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Position for Lola Martinez on the Intrepid

Posted on 2023, Thu Aug 31st, @ 3:03pm by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Captain Logan Reese

230 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: Captain's Quarters to Admiral's Ready Room
Timeline: Few Minutes before Launch

Captain Logan Reese was thinking to himself about Lola Martinez. He then tapped his combadge =/\= Admiral may I see you in your ready room. I have thought about something and I'd like you to know. It's about Lieutenant Commander Martinez sir. =/\= He thought that it would be best if he spoke to the admiral about it. He thought that it would be best if Lieutenant Commander Martinez was on the U.S.S. Intrepid as the first officer on board there. It would be easier before the U.S.S. Halo's launch.

=^=On My Way=^=

Soon he was there. "So what about Mrs.Martinez? Something About Intrepid?"

"Yes Admiral. I feel like if the Intrepid had a good candidate, I feel like it's Lieutenant Commander Martinez sir. With all due respect the Intrepid does need a First Officer on board and I think that Lieutenant Commander Martinez would be a good fit for the position sir."

"That Sounds like a good idea, But lets wait till this mission is over to Make any final decisions"

"I agree Admiral. I just thought I'd bring this up to your attention. How's my father? Have you spoken to him yet?" He asked.

"Not, Yet, Will Once we are under way, Why Is there some concerns?"

"No sir. Of course not. No problem at all." He said.

"Well then lets get this ship Going"


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