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The Attack

Posted on 2023, Tue Sep 5th, @ 1:59pm by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Vice Admiral Katie Snow & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese & Captain Logan Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé & Commander Quinn Pensky-Reese

375 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: Bridge-Deck 1 To Deck 3
Timeline: 2 Hours From New Romulus

The Admiral and Vice Admiral runs on the bridge.

"Admiral what's going on?" Captain Reese said.

He keeps running past, but replies. "Might be trouble, Renee With me, Have Security Officers meet us down there, Medical should be down there, Captain With us!" They soon all Pile On the Turbo lift and make thier way to deck 3.

"Yes sir." Follows the admiral and gets to deck three.

Soon They were all At Deck 3, But there were two Security Officers Standing outside, While two others were inside and plus the Doctor and two Nurses. The Admiral walked in with Both Reese and Renee close behind. The Room was a mess stuff scatter some broken glass from a vase was on the floor. And the Doctors were helping the non-moving form was Katie Snow.

"Doctor Whats going On?"

"Well sir, she's been in a fight. And she's in a coma. The fight is the cause of it sir." Matthews said.

Townsend turns to Captain Reese and Commander Renee "Lock down the ship and Get some Footage or something and try to find out who did this"

Aye sir says Reneé, =^= attention all decks full lockdown, remain in your quarters =^= then heads off to find any footage of the incident.

"Yes Admiral" said Captain Reese

Reneé heads to the turbo lift (security) says Jason, seconds later he gets off and walks into security.

Commander Reneé what's going asks security officer Howard, there has been an attack please pull up all footage on deck 3, aye sir as the security officer does so Reneé spots something....

=^= Commander Reneé to Admiral Townsend please come to security you need to see this =^=

The Reese family goes to the room where they were sent down to check the footage. Commander Reese and Captain Reese both knew that something wasn't going to look good on their end once they saw the footage. It's going to be the worst nightmare ever.

As the Reese family enter, commander Reneé looks at them and asks why? As he orders the officer to play the security footage.

"Easy Commander. Don't forget I'm a captain let alone. The Admiral has asked me to look at the footage. And also to lock down the ship as well." Captain Reese said.


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