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Kalkarindji - Incoming

Posted on 2024, Mon Apr 22nd, @ 3:58pm by Outpost Captain Savage Ivanov & Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway
Edited on on 2024, Sun May 5th, @ 10:56pm

3,391 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: The Attack Of the Cadavera(Starbase 113/Outpost/Townsend)
Location: Kalkarindji Deck 286
Timeline: 06:00 hours

Savage Ivanov, Nordic Volkov, Steel Ivanov, King Ivanov, Arkady Ivanov, Bronx Ivanov, Cyrus Ivanov, Nikkos Ivanov, Royce Ivanov and Magnellan Ivanov were big men, they were all sitting, lounging, leaning and standing in one area of Deck 286. There were a few other big men around the deck.
"Did you know about this lot?" Royce asked the man, who was meant to be one of his brothers.

"I was advised they needed the most suitable twelve, added a few with question marks and gave them a list. I assumed they'd take and we'd receive." Savage stated. Personally, he didn't care who they got; they were quick to remove those that didn't fit the role.

"They're in the TL." Magnellan stated. "Youngest is twelve. Oldest is a Vulcan at one hundred and three. And we've got three personally chosen by Duncan. Janeway, Curtz and Bergamon."

"Did you say Janeway?" Nordic looked at Magnellan.

"Yep. One Admiral Kathryn Janeway."

"Voyager's Janeway?" Royce asked. "USS Voyager's Captain Kathryn Janeway. She's going to need the Sugar and Viv treatment. She'll be easily identified."

"Duncan wants her and the other two to experience the lot. He has plans for them but doesn't say what." Magnellan looked at Savage.

"Find out what. Does mum know daughter is out?"

Magnellan shrugged.

"Alright. We start the normal way, then the three get pulled, we'll keep them out of the loop until we know." Savage made the decision. "Unless she brings up Q, no one else mentions her." Looking at each of them, Savage got their nods.

"Five minutes out. They're coming down in one of the CTL." A man by the door advised.

Kathryn Janeway’s the first person to walk out of the CTL with small bags of personal items she’s wearing a civilian outfit, but she’s still wearing her own SF Combadge on her own chest.

Out of the CTL and onto the deck, Kathryn's body wasn't the only one to go green. A male hand wrapped around her arm, and she like the other green light covered people had handheld scanners ran over their bodies. Anything illegal or banned from this area was confiscated.

"It'll be returned when he says so." The man held her combadge before passing it to another male. "Inside people, leave your possessions this side of the door. When they've been cleared, they'll be placed on your bunks. Head straight to the empty chairs and let your arses make friends with one." He stepped away from Janeway.

"Hey, aren't you...."
"Did I say now you get a five minute chat break Quan."
"No sir."
"Then keep it closed unless you're asked something."
"Yes sir."
"Then keep it closed unless you're asked, means exactly that." Another male gave the teen a none to gentle push towards the chairs.

"Ears or mouth?" Cyrus Ivanov gripped the teenager's shirt and lifted him off the floor. Watching him turn white. He dipped his head and lowered his voice. "Open your ears and listen, acting like you're still in the Academy will get you killed. And it won't be like any death you'll get in SF. We're not here to be politically correct. We're here to teach you how to stay alive. Staying silent means, you don't piss anyone off." He lowered the kid to the floor and sent him in the direction of the chairs.

"Janeway, Curtz and Bergamon front row." Bronx Ivanov stated, from across the room. "You got a problem, Elf." Bronx eyed another teenager working at a nearby console, who kept turning around. Watching as he turned his attention back to the console. "I take it, that you're into Kalk's mainframe?" Which he knew was impossible, because he'd written the program, which had been strengthened by other so called Ivanov brothers, then had the Sugar, Viv and Madlyn treatment, followed by demolishment by Mad in a way he'd never seen before, before they'd started again. "No? Then I suggest you put that bloody computer you call your brain into gear and focus."

