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Meet and Greet CEO

Posted on 2024, Tue Apr 16th, @ 2:25pm by Commander Dorna Villersh & Admiral Christopher Townsend

375 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: Star base 1-Admiral Townsends Office
Timeline: 2 Days after Dark Past

The Admiral sat in his office. Waiting for Commander Villersh to arrive.

Dorna grumbled in Tellar as she left one of the most relaxing mud baths she'd had in a long time in order to meet with Admiral Townsend. She'd been working with Hands and the refit engineers to best repair her Iron Lady for the last 12 hours, and hardly had any relief to enjoy her favorite pastime. Even though this was necessary, she wasn't going to make it easy on him.

She didn't bother to announce her presence before she burst into Townsend's office. Fists on her hips, she stood before him glared at him over his desk. "What do you want to discuss, Admiral? I left a good mud bath for you, so realize what you rate for that." She then crossed her arms and regarded him with a raised eyebrow.

"Mud bath? Okay...Well Commander, I wanted to formally meet you in person, You quickly transferred in right before we left for our Last mission, So Welcome Aboard the Halo."

Dorna cocked her head and gave him a confused and grumpy look. "Do you not know Tellarites like mud baths, Admiral? It is part of our culture." She shook her head, letting it fall to her large chest. She wanted to say more but knew by now that the ins & outs of all species in the Federation were not known completely. She simply looked at the Human again and tried to smile a little, which only pushed her tusks more clearly into view. She dropped the attempt. "Thank you, Admiral. I am happy to be part of the ship. I grant you I'd prefer to see Her fully Space-worthy than what She is now."

Dorna looked wistfully past his ear a moment, wishing for a way to see her Iron Lady now. "Do you have a status on Her, Sir? I'd like to know what I can do to assist with the repairs and refits."

"She is hurt, But she is in need of repair. But she is getting Fixed. Right now there's nothing you can do, Most of it is all Specialized units...." Townsend replied. "Is there anything you need at the moment?"

tag CEO


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