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Welcome Back

Posted on 2024, Mon Apr 22nd, @ 8:54am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Captain Logan Reese

226 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Revenge Of Group Omega
Location: Admiral Townsend Office - Star Base 113
Timeline: Current

Townsend had just gotten back from yet another boring meeting at Earth to find out his former XO, Captain Logan Reese Was back. He knew it was time to see and meet him again and quickly check-in. =/\=Captain Reese, Please Report to my Office=/\=

=/\= Yes sir. I'm on my way now sir. =/\= he said as he went to Townsend's office.

As Reese walked in. Townsend noticed some small things, But nothing too big. "Welcome Back Captain, How was leave?"

"It was good sir. Thank you. But I'm glad to be back though." He said to Townsend. "Sir. Might I ask what's going on?" He asked.

"What do you mean Captain?" Townsend was wondering, Which was not a usual thing with him.

"Well, sir. Let's just put it this way. It's been a while since I've been to your office. I'm just not sure why I'm here this time. It's either I did something bad sir or I've received something." He said.

"You're not in trouble, You're getting a Command of your own. A Vesta Class to be exact"

"My very own command. Thank you, sir. Most appreciated. " He said with a smile.

"We will be depending on you, THe Townsend is kinda like the backbone sometimes to this fleet, As well as any other ship"

After about an hour the meeting was over and they left.


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