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Admiral Ward & Carol

Posted on 2024, Thu Feb 29th, @ 9:24am by Admiral Mike Ward

852 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)OUTPOST
Location: Admiral Wards Office

The Admiral turned to Denise and spoke in a calm but serious tone. "I am doing well," he said, his eyes scanning the room. "For now, the windows will remain tinted. It's better to be safe than sorry." He then walked over to the table and picked up a stack of PADDS. "As for these devices," he continued, "we might as well allow the crew to learn how to use them. With us being out here, and with the upcoming meet with the Outpost, we must be prepared for any situation. There could be potential dangers lurking around every corner, and I don't want us to be caught off guard."

Denise stared at him. "They're coming here?" She gasped. "What if they decide to kidnap all the females........and..... " She looked to make sure no one else was able to hear her. "You know?"

The Admiral looked to her. "If they do, They will sincerely regret the choice, Starfleet will come and take everything they own, and lock them up. Admiral Townsend will also be taking care of that if it were to happen, Its been said Townsend hates those types."

Denise moved closer to the Admiral. "But you have heard the rumors sir. They say that he is taking money from them and therefore will let them do what they want." She lowered her voice. "They were talking about it in the turbolift, apparently he is getting services from them in return for turning a blind eye."

The Admiral face turned a bit red. "Can you get me his contact info please? And a Direct line to the Ship attached to the Star Base"

"Yes Sir." Denise did a rapid about face and hurried off to do as instructed.

"Surely you don't think that's correct sir." Carol, one of the older cadets heard about the rumors and had just shook her head. "Sorry to stick my nose in sir, but the station is a big place, and it's just ripe for fruit picking, and when you pick, you'll hear anything and everything. There are quite a few going around. From the Commodore talking to the dead. To some stowaway having built themselves a palace in some Jeffries Tube. To a group of kids from the civvi school who prank others. To somebody from the Academy Teaching Authority selling and growing drugs, to someone drugging kids as some sort of medical or science test. I just ignore them." Carol was older than most of the cadets. She was generation J as they called it. A mature or oldie returning for a second career. "But I do write down what I hear."

"Your a interesting Cadet, Whats the name?" Ward asked.

"Name sir?" She didn't know if he wanted her name or someone else's name.

"Tell me, Cadet, what is your name?" Ward demanded, staring intently at Carol.

"Carol Wilmot, Sir. Dropping my days as a Counsellor and moving into Academy Teaching, I hope sir."

Ward expressed his appreciation and suggested, "I was wondering if you would be interested in becoming my assistant?"

Carol blinked several times. "Certainly, I like to keep busy." He did look like he was a bit overwhelmed. Glancing around his office, she couldn't see a defibrillator. "Could you give me a general run down of what you'd like me to do sir."

"The basics really, Make sure My Shcleule is always neat and I know where I need to go and where to meet, And Also get reports to me from Command, Etc."

She could easily do that, and a lot more, and after hearing Denise, she knew that she could certainly do a better job then her. She was already reorganizing her schedule to manage his. She couldn't get any closer to him, as she was instructed to do so, then this. This had turned out easier to complete than she'd thought.

"Done, sir. When do you want me to start?" Carol asked. Getting here earlier than he did, was also easy, since she'd always been an early riser. "Do you want me to do your scheduling sir? Make your appointments, keep you in the loop? Or just get you the reports? so you are kept in the loop?"

"Lets Go All of it, And As of Now I am making you Acting Lt."

That she wasn't expecting. But she didn't argue, just thanked him. Having looked at the state of his outer office, that would take her the longest to clear up. But she wasn't into trashing other people, there were other ways to get her thoughts across. "Is there anything else Admiral? Or I'll make a start of rearranging the outside office."

"Make yourself at home," the admiral said with a warm smile.

"Thank you Sir." She left his office, moving towards what was hers, and beginning to move things around, check what had been stored, what was waiting, what needed to be transcribed, what didn't to be archived. unlocking the desk, she wheeled it into her preferred position, before finding cleaning supplies and starting to clean the desk, then the entire order.
Tag: Carol


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