Arkady Ivanov, barely waited for the latest batch to sit, before starting. "Don't bother looking for PADDs, you won't have them with you, when you're live. Forget who you are. Those who make it through will move to the next phase. Those who are here to up their skills, will stay until we know you'll be of use. Those who came from Duncan, you'll get stepped through bits and pieces until we're certain you aren't going to puke. Then you'll start with the juicy. If you think you'll fail, or if you do fail, you won't be returning to your cushy life, we'll find you something else, where you can be of assistance and you'll go through this as many times as necessary. So put your brains into gear, open your ears and put your brain into gear. Keep your mouths closed unless we ask a question, or your number is called."

"The only ones with names are Bergamon, Crutz, Janeway. The rest of you get numbers." Nikkos Ivanov, started dropping strips of numbers on the rest. "You'll find more on your bunks. You change clothes, they go on. Until we say otherwise you're in our lovely shade of neon pink." Bundles of sweat pants, t-shirts, underwear, gloves, socks and boots, were handed to everyone except Bergamon, Crutz and Janeway, they received only the socks and boots. "Don't bother looking for change rooms. Stand up, strip and redress. You three." He looked at Bergamon, Crutz, Janeway. "Socks and boots. You've each got a pink bag, stick what you take off, into the bags. If you're seen without what you've been given, one of our boots will be sticking out of your arses."

"Do you have a problem, 4087." It was a question, but it didn't sound like one. King Ivanov moved to stand before the female, making no attempt to change. He didn't even bother waiting, he simply flicked out a blade and split her shirt down the side. "You've got the same body every other female as. No one is paying your scars any attention. You're ahead of the rest, because you have them." You're onto your second life. They tell a story. They'll make people you go up against think before they take you on. We'll teach your head, that they aren't shame marks, they're survivor marks. We all have them. Wear'em. Show'em. Shuv'em. Let them look. You earned the right to have them on display."

"You're all here to learn what life is in the black. Some of you will use what you learn within SF, the UFOP, the Diplomatic Division. Some of you will be posted to duty stations which mean you'll be dealing with our arseholes on a daily basis. Others will be going deeper. Three of you are going to experience what you need to handle. Everyone of you will see, smell, taste, touch and live in the black. There will be things that will make you puke, you'll see things that you loathe, but you can't stop. All you can do is stand and watch. There is no political correctness. SF and UFOP rules don't exist. What happens here, is beyond a lot of people's imagination. The only thing that can stop or modify people's actions is something bigger, someone prepared to do worse than others. Respect is a big part of our world."

"Kalkarindji is as close as you get to experience the black, and it's closely controlled. Yes there are things that happen on Kalk that aren't nice. It's not a case of people following rules. It's about not pissing off the main power holders. They come in all shapes and sizes. They may sit with their grandkid on their knee, they may braid their daughter's hair, they'll also slam their fist into a person's chest and pull out their heart, shove an explosive down their throat and stand and be covered in that person's blood and gore when that explosive blows. In this realm, it's not what you know, it's who you're prepared to work with. There are things you can do, to limit your chances of being torn limb from limb, you'll learn them and more. Listen to what is said. You'll all get a person who will answer your questions, deal with your issues. Use them. You go up the chain, you don't jump from mentor to king of the shit pile. We're not here to teach you how to make friends. We're here to teach you how to survive."

"Deck 286. Is where you stay. Everything you need is here." Nikkos Ivanov started. "The security on this deck, like everywhere else on Kalk, is black. If you're leaving this deck, you'll have one of us and others. We'll take you from the deck and we'll bring you back. You have no access to the TL's. Don't be idiots and try the JT's. The woman who oversees both will happily skin you. You'll find signs directing you to training rooms, lecture facilities, relaxation zones, galley facilities, food is prepared and brought onto the deck. Eat or drink what you want. You won't find any alcohol. You'll spend a fair amount of the next five days where you are now. Listen to what you are told. We're not speaking for the love of hearing ourselves talk. You have a question and can't wait be polite. Raise your hand and wait. If your question isn't answered, it's either something you don't need to know, or it needs to be cleared."

