Instead of surgery which leaves tell tale signs, that a professional can see, this will be absorbed into your body and it can't be detected, and it won't leave you needing pain killers." Viv stated. "Basically, the only rules here are Savage's. Think of him as the boss. Nordic is head of Savage's protection security detail. Deeton is your keeper. You stay near him, not in front of him. Side, or back, forget about anyone else, just focus on Deeton. He'll keep you where you need to be. If he wants to kiss you, don't argue, just think of him as a river full of water and you are on a raft, just lay back and let the river take you." Viv reached for another pot, lifting one of Emily's feet and continuing to paint.

"Kalk is a world of wonder, people expect to see naked people having sex, Savage doesn't like his domain filled with naked entertainment. Unless you're a female like Coolac, Orchid or Jason you'll be kept out of the worst. Men like Savage, Nordic, Deeton, Savage's brothers, Traygar, Trey, most of Savage's inner circle are big guys, they're territorial, protective and must be in control. They will have you watched, accompanied, monitored so they know nothing touches what they care about. But they aren't wishee washee types who will declare what they feel. You won't hear them say, they love you, but they will say you're theirs's and you run they'll hunt you and you won't sit comfortably for a month. That is supposed to show and tell you they care, and they're willing to do whatever to keep you safe. It's also what they say instead of they love you. When they let you get away with things other woman can't get away with, you've gotten beneath their defenses."

Viv sat on the floor and glanced over to her left to see Deeton standing there. She had no idea of how long he'd been there. It had taken her many years to get comfortable with them just appearing, but now it was normal. Sliding around, so she was behind Emily, she continued talking as she started on the backs of her legs. "Savage's bride drives him crazy at times, but she doesn't realise that he likes to hunt her. So, no one actually tells her. She always has people watching her, within touching distance. In this realm as they call it, it isn't as clean as Star Fleet, men aren't as politically correct, they're more like a modern version of a cave men. What they don't realise is that they need us, to let them be the way they are. Enjoy it. If you can't deal with something they're doing, tell them when they're alone."

"On Kalk, stay with D, he's high on the food chain, it's either idiot teenagers, wanna be mercs, or new ship's captains who want to challenge him and he can deal with them in his sleep. Men like D, Nordic, and Savage are what wanna bee's watch and try to imitate. They'll give you one side, and let the others deal with the other. Just remember this, what you see is what you get. Some men will be dominant when they go to a sex club, these men are true dominants, they don't just play or act as one in certain circumstances."

Emily makes an effort to make her body relieve tension between memorizing all of the ground rules when being with Deeton along with others since the mission assignment orders from Starfleet requested for Emily for an undercover mission as the considerably noteworthy chance to create a new chapter in the Starfleet Federation's history for her position in this mission is higher expectations of her because this can change three years from now of history for Starfleet. Emily turned to Vy as she was still standing with a determined, happy smirk. “Aye, I'm willing to be part of the show since this is my lifetime pivotal moment to pursue my future to develop my profession as a Starfleet military general; my Federation starship is uss-intrepid as she talked, attempting to keep her balance on 1 foot as ViV was still painting her second foot “Why I’m covered all over with metallic body painting over my nude body?” as Emily questioned the two people in the room.

Viv grinned. "I was wondering when you were going to ask." She leaned over and dragged a small trolley closer. "Because these little bugs." She handed Emily over a small jar filled with magot sized worms. "Go on last. They will change your body into whatever you desire, or need it to be. It means no surgery. It's done once and will last until you want to go back to Emily Janeway. It can't be identified by scans, and there are no surgery markers. These little buggers need something to eat, and instead of it being your flesh, it's the paint product. It's a process that Sugar and I worked on. People think that working in the black means bad, but it's not. Everything that isn't white happens in the black. We do have some bad people, because we don't have the rules that Star Fleet has. But basically we get to do things because we don't have the rules. Savage is a bad arse. He is one of a few who are top of the food chain, unlike Star Fleet you'll find wannabee's, actors and the real thing. Be yourself, if you have to tell someone a story make it as close to real as you can." Viv told Emily. "The black has fuck ups, just like Star Fleet. We have things go wrong. People are people. They're just not all wrapped up playing perfect."

