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Posted on 2024, Wed Apr 17th, @ 9:40am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Vice Admiral N'Simi & Captain Mark White & Commander Kate Townsend & Lieutenant Aubrie Fox & Corporal Kate Score & Captain Maddison Black & Commander Victor SPADE

672 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: USS Kilo-New Romulus
Timeline: After Halo is Sitting Adrift and Is in need Of Repairs
Tags: USS Kilo, Kilo Crew, Kilo Chief Medical Officer, Kilo CMO, Commander Beatzar

Bridge-USS Kilo

Townsend walked onto the Bridge and White greeted him. But also noticed the Secuirty officer and Marine who were fully suited up with Vest, Two Phasers and a Rifle.

"Welcome to the USS Kilo Admiral, The Command Room is on Deck 5, I can walk you there now" THe Admiral nodded as he followed.

Soon they walked into the Room which was filled with activity. In the middle of the hologrpaghic table was a Comm link/Hologram of Vice Admiral N'Simi, the Chief Of Star Fleet Intelligence.

"Admiral Townsend, It seems you have you a huge fucking problem that needs Fixed" The Vice Admiral repliyed. Her ears twitched a bit.

Townsend laughed. "Yea, For some odd reason Romulans still can't be trusted."

"Admiral Townsend, your about as hot headed as Picard and Kirk were! Next time Hold your damn fire"

"Admiral N'Simi! We didn't even get any shots off, We had a Officer who blew a bomb right under Deck 1, We didn;t even get a shot fired."

The Admiral looked at Townsend. "We will be sending a FLeet to assist. Command Out" She then was gone as her comm was cut.

"Well that went well..." Townsend didn't know if he truly like the admiral. Then tapped his comm badge and contacted Spade.

Then a Comm message from the Admiral came through. =/\=Admiral Townsend, The Kilo will be taking over, The Halo is going to be towed back, You have completed your part of the mission, Starfleet out=/\=

Med Bay-USS Kilo

After Getting the go ahead to move the mainly injured officers to the Kilo med bay, Spade, And Kate were told to help get them moved over, So now they were both on the Kilo.

"Commander Spade" A Tholain Male walked up. It was the Kilos Chief Medical Officer. "Commander Betazar, Chief Medical officer for the Kilo, What ever here is yours too use, We were a Quick response ship, One the few odyssy classes to have this advanced of a sickbay, We are pretty much a Olympic class medical area thrown into a Odyssey Class, Now I need to get going" He then strode off to help some of the incoming crew.

Commander Townsend nodded. "Thank you Betazar, We were getting overwhelmed over there" She then looked to Spade to see what he would say

" I think I have seen it all now. A Tholian doctor. What's out status Dr Town?" SPADE replied

"We got two with 3-Degree burns, Some with moderate ones, but thy have already been transported over" Kate quickly replyied.

" We have a lot of work to do then. Let's get to it." Spade replied

Kate Nodded. "Understood Commander" She then grabbed a med kit and began to work on the nearest injured officer.

Spade also began attending to the injured all the while keeping an eye on the Tholian healer. His thrush medication could be synthesised so setting up a portable replicator was his first job. Then he found two injured close to each other to attend to.

=/\=Townsend to Spade, Hows things down in Medical=/\=

" We are hitting it and quitting it. So far so good but supplies are running low without replicators." Spade replied.

Crashing to a sweet sharp delivery the Halo's DCE crew, minus it's female Head, and it's XO, they stood like lost chickens. None of them having the slightest idea what had happened.
"Where's Waylin?"
"With Mad, still on the Halo."
"So we were what..... dumped?"
"I think it was more that we were more needed here. So, either we report in or scatter and do our thing."

"Scatter." A chorus of voices sounded.
"Right. Take a direction, find a vent or JT and go from there. Make sure we're all on DCE channel."
"Got it."
"Actually I hate to say this, but we've got no head."
"Just because we're all thinking that doesn't mean we need to voice it." The Halo DCE members wiggled, weaved, rolled, anyway possible to Kilo's areas.


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