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Search And Rescue

Posted on 2024, Wed Apr 17th, @ 9:38am by Lieutenant Aubrie Fox & Sergeant Major JB Dersch & Corporal Kate Score & Commander Victor SPADE

317 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: USS Halo
Timeline: While Townsend is On the Kilo

Dersch stood behind the Cheif Sec/Tac Officer, As did Score, The Docter was with Lt. Fox.

"Commander, I suggest we do a triangle formation, You are the point me and Score are the sides, Fox will head with Spade towards the next corridor over." Dersch suggest, Or more like ordered.

" Fitz keep me safe. Some times this stuff messes with your head." Spade added.

1 Corriodor Over

Fox and Spade made their way down the darken corridor. "So Doctor" The Blonde Lt. began. "What got you into Medical?"

" War. What about you Doctor?" Spade replied as a stoic old goat would answer

"Doctor? I am Security" Fox replied flatly

" I know that Blondie I was talking to him, " referring to a reflection from transparent black glass on a wall showing his reflection. " It's a joke Fox. I use those to lighten moods. But for real what got you into Starfleet?"

"I have always loved Space. And Weapons" Fox replied as she continued to shine her light on the tip of her rifle.

" Yea space and weapons works everytime. If I had latinum for every 19 year old who loved space and weapons I could retire early on a Risan beach. Here hold her still. This will hurt young lady but your shoulder is out of socket." Spade replied as he helped a patient.

"I am 21 Commander" The Lt. spoke.

Victor swallowed his pride and concluded he had already stepped in it and finished attending to his patient.
" Do you see any others? If not let's move on."

"Not at the moment....I am sorry for the smug response Commander" She replied.

" You know what I owe you the apology. I lost my manners years ago and it took my dignity with it. Let's finish up here and get this place mended up." Spade replied.

"Agreed" She then moved off down the corridor to find more injuried


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