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Posted on 2024, Wed Apr 10th, @ 9:32am by Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell & Commodore Emily Janeway

1,022 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Welcome To Hell(Outpost/Janeway)
Location: Unknown
Timeline: 2 Months After Janeway leaves

Lovell sat in the Unknown location. It was time to get in touch with Janeway. He tapped into the computer. It then beeped and began to open the transmission. He then waited for her to answer.

Janeway answers the terminal code to access the encrypted message from Starfleet.

"Janeway, We have a problem. What is your Location at this moment?" Lovell asked quickly

“ I still onboard the Outpost Kalkarindji, and I can go ahead and also set up a federation, homing single tracker for myself to be able to get back to Starfleet base, but the thing is, my mother is on board the same outpost as me just in a different assignment, but I can go to wherever I’m assigned.”

"Wait, Why is Admiral Janeway on the outpost?! She could get you Caught! Listen to me, General. Do Not, I Repeat, Do Not Talk to her, Stay away from her. Do you understand?"

Janeway: “I’m not sure why she’s on board. I guess she has a special assignment. I only heard Some guards or other members of this outpost talking about her.” The general said, “ I will stay away from my mother.” what should I do in the meantime for myself, and you said something happened?”

"We have gotten intel that there's been a leak in our Intelligence; Admiral N'Simi is ensuring to your station now; she will be meeting with the station's Co/Xo and you."

Janeway looks at The screen to face Lovell. “ I know we only got a certain amount of time to talk; what will we do about my mother?

"I Don't Know; I might have to find a reason to detain her; she could get you killed..."

“Yes, sir,” said Janeway, Keeping her own emotions in check since a lot of things are happening right now.

Tag: Lovell

"Janeway, Place something either in her Qaruters or on her; I will have a ship on its way to detain her. We need to get her out of that sector and other sectors around it, Or else your cover might get compromised."

I will do that for you, have to go find something to put on her body or in her quarters.” once you have custody, My mother could be on different orders From like a freelance mission from Starfleet. Janeway said.

"Will you be able to frame her, Or do I need to get someone else?" Lovell asked Ready to send an Intel officer out there.

As Emily at takes a moment to think of the options “ How can I even though be able to frame my own mother and actually a vice admiral of Starfleet with a legacy career reputation and she is most importantly not only Kathryn Janeway's my foster mother I will work together with an intelligence officer as a backup plan if things go Into the worst course scenarios.

"Its either you help get her off the station, or you might die." Lovell stated.

“I'm going to help get her off the station.” “ We must have backup strategies in case
go downhill. “I will make sure she gets off the Station,” Janeway stated

"I have an Intel officer en En route to you now" Lovell stated. He didn't want Janeway screwing this mission up.

“Sounds good for me to get prepared for the arrival also I just want to make sure that we are on the same page as when I should expect the arrival for Admiral N'Simi is enourte to The station to speak with the XO and the Co EmilyJaneway said,

"Very soon, So, Are you doing okay with this assignment?"

“ I am gonna be alright since, but with this assignment make sure we have open contact on the situation, My most priority right now making sure I don’t screw up this mission entirely because this is my career as a General in the military with the federation and I must prove I am worthy to cchange the course history of Starfleet hopes we will gather more crew members to join the USS Intrepid.

"Agreed, So far you've done well, But the hardest part has yet to come"

Janeway still in the office chair inside of secluded spot aa secluded spot at the outpost to able to receive the encrypted transmission from the star fleet command while she’s listening to Lovell. another idea has popped into her head. “ I have an idea of what I can do to encourage my mother to leave the station. I still have my dog on board this outpost Augustus. He might be able to get close to my mother. He knows the risks. I should be able to see if we could plant something on his own dog holler at least on his dog toy, and I should be able to retrieve it right after at least a recording, but I will be working with the Intel officer when that is to arrive and work with the other admiral that is to arrive and I cannot pronounce her name as I am not really familiar with her and also I’m not sure who is in charge of this outpost and also who is the executive officer of this outpost it’s been a while for me although it feels more like a vacation for me.” she said after she looks down at her feet down at her feet while Augustus who walked over at the sound of hearing a familiar sound of the voice he looked at the screen on the table standing up on his two hind legs as he heard a certain disincentive from another person who is close to Janeway to the family and those who work with his owner.

"Do it, Make it fast" Lovell replied.

“ Understood Sir” as she stood up to salute him communicate with each other more on my mission progress of updates and I should expect a visit from the intelligence Federation officer, and also the admiral To be having a meeting with me and the CO and the XO
Janeway replied. while she takes for coffee and eats her breakfast.


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