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Starbase 113 Kalkarindji Halo DCE (2)

Posted on 2024, Fri Feb 16th, @ 1:43am by Outpost Captain Savage Ivanov & Rear Admiral Ilyce (Pronounced Ice) Collins & Captain Maddison Black & Lieutenant Teresina Waylin & Lieutenant JG Jewel Marsden

1,026 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)OUTPOST
Location: Starbase 113
Timeline: Continuing on from Starbase 113 Kalkarindji Halo DCE

"Got it." Jewel led the way into the shaft, Jason close behind. It took them twenty minutes, but by the time they'd accomplished what Mad instructed, the TL had stopped moving. "Employing Mag Lev slime." Jewel confirmed, as she entered her code, and the bright orange slim began to flow over the rails.

"Wait until the slime covers the rails totally and turns neon. Once that has happened, the slime will auto harden, meaning the capsule can't move. you've blocked the magnetic process. Secure yourselves to the cable runs, and one of you drop to just above the capsule roof. One stays where they are. Get one other to stop halfway between the two of you." Mad instructed.

"Got it." Jason answered. "Jewel's dropping. Arctic is middle. I'm remaining up top."

"Once you're all in position, Jewel can ease herself down onto the capsule, and pop the top."

"Aren't I just opening the access hatch?"

"No. you'll have a pressure difference because of the gas. Using a popper, will eat the access gas, and even the pressure. Secure the capsule top to a hold cable and swing it out of the way. It'll give you open access to the entire capsule. once you've got that, grab the first passenger, get them into a recovery sling, and return them to where you entered. Get them up hand the sling across, let medical take them from there. Tell Collins to take them straight to main medical, forgo any triage center. Once you've got them all out, place DCS's. Secure the shaft, and you're clear to start the clean up and restructure process."

"And the pellets?" Ilyce asked.

"Unless you've got a reason that SF won't blow over let Kalk take'em back." Mad answered Ilyce. "You want to use them in one of your kooky lectures." It wasn't a question. "You're going to have to write something up, and I'm going to have to create DCP and you're going to have to stick to it like glue. Send me as much info and I'll create the DCP." Mad stated. "You know what I'm going to have too have."

"And it's going to who?" Ilyce asked.

"Ward, Townsend, Lovell." Mad stated. "All three have approved DCP's in connection with Academy Instructor's wanting to use items that need DCP's. None of them were at that time aware which authorized DCPO wrote the protocol, since we only are a series of numbers. They may be able to work out that I'm king of the DCP shit pile, since some require more than one sign off, and mine is usually the set in the final approval box under theirs. They've got enough of mine over the years, from Academy usage to weapons test protocol through to food safety, too... whatever else. You'll have to have everyone that attends in SF suits, and you'll have to have some of mine in there as well."

"Should I bother?"

"I can't see any reason why you can't do kooky with PP. As long as there is a certain level of counter applied to each risk. PP's are used in education as pretty standard now aday's. It's a gazetted piece of tech, even if SF would rather it not be. As long as you get a DCP from a DCPO, it'd take them more effort to refuse, since my DCP's are always more than required. And you're free to send a refusal back for DCPO review."

"Doesnt that have to go to the DCPRO?" Ilyce asked.

"Look at the level 8 DCPO." Jason stated. "And then look at the DCPRO."

"DCPO8 is 50361306, DCPRO is 50361306." Ilyce looked at Jason.

"Mad's DCES number is 50361306. She uses the same number for everything." Jewel stated.

"I thought every subject had a different number?"

"I got sick of using so many, so I started using one signing my signature and leaving a dirty comment, until they stopped sending it back."

"Hang on, that means.."

"Means you not send me it." Mad's sleeve voice was replaced with Mad's. "Follow protocol. Says send you send whoever. No step missed. Not follow, comes back."

Ilyce looked at Sympathy who appeared wiggling her finger in her direction. "And no I'm not forwarding it to Mad, when it's supposed to go elsewhere first."

"So what else does she have reviewer status for?"

"Anything else?" Mad's sleeve asked.

"We've got it from here, Mad." Jason answered.

"You know where I am should it be necessary." Mad signed off.

Tag - Medical

"So what else do you hold Reviewer status in?" Sin asked.

"I sleep 75 minutes every 55 hours. I have more qualifications than the average SF person. It keeps my brain occupied. But I refuse to deviate without there being a very good reason. What I'm qualified in, is not open for comment. I had to fight to be allowed to get some of them. I'm not rocking the boat. SF is very much a boys club, they like their rules followed. Some people are willing to use what is presented too them. Others don't want to know. If I need to add something else to fill a gap. I know where to go. What did I tell you first?"

"Sometimes you're better off swimming underwater then making a splash on the surface." Sin answered. "I thought you were nuts, when you taught us all different stuff outside Damage, until we were presented with extended damage graduation qualifications, which the men's club couldn't argue."

"There are always alternate paths, they take longer, but sometimes they bring benefits normal doesn't." Mad rose to her feet. "Catch some shut eye. I'll keep it flowing until your up." Mad held up a hand when Sin, went to open her mouth. "Don't make me say it."

"Don't make her say what?" Walker asked Sin, when she passed him.
"It's an order, not a request." Sin answered,
"We're set up bunks in one of the hangar decks. We've pulled all the DP off, and the innards are free of retardant. And no, no one has found whatever is alive in the innards. It seems to be sticking to the retardant spill areas."

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