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Starbase 113 - New Arrivals Keep Coming

Posted on 2024, Mon Apr 22nd, @ 2:12am by

1,015 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Revenge Of Group Omega
Location: Quarters & Food Hall
Timeline: Current

Dropping his three bags onto the double bed, William Franks Beach moved to stand near the viewing window and stared out at the suited crew who were visible working outside Starbase 113. It really didn't matter where he was, he was always just passing through. His job was simple. He was an information specialist, here to acquire information on anything through to everything, and pass it up the line till it reached his actual boss Savage Ivanov, or SNI as he was referred to. This time he was a reporter for the local news media, which was one of those jobs, he was able to ask questions and be nosey. He didn't really need any other excuse. Now all he had to do, was let his ears take over and find out what he could.

Listening to his stomach rumble, as he paused to stare at the face staring back at him. It wasn't one he was familiar with. It was another Viv and Sugar job. He'd more than a thousand of them, it was something that he was used to, it should be something he was comfortable with, but each time one of them stared back at him, he had to wonder when his would appear. It was something that he couldn't settle into. Shrugging it off, as his stomach let out another rumble.

"Okay, you don't have to say it again." He collected his tools of his trade, and set out for the nearest food centre, not only to eat, but to set his ears free. Food Centres were always a good place to find sources. You just didn't know what was going to turn up, or drop into your lap. It wouldn't take long for word to get out. It always found a way to get to those that had the knowledge and were placed in the right position.

"I know what I heard."
"Okay don't get frosty." The two men nearby were deep in conversation. "Water right?"
"I never said it was water. I said it was like water. It moved like water moves, but I didn't actually taste or test it. I was going to get a sample, but when everyone started to get stuck and then couldn't move I didn't. I didn't want to get stuck. So, I back tracked. When I went into the control area, everyone was talking about it. Apparently it's on decks from 863 to 1087. It's just wandering about, with no rhyme and reason. Then there's the trees."

William moved the food around the table, so there was room for his personal data device (think laptop), as he activated the record function.

"What about trees?"

"Three of them were stolen from one of the gardens. Only one of them so far have been found. That one was located outside Admiral Ward's office. Two DCE's were talking. They said it was too large to have been beamed. And...." He looked around to make sure no one was listening before continuing. When he was sure, he continued. "An area within the Academy area had been painted blue."

"Blue, are you sure the Academy wasn't planning to do this and it got delayed?"
"No. From the voices, it was obvious that it wasn't planned, nor was it discussed."
"And there were some kids letting animals from the petting zoo out, and giving them free rain over the station."

"Starbase." The other one corrected. "If you're going to try and get paid for this information, you need to get it right, make it juicy and..."

"Keep the truth, without decorating the truth, it has to be correct." William stated. He held out his hand. "William Beach. My organisation pays two hundred per article. If it works out, then you'll get between three hundred and a thousand, depending on what grade the information belongs too. Depending on where and who wants the article you'll get a further twelve point three percent of what they sold it for. Five articles in ten days where all articles go green, or get published will get you a starting payment of five hundred. So once you have five articles that are all published or aired, from there on, if you're submitting articles, you get the five hundred up front, then you'll get twelve point three percent of what they sold it for and if you constantly bring good stories or information supplying detail, you will go on a retainer. You'll get seven hundred per article plus twelve point nine percent of what they sold it for and a detail bonus of seven point two percent." William pulled out a small 'business card'. I'll give you four percent out of what I get. If you'll willing to become my source. You get an additional bonus of seven point nine percent. If you want to offer your own data to the media via the article interest side, you will get a flat rate of two hundred, and eight percent. if you want to construct the story, provide images or get interviews, you can get up to two thousand per article." William sat back in his chair and waited. His grumbling stomach clearly forgotten. "No topic is ignored. I'll take anything and everything, as long as you've got the information to back it up."

Ten minutes later, he had the basis of fourteen articles, transferred the younger man a tidy profit. Paid for his registration, set up his account, completed the man's profile. Showed him how to submit what he had. Closed out a collection of article ideas, passed on topics he was interested in. And concluded with his contact details to both men.

"How about these?" Four uniformed women and another two male, slid into seats across from him. Glancing through what was on the padd, William held out his hand. "What didn't you hear?" It really wasn't going to be a hideous day. SNI got his information, he got paid, and then he got some padding in his account on the side.

Yep it definitely wasn't going to be a bad day after all.


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