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Posted on 2023, Thu Aug 31st, @ 10:32am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Lieutenant JG Lyric Reese

587 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: Ready Room-Deck 1
Timeline: 1 Hour Before Halos Departure

=^=Admiral Townsend to Lt. Commander Reese, Report to Ready Room Immediately=^=

=^= Yes sir on my way =^= she tapped her combadge and went to the turbolift and said "Bridge" she said. The computer closed the door and takes her to the bridge.

By the time she got to the bridge, she chimed the admirals chime. She stood outside the door and awaiting the answer from the admiral.

"Come" She heard. When she walked in he was looking out the View Port which was showing earth.

"Sir. You asked to see me sir?" She asked as she was in attention.

He continued Looking out the Window. "Yes I did, Hows Your Stay so Far on the Halo?"

"I'm loving it sir. My big brother is here. My sister in law is here and my father. Let alone a friend of Logan's and Quinn's sir but I'm loving it here. Why do you ask? "

"How About Becoming a Chief Intel Officer? Not On the Halo, Plus the Promotion to Commander"

"I'd love that. But what do you mean not on the Halo sir?"

"Have you heard about the Legendary Admiral Janeway? And the Little Girl that she raised while the Voyager was Trapped far from earth? Emily Janeway?"

"Yes sir. I have heard about the good legendary Admiral Janeway. But I'm not familiar with an Emily Janeway" she said.

"Well She is Pretty Much the adopted Daughter of her, And She needs a Crew, And You Seem The Best fit for her Chief Intelligence Officer."

"Me sir? I'll take up anything. Although my annoying brother might ask where I'm at I'll still keep contact with your permission of course sir." She said asking permission

"Mrs. Reese, Your Brother is on the Fast track to his own Command, The Next Promotion for him will Probably come from, me. And Plus, Why would be any problem if A Star Ship Captain is Checking in on his Sister? And Another Plus, We will working Along side the Intrepid on some missions, We are the Two Ships Under the Orders of Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell. But The Intrepid don't have a full crew yet so they are still in Dock at Earth."

"Yes sir. I am willing to put that transfer sir." She said with a smile

"Well Congrats then As of Now....Computer" It Beeped. "As Of Now Assign Newly Promoted Commander Lyric Reese To the USS Intrepid as Chief Intelligence Officer"

"Complying...Completed, is there anything else Admiral"

"No, Now Commander Get you things together and get to the Intrepid, you have a hour before The Halo takes off."

"Yes sir. Let the captain know I'll be right on board. I am not familiar with the Intrepid. Nor it's class. But I'm ready. All my stuff was already repacked sir." She said

"Oh Really?..." He found that her things were already Repacked. "Well SHe has already gotten your Info, She is Busy right now, Shes meeting with the CINC on Star Base 1, Well It was nice meet you and I wish you well in Your Career, If you ever need anything Please Reach out"

"I will admiral. But with you and my brother and my dad and my sister in law are here and I'm on the Intrepid. I'll be out here in the next half hour sir." She said

"Well Dismissed Commander" and Handed Her new Commanders Pips to her.

"Yes sir." As she took her new pips.

Then She left and the Admiral went back to Looking out the Window.


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