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Meeting the Captain

Posted on 2023, Thu Sep 7th, @ 9:44am by Commodore Emily Janeway & Lieutenant JG Lyric Reese
Edited on on 2023, Wed Sep 13th, @ 10:17am

1,077 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)OUTPOST
Location: Transporter Room
Timeline: Drydock

When Commander Reese got on board the Intrepid from the Halo, she noticed that things were a lot different than the Halo. She is so used to being on the Halo and not the Intrepid. Although, got her transfer orders transferred and she is happy. She saw the captain there and was happy to see Captain Janeway on board.

Janeway noticed the person who was standing in front of her when she got off the platform of the transporter pad had been carrying her personnel’s bags, also still wearing her old Starfleet marine combat uniform laced black boots with her black uniform cargo tactical pants that she’d worn for years. As well as her favorite, personal protection tactical protective suit jacket, please show me the way to get to the Admiral that I’m supposed to be meeting with.

"Captain. The Admiral of the Halo? Which one my father is a Vice Admiral. But if you're talking about the commanding officer Admiral Townsend he should be on the Bridge in his Ready Room. Although my brother Captain Logan Reese is probably in the Transporter Room as we speak awaiting your arrival. Captain." She said and explained to the captain.

The captain nodded her head to acknowledge what she was saying and then said to her officer that she needed assistance in figuring out where to go on her ship considering she had a long journey from her old ship that she was with and settling in and took a toll on her own body and mental state of health after the accident that had occurred years earlier before she was chosen to come out the intrepid. She handed the officer she just met her personal belongings. That was in her possession at the time of her departure from her home residence where she lived for a few months before she was transferred to her newly established position as a command officer. Captain had started to feel a little bit weak or worse than she thought she would be at the dry dock.

"Captain? Are you okay?" She said.

The captain said I just didn’t know what’s wrong with me lately. Maybe it’s something that happen recalled that happened during my career serving on the ship I was transferred from to my current ship. It was a surprise attack. I was busy training crew members when, out of nowhere, a phaser blast of guns shot at us for no reason. I was able to take cover away from the attack; they blinded us with smoke grenades. I was able to get cover underneath the barrier of tables. For security teams to get into the ship rec room. It turns out one of the plasma energy blasts from the enemy's rifle hit me in a way At first, I thought it was a flesh wound, but it had a lasting impact on my capacity to become a part of Star Fleet commanding officer.

"Captain?" Reese asked. "You're going to be okay. You'll be a great commanding officer. I mean I do have some training in being a commanding officer myself. But I won't put myself in your position. I will and will not ever take your command chair unless you need me too." She added. Although she is worried about the captain nevertheless.

Captain said could you please show me where I may store my personal household items and personal clothes and my other items ?

"Yes captain. I'll do so. Although I know your executive officer is on board. If I'm correct it's my brother's friend Lola Martinez Captain."

Captain replied yes, I’m familiar with that person although I will be bringing somebody else over to my ship it’s a long four-legged friend of mine who has been with me since my my service to the federation and he has been on the old ship that I was last serviced. his name is Augustus. Hopefully you’re not afraid or allergic dogs or fur because he’s a Belgian and German shepherd mixed breed as the captain was also in the process of walking her dog with him his favorite little leash on his neck when his owner was finally finished with her conversation with her fellow officer in the area of the ship.

"I'm not captain. But what about Commander Lola Martinez though? She's already your executive." She said.

Janeway answered “I'm actually not even sure that she is coming to the ship or not until later in the future if the Admiral has everything ready to go under way .”

"Well I'm sure COmmander Martinez will be a great officer. I mean unless if we take a look at the roster." She said.

Janeway is still propped up against some kind of large metal shipping cargo that are being delivered to her vessel at the cargo bay warehouse yards on they’re on a hard material platform that includes the cargo forklifts equipment that moves up and down and around to store them on the cargo bay docks and then I’m going to be needing to go meet with Martinez for a introduction session sometime soon when she has arrived and I have to go ahead inspecting our handheld weapons for defective equipment and ammunition rounds for the defectives assembly.

"Yes captain."

“Good” “I have noticed that not all my crewmembers have arrived yet to the intrepid.”

"No ma'am. We haven't ma'am.

“ yes it’s so strange that I’m having feeling uneasy since I was poisoned by unknown assassin years before I started to my own career in the Starfleet command division instead of being a Starfleet’s Military marine commanding officer.

"I know captain."

“ well then I will be heading to my living quarters for sleeping time and then I’ll be heading to meetings 0400 hours for a surprise meeting with the admiral and my mom who is stopping by apparently so.”

"Well good luck you're going to need it. I'll keep the bridge and the ship in one piece captain. So you go and do what you need to do and I'll take care of the ship." Lyric said to Emily.

Janeway was walking around and waiting for her mother to arrive to meet her head boss for a special meeting “don’t worry about about me.” I’m just waiting to pass some time.

"Yes captain." She said as she departed to go to the bridge.


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