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New Info

Posted on 2023, Fri Sep 1st, @ 9:59am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese

161 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: Ready Room-Deck 1
Timeline: On Route New Romulus

Once in the Ready room, The Admiral Found his spot at the head of the table. "Computer, Secure Room Code Townsend-1203A"

The Windows Showing the Warp Bubble Darkened Letting none of the light in, The Lights dimmed as a Hologram display was activated in the middle of the Table. "Please Sit, We have some important Info to Discuss"

"Of course. What should we discuss Chris? If you don't mind me calling you by your name."

"Thats fine, Just not on the bridge"

"Alright Chris what is it that you need to discuss with me?"

"I have Received Word, That Mrs. Snow received a death threat yesterday and neglected to tell Anyone, and Command thinks shes is in danger"

"Mrs. Snow the one my son took."

"Yes, We will need to.." Then the Computer spoke.

"Medical Emergency Deck 3"

Townsend looked to the other admiral. "Oh No..." He got up and ran onto the bridge with the Other Admiral following close behind.


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