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Meet and Greet Star Base 113 XO/COO

Posted on 2024, Wed Apr 17th, @ 9:40am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commander Raelyn Langley-Hess & Commodore Aaron Hess

1,394 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: Star Base 113, Admiral Townsends Office
Timeline: 2 Weeks After Dark Past

The Admiral had finally gotten the time to meet the new XO and they even got a new chief ops for the star base, man what a day. It had been one hell of a week. Now it had come.

=/\=Townsend to Captain Hess and Commander Hess, Could you meet me in my office? If you not busy?=/\=

Aaron had barely boarded the station when he heard the call come in. He looked at his lovely wife. "That did not take long, shall I see what the good Admiral wants?" Aaron asks he looked over to Raelynn.

"No time like the present," Raelyn said with a nod. She was glad to go ahead and get this meeting out of the way. It was nice to break the ice early.

What's a simple nod, Aaron's then tapped on the comm badge. =/\= We're on our way Admiral. =/\= parents smiling like that is relatives that would be taken care of their little Ember for a moment. They briefly talked about meeting up later on for dinner.

Aaron and RaeLynn started to head up towards the admiral's office they had the station computer helping direct them where to go, and after a few minutes they managed to arrive, Aaron had a deep fire in his voice as he didn't turn around and looked to his lovely wife. As I said it all, when they said, 'It's showtime.'

The doors slid open as they walked up. Inside was Admiral Townsend, As always he had a cup of coffee in his hand with a PADD in the other. As the doors opened Townsend looked up sort of inspecting the trio. Well, Seem good so far, Now to meet them. Townsend set his PADD down and walked over the the coffee machine. "Please, Come in, My Name is Christopher Townsend, But you can call me Chris, Can I get you two anything? Coffee? Water? A Snack Perhaps?" Chris asked as he refilled his Mug with the brand-new pot of coffee. His deck was not as messy as most flag officers' desks were, There were only two very small stacks of PADDs sitting on the right-hand corner of the desk. There was even a picture of his family on the desk. It seemed to have the background of a farm or some sort of ranch and the family was dressed in cowboy/cowgirl-like attire.

"I would like a glass of water, Thank you" Raelyn said with a smile. She loved coffee but right now, a cool glass of water sounded better."

"Cup of coffee, if you're going to be too much trouble Admiral," Aaron asked as he waited for the cup of coffee. He was curious why he was meeting with the Admiral and not the commander of the base.

Townsend got a glass of water and handed it to Raelyn. "I have read your records...You have history.....Now, Why did you choose this posting out of all the others? We are in the backwaters of the Federation, In Charge of either helping or defending against Klingons" Townsend sat down at his desk. Placing his coffee mug on the coaster.

"That is a good question Admiral, now I can only speak to myself. Someday I want to command a ship of my own. But I'm still haunted by the events of 6 months ago well I guess it's been a little more than 6 months now but barely." Aaron started to say as he took a moment to collect himself before continuing. "I know a service is a monumental task, but it does offer one unique feature. Stability and a chance for a place to call home. I thought taking a sabbatical would be the answer but the only thing I learned is not doing anything sucks."

"I know the Klingons are in our backyard hostilities between them and us are high. I hope that we can work with the Klingon Empire to relieve some of those hostilities and if not be able to take up actions to defend our Federation I feel like this is a perfect place for me right now." Aaron suggested hoping that answer the admiral's question.

Townsend waited a few seconds. Good Answer Townsend then nodded. "Interesting, Is there anything I should know about you guys?" Townsend asked.

"I believe that what Aaron said for our reasons was true," Raelyn said seriously. "I would like to add that we feel a conviction to serve where we feel we are most needed and after looking at several options this appealed the most. Is there any specific reason, I cannot point to one, we just both knew we wanted to be here" She took a drink. "I am not certain there is anything that will affect our performance. We are work motivated when on shift. We've learned to leave our personal feelings at home."

Townsend nodded at the last part. "Understood and that's great...Now I want to talk to Mr. Hess, If we have a spot come open for a CO on one of our Duty ships, Would you take it?"

"I'm not sure how to answer that, currently I was hoping to be assigned to the station so I can get my bearings again with Starfleet. Yes, I know it was only 6 months of Liberty, however, I feel like my service would be better served as the first officer of the station." Aaron advised, thinking that he wasn't ready for the command of his own. He was more content to be a first officer at this time.

Raelyn listened to their conversation with interest. She knew that he would have direct questions for Aaron. She was proud to see how his career was progressing.

"Very Understandable Captain...Now Is there anything you want to know about me?"

“Is there any particular thing going on at the moment that I need to give special attention to?” Raelyn asked him. “Or something I need to be aware of before I get to know my staff.” Her eyes met his. “I like to have all the knowledge I need, though the job is the same, each place is different in some ways.”

Townsend thought about this. "No, Not At All, As you said, it's mostly the same across any department...."

"You can count on us, sir," Aaron said after his wife had slightly changed the topic. He always hated that opening questions is there anything you'd like to know about me, he always felt like that was an invasion of somebody's privacy. He knew he needed to give some kind of response. "I'm looking forward to working with Commodore Collins."

"Ah, Yes, She is one helluva poker player, But she gets the job done. Now, I want to ask this last question, are there any concerns about this posting? You all get to work on the newest station here, And the newest one put into service so little time after Fronter Day."

"I don't have any questions at this time, but I am eager to meet my new CO. As far as the station being brand new, I don't have any concerns about that either. I know that we'll have a few bucks probably to work out It usually happens with the new station around your ship in the fleet. As first officer, I will make sure to keep on top of those situations as they occur." Aaron said with a big smile on his face, and then he looked over to his wife. Before returning his gaze to the Admiral.

"Agreed, I already have a brand new ship yard on its way in pecies, Only due to the fact the Thuergy class ships are 2x Bigger than the Odyssey, Plus it has Multi-Vector Assualt Mode, So Its diffently got some major and different systems than the Odyssey. So it needs a bigger refit and repair hanger, Plus it would give some good ecomny to the system. Also by the way, There are 4 Medium Sized Trading outposts being construed above Valt, This is mostly pertains to you Captain, Star Base 113 has been tasked with aissting them in any way possible, I highly doudt they need it, But still rather be safe than sorry." The Admiral stood and held out his hand. "Alright, It seems we have had a good Chat, It was nice meeting you two"


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