"You are all being issued one of these." Magnellan Ivanov held up a thin card, a dark corner on everyone. "It goes where you go. It's your ID. It contains your medical. It contains everything." He pulled a green box with a slot in it closer and slid one of the cards in it. Another box on the table immediately began to flash. He held up the card. "I am not Kat Janeway." He handed her, the card, and passed the pile to the nearest seated person. "Find yours, pass the rest along. Why don't we use SF standard? Because it's not the best, or it's not what we deem the best. Kalk is made up of different times, different species, different tech. Just because you recognize it, doesn't mean it does what you think .

Kat has finished pass in the cards to member’s of her group. She is uncertain about what she should be doing and has entrusted her backpack to the men in charge. However, she has secretly kept a small piece of jewelry, a precious ring, which she wears on her hand, even though she is not allowed to keep anything with her. During a conversation with the others, Kat mentioned rumors about her daughter's interest in Deeton. She hopes that Deeton will become a better friend to her daughter than her last Starfleet officer boyfriend, who was also on her daughter's first trip, but the romance was short-lived. She finished talking and waited for their response.

Two hands clamped down on the arms of Kat's chair and stayed there. "Janeway." Arkady lowered his voice, when she didn't react, he moved his face in closer, and repeated her last name, in a louder-than-normal voice. "Janeway!"

Janeway turns her own head to look at the person named Arkady wondering what is hollering about as Kat continues to try to get up from the chair, to walk with the rest of the other people in her group, still holding her ID card in her hand.

"Deeton's an arse." He eyed her. "But the arse will keep her out of trouble. The three of you." He indicated Bergamon, Crutz, and Janeway. "Will be taken to discuss what you'll be doing." He stood up.

"Right, stand, single file, straight to the water cooler, left, left, left. You'll find the mess. Grab a tray, fill it, and grab yourselves something to eat, you've got thirty minutes. That starts now. Move!"

The group moved, as instructed.
"Thoughts?" Steel asked Savage.
"I expected more, giving her experience," Savage answered.

Janeway quickly hurried to grab a food tray and cup of water wearing prison system attire on her own body just like the two other people as she stood in the line in the rooms like she was instructed by the men that worked like prison guards

"You're thinking she's doing a..." King stopped when someone else elbowed him.
"That I do. Separate the three of them. Time on the Warlord."
"0300 about."
"Get a message to Deeton, remove the hat. Tell him who we've got. I want to know whether she is totally unaware or playing. Tell them they've got fifteen."


Deeton stood in the doorway of his sleeping quarters and watched Q sleep soundly. Crouching down before Augustus, he offered the dog, his hand to sniff, before giving him a scratch. Dropping his only piece of clothing, his towel he repositioned his hat, before uncovering Q and lowering himself onto his side, leaning over, he ran his stubble over her bare stomach, slowly inching his way upwards. Q was still sleeping in Deeton’s bed as she was still sleepy turned over on her side to see who was in the bed with her and she said I thought you weren’t coming eventually?” she said Smiley.

"In good time Q." He slipped one finger under her chin and titled it backward as he ran his tongue along her lower lips.

Q heard D’s voice as well to relax, and take in his touch, letting him take in her fragrant shampoo in her hair, listening to the dog snore contently in his bed “Sounds perfect. She shows jewelry that he gave to her I guess it’s turning with a shade of certain color. I hope it’s a good sign.” she said will a half-asleep sound of her voice.

Deeton continued rubbing his whiskered face up her body his hand following. Q then relaxed resume to enjoy Deeton’s company in the master bedroom.


Twenty minutes later, when all trainees were back, having eaten, they were divided into two groups. Duncan's three and the rest. King and Steel took Bergamon, Nikkos and Bronx took Crutz, while, Janeway found herself in a TL going up with Savage, Arkady, Cyrus and Nordic.

Kat looked over at the 4 men in the room alone as Kat still standing straight up against the wall not sure what to expect from prison environment. she looked older physically without her beautiful SF uniform.

It didn't take them long to enter the outer area of the surveillance centre. Entering his code, Savage let Nordic take Kat in, following, he rolled his eyes as someone had activated the large screen and it was filled with a nude Deeton who was kissing an equally large zoomed image of Q.

