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Starbase 113 - New Arrivals

Posted on 2024, Wed Feb 14th, @ 2:26am by Rear Admiral Ilyce (Pronounced Ice) Collins & Lieutenant JG Jewel Marsden & Petty Officer 1st Class Quoiba Quest

756 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Attack Of the Cadavera(Starbase 113/Outpost/Townsend)
Location: Deck 1059 - Home of Damage Control
Timeline: Current

Starbase 113, had 180 decks designated to Engineering. Damage Control had been given Deck 1059. Decks 1056 to 1065 were designated General Maintenance. Deck 1059 had been deemed the appropriate place for Damage Control Engineering. Away from General Engineering, stuck on a secured access grouping. For the group of new arrivals, it was exactly where they wanted to be. Somewhere, where they could come and go, without having to deal with the people that were general engineering.

Commodore Ilyce Collins, looked at the group of women across from her. She had names but could put only Sympathy Gibbons face to the name. Sympathy was Maddison Black's second, when it came to Mad's Lot of Damage Control Women. Sympathy managed everything that was meant to go to Mad. Sympathy was the only one of the women who wasn't damage control trained or in training. Sympathy was the administrator that Starfleet demanded. She kept Mad up to date.

After Sympathy, there was Inferno Mase, Mason Jaye, Poison McCaught, Casey ' Case' Jasmine
Tanner Greyson, Echo Seven, Fire Blaze, Anatye Olocke, Isseka Liiam, Erakala Hardy, Yunyarinyi Fiona, Rain Carter, Cyclone Lorne, Eden Xacton and
Blue Forrester. That were here. Teresina Sin Waylin was tasked to the USS Halo as DCE1. Arctic Coquix was tasked to the USS Intrepid as DCE1. Arcadia 'Arc' Sorrens was tasked to the USS Townsend as DCE1. Antarctica 'Ant' Matthews was tasked to the USS New Orleans as DCE1. Quoiba Quest was tasked to the USS California as DCE1. Jason West had retired from Starfleet to DCE on Kalkarindji. Which left Jewel Marsden tasked to Starbase 113 as DCE1 and the women herself Maddison Mad Black tasked to the USS Halo as Executive Officer and WDDCE.


"Excuse me?" Ilyce directed her attention to Sympathy.

"Are we frying your brain or is it your 'we can't crossover' that's doing the damage?"

"A bit of both. What did you desire?"

"How about a new head?" Ilyce smiled.

"I can do a lot but I'm no surgeon." Sympathy answered. "First I asked if you knew what was happening with the others? Second I asked if we'd been tasked with anything other than standard damage?"

"As far as I know, Waylin's staying on the Halo. Coquix arrives here within the next week, till the Intrepid arrives. Sorrens will be working on 113 until she takes her position on the Townsend. Matthews and Quest will be doing the same. Jason is over on Kalk. Jewel is already here, and no one has said anything about Black moving, so she's still XO on Halo."

"And you have no problem with that?"
"None. You all start in twenty-six hours."
"And me?"
"Your position as Mad's Admin remains. I've got a realm of administrative work, that I'm sure will land in your box, at some time in the next forty eight hours. Anything you spy that you want that you don't get, let me know. You've also got meetings with Admiral Mike Ward and Captain Mark White, regards to the pilot DCE. I'll leave you to corral Jewel and find out what's happening. As for anything else, Maintenance is now under Damage. TL's are Damage. Civilian Decks and Civilian Areas are Damage. I'll send out a breakdown of who does what as far as engineering is concerned."


Sympathy turned to eye the rest of the women."So, locate your quarters, store your gear, see if one of you can locate Marsden. I'll pull up the damage slash maintenance list......"

"And check the Engineering box, to see if they've stolen anything they shouldn't have and get it returned."

"And check the settings."

"Lock them out of being able to isolate anything, that's ours. You've got Mad's protocol and codes. We're working by that. So, go through 113's protocol and adjust it."

"Would you just like me to sedate and jettison GE?" Sympathy asked. "I do know the protocol ladies. It will be done before your shifts start."

"And we need the maintenance decks access changed. We want separation, so we don't end up getting GE shifts."

"Standard Mad Protocol." Sympathy nodded. "Anything else?"


"Already noted."

"We batted our eyes and we got some mighty nice candy to stand watch over the rest of our gear. It..."

"Got it, item two." Sympathy nodded. "And just before you complain. Collins has approved maintenance coming under Damage."

Sympathy Gibbons 
Inferno Mase
Mason Jaye
Poison McCaught
Casey ' Case' Jasmine
Tanner Greyson
Echo Seven
Fire Blaze
Anatye Olocke
Isseka Liiam
Erakala Hardy
Yunyarinyi Fiona
Rain Carter
Cyclone Lorne
Eden Xacton
Blue Forrester


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