While Emily stood in the middle of the room wearing body colorant on her own body while listening to Viv talk to her about the purpose of her physical body disguise, she casually peeked down at her chest to thoroughly inspect if the coloring disguise had entirely coated her own body. Emily's starting to feel unfocused. What if the others questioned the account of her service in the Starfleet story? At least how she came to be in Starfleet doesn’t have much other than her; from the instant there, Janeway thought she was talking out loud to herself, knew the two people who remain in room Viv most likely continuing propping up Janeway’s last makeup with the bugs to complete the change, D was in the room Emily‘s arrival, and Everything is going well so far from the beginning of the day, starting with Emily’s arrival since she traveled from Starfleet headquarters on her solo travel transportation, which is a shuttlecraft from the Federation with a registry number. Little do they know Janeway did bring along her trusted canine companion for unique jobs that have been with Academy days, the canine dog named Augustus.

"If you have questions, ask." Deeton stated quietly. "Don't ty to remember everything. Learn to react. Just act normal. If you feel overwhelmed, then show it. If you're angry be angry, don't try and hide it. You'll get whatever you need to do, done. You won't get hurt. We'll get your gear moved to Warlord. There's a delivery coming I need to deliver coming in three days, once it's onboard we'll leave. You're not a prisoner, you want to stay in my quarters, that's your choice. You want to explore Warlord explore. You want to play poker with my men do it. You want to cuddle, as long as it's with me, cuddle away. Relax."

Viv finished the painting and opened the first of the worm jars. Tipped the worms out and started letting them move from her hand to Emily's body. "What they are now going to do, is eat some of the paint off, then turn to fat worms." She left out the weird bit. "They will melt, and move into your skin. Any scar, dent, mark on your body they'll target first. It'll take fifty hours to complete. What you need to do is imagine how you want to look. If you want perkier boobs, imagine what they would look like. If you want curves imagine what they will look like. You want a large tattoo, imagine it. This is what you'll get." She'd already added Deeton's paint to the mix. She'd get seven of his and two of Savage's skin markings, to identify her as under the two men's protection. "You want to have the body of your dreams, imagine it and the worms will modify their new home. Don't worry about anything else. This is about you and only you."

The conditions in the room began to make Emily feel like she was searching for some clothes available to wear to blend in with the environment around her. A small smile on her face slipped out of her mask. “Let us continue to get prepared to go forward with the following things on the assignment. I have to be careful with our trip to be a planet. I think a tattoo of a red-tail hawk is a reasonable idea for me to wear something to look like a warlord."

Deeton slid the twelve bags over towards Viv. "Viv will take you shopping when you're finished. We'll be expected to attend a few high class events, so make sure you get a range if clothes. Forget dressing standard lizard. Stick with the type of clothes you would wear, or that Viv knows I like. We're dinning with Savage and a few others tonight." Getting Viv's nod, he looked over at Viv, but spoke to Viv. "Don't forget what I want visible."

"I haven't." Viv answered.

"Drop Q of at my quarters when you're done." He instructed as he disappeared out the door.

Emily found some nearest garb to put on her own body as she looked at the 12 bags “Are we ready to go? I am thinking of finding some nice pieces of jewelry to go along with going along with the new clothing she asked Viv “ Also, you can help me pick out what D wants me to wear for the trip as well as for duration.“ also, you can help me pick out what D wants me to wear for the trip as well as for duration.

"Five minutes." Viv answered. "As soon as the eaters have their fill." She started pulling out clothes from the bags, holding each item up. Short shorts. Gauzy material shirts. Lingerie. Garter belts. Stockings. Loose summer dresses. Jackets. Sweaters. Jeans. Sweats. Men's shirts. Singlet tops. Sneakers. Boots. Sandals. High heels. Corset-type tops, leaving her shoulders bare. Socks. Skirts, short, medium, and long, some pencils, some that would float when she moved. Viv looked at the size of the heels and blinked twice. No bras. No nightwear. Nothing too revealing. Pulling out the two boxes at the bottom, she opened the first. Leather. Jacket. Trousers. Corset

"Anyone home? Viv, I hear you've got Emily, Deeton's new lady in here and you're holding her prisoner? Can I come in?"

"Come in Cait." Viv waited till the blonde-haired mop of curly waved hair appeared. "Emily, this is Caitlin. Cait this is Emily. Cait is married to Steel another of the Ivanov men."

"Now, what I wouldn't give for those boobies." She eyed Emily's breasts. "I don't think mine are big enough and Steel definitely loves to lick. So, what are you up to?"


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