It didn’t take too long for Nordic to lead Kat in the surveillance center. She looks at the screen and the equally zoomed in one. And sees Deeton naked with the women on the bed she is absolutely in a jaw-dropper of what is unfolding in the screen in front of her eyes. Kat Almost Felt her chest constrict as if the air had shot out of her own body she could not believe that she caught a glimpse of the horrors of a show of her daughter, even though she could make out her face on the surveillance monitor screens.

Nordic watched Kat, as everyone in the room left, leaving Savage, Arkady, Cyrus, Kat and himself the only occupants within the room. "Were you aware that Emily had been put into play?" Nordic asked.

"Now isn't the time to play." Arkady added. It was obvious that she was surprised at what was playing on the monitor.

"Your expression is giving you away, and that's the last thing you want." Cyrus stated.

"It's your body language and face that will give you away first." Savage stated. "What's going through your mind. Are you shocked to see Emily enjoying Deeton's company or is it that they're both naked. Or maybe it's more of what a mother never thought she'd be watching?"

Kat looks at Savage and says “I am shocked by what I am seeing as a mother “seeing Emily laying down naked in the bedroom with Deeton but I'm pleased to be Seeing Emily relaxing with his company” Kat said to Savage.

"If you're going to do this, then you're going to have to work on splitting your emotions from your face. You're a walking sign, giving everything away." Savage stated.

Kat took a deep breath and told Savage “I am going to do this also I'm going to learn to spit my emotions from my face so I don’t give Everything out.” Kat stated. As Kat seem to be pinned Against the wall in the center of the surveillance Center room trying to get her brain wrapped around everything that’s going through her brain.

Savage gave a single nod glancing at the screen as D stood up and headed out the Warlord's master bedroom. "You've got twenty minutes to talk to Q. Cover whatever you need to cover. It will be a while before you get the chance again. We'll be outside, when you're finished."

"Do mother's really not think their daughter's have sex?"

Savage ran one hand over his whiskers. "It's a hell of a lot easier the Ivanov way." Savage leant against the wall. "Identify a female younger than you are. Let them bump into you and give your choice to the old man. You get them, they become Ivanov, and get educated in what they need to learn, you teach them the rest. you see their family once or twice a year."

Kat walked over to the screen surveillance to be able to speak with her daughter, the Warlord Kat just knew that D’s Ship was far from Kat’s current location she managed to insert some control keys, and a Starfleet message to her daughter containing a pre-recorded hello message.

"Hello Em, I never thought I see, what I saw." Kat greeted her daughter. "You look great. Did you have your scars removed? They look like they were never there? You never mentioned you had a man in your life?" Kat was a bit embarrassed, over taken, confused, while she was happy to see her daughter with a man, who was obviously more than just a friend. "Does he have a father? Or older brother?" Kat couldn't help but ask.

Emily smiled as she gazed at her mother's face on the monitor.
“ yes he’s way better and I look beautiful and the man I was laying in bed with Deeton’s definitely completely better than my previous ex-boyfriend. When I was the captain of the USS. Intrepid but now that I’m at the rank Brigadier General, My Ex-boyfriend has happily moved on and is now dating someone named Lillian. Emily's mother had seen footage of Deeton, the man she had been with, and “ I hope you will be able to understand.” Emily asked about her grandma Janeway's horses, particularly her black stallion named Midnight. She wondered how they were doing back on earth at the Janeway Family Farm ranch?” I look beautiful thank you. I guess my scars are removed. Especially one on my chest.”

Kat brought Emily up to date, staying away from what she was doing and any work related items. It felt both strange and nice to simply talk.

Meanwhile Emily kinda knew that Kat would be not be able to get a chance to talk with her daughter because of the fact Emily’s on the tight timeframe with herself “ since we’re busy lately. We haven’t even gets to talk to each other. so I’ll just keep a letter correspondence to you by writings on handwritten letters to you and also remember to wearing that small ring I gave you the one with our birthstones on it with engraved message that it’ s on your finger still,”she smiled as she nearly cries out to her mother as she was about to hear nearby. She knew her time was short within contacting her mother communication room, separating Emily’s location from the outpost.


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