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Kalkarindji - Taking Care of Business

Posted on 2024, Fri Feb 16th, @ 8:48pm by Outpost Captain Savage Ivanov

1,022 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)OUTPOST
Location: Kalkarindji - Deck 287

Deck 287 was among a few missing decks that didn't appear on the deck listing. It was amongst the highest security decks on Kalkarindji. Entering the TL from deck seven, Savage used a small square keypad box selector to choose the secured non listed deck. Stepping out, he strode across the manned security reception area, and through the guarded doors.

"Okay, let's get this on it's way." Savage took his place on the corner of one of the desks, as Nordic flicked a button and an image of a destroyed Starbase filled the screen.The image was a familiar one, one that had been seen over and over and over, since they'd been given the investigation.

"Starbase 986. They have confirmed that someone is indeed beaming garbage clouds that have been coated / saturated with an unknown explosive substance. Beaming them anywhere from less than a klick to three klicks from their chosen Starbase and letting them be pulled by the station's gravity pool, into contact with the station. Once the cloud has made contact with the station, detonation occurs, leaving SF stations with major damage. The cloud seems to break up as it moves into three separate waves. Whatever is not deemed necessary is retrieved by beam. According to information received, it would take an extremely delicate touch on the beamer controls, for this to be accomplished, and they would need beamers beyond SF beamers. There are seven ways a SF beamer could be used to accomplish such a transfer without having it explode in their faces. There are a very small pool of beamers within or working for SF that could accomplish such a beam."

Images of people replaced the station image. "The crossed out images, have been cleared. Thunder, you've got the task of decorating the list with more lovely crosses." Savage tossed a PADD from the pile towards one of the eight men in front of him. "And for God's sake someone take him shopping, he looks like he's straight out of the Academy. Take a look around, no one else has a t-shirt tucked in and their jeans ironed to the point, they have exact creases in them. Don't let him leave the deck without someone teaching him what's not done."

Savage watched as the young man tried to hide the blush from decorating his face, as he yanked the t-shirt out.

"Bloody mums."

"Ah huh." Another of the eight sounded his agreement. "You should have heard what mine said about the ink. I spent all week in a jacket, lost a few kilos, from sweating so much, just to keep them out of sight. I was not going to tell her, they weren't stick on ones."

Savage ignored the grunts, chuckles and curses, along with the various nods. "Max, you're contacting Beard, get him and his lot back to 986, and tell him to spend at least ten days in and around 986's remains. Update him on the garbage cloud." Another PADD from the tower of PADDS went towards Max. "Make sure you give him Mad's notes on beaming, moving, storing items from the cloud."

"Got it boss."

"Ivanov Corp lost a very large amount of property in the last nine attacks. I'm giving this a great amount of time and attention. Push the fact. Make it known. If payment for information is mentioned, you know the drill. I want 986 given a complete go over. Yes I'm aware SF have done this several times, but I want any watchers to know. I'm not happy and am not letting this go." Savage gave Nordic a short nod.

"I want Beard's lot to target the locals and draw attention as best they know how, put out some loose lips, see what bites. Make it known I'm riding this hard. I am not some Admiral sitting behind a desk. Tell Beard he'll have two of my prime on this one. Play it out. Tell Beard to think outside the box."

"How far outside?" Max asked, he had an idea, but needed to know how far he could go.

"Surprise me, and if you or his lot come up with something to make it clear how focused I am, do it."

"Got it." Max made notes on his PADD.

"Survivors are being held on Starbase Gently." Another PADD landed on his leg. "That gives Beard info on how he gets onto Gently..."

"Back into uniform?"

"No and he's to go in heavy, hot and to make sure his presence is known. Ruffle some feathers, leave some bruises. There's a name and image. he's to deliver a direct message, Ivanov to Richards. The message is to be long lasting. He doesn't hide who he is, or who he works for."

"Survivors, staff or SF?"

"There is a list of volunteers. Let it play out. Have a few of his wanting to impress. Let it play until he _HAS_ to step in. Handle the survivors as we usually do, if something stands out, take them for a ride, or bring them back."

Max and several others blinked.

"Are you saying...."

"Mad raised a hell of a lot of questions." Savage stated. "When serious thought was given, they only went in one direction. Whether it's the usual one bad apple or more, I haven't closed off that direction. And neither should anyone on this. Three lifepods escaped the last attack. Babies, a nurse and an armed marine."

"There was another attack?"
"Shit someone needs to identify the arse."
"Or arses."
"I still don't get it. They never take anything. They don't even board......."
"Not at that time. What if they'd already taken or received what they wanted, and blowing up the station was to cover their tracks."
"What would be worth the total destruction and the deaths of thousands?"

"Let's find out. Thunder, I want a complete list for each attack."

"How far back?"

"How far back can you go." Savage answered, getting a nod from the younger man. "I'll let Shannon know it's coming his way."

"Do you mind if I also take a look?"

"Go right ahead, just keep Shannon advised." Savage stated. "Questions?"


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