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USS Halo - Want Need Must

Posted on 2024, Wed Feb 7th, @ 1:48pm by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commander Dorna Villersh & Lieutenant Teresina Waylin
Edited on on 2024, Wed Feb 7th, @ 1:50pm

1,009 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: Battle Bridge
Timeline: Current

Teresina was close enough to the Battle Bridge or as damage referred to it CD1, that she quietly headed into its lit realm.

"Permission to enter and speak to the Admiral?"

Getting a nod, she approached him.

"I'd like the opportunity to apologize for having to drag you from the C Deck Admiral Townsend. The last thing I wanted to do was overstep my place, but having been given instructions by Captain Black, who wanted you out of the danger zone, I really didn't have much say in the matter. I'd like to stress that while I don't like doing things like that, I will given another situation sir."

The Admiral turned to the Lt. Blood dried to the right side of his face from the blast. "Its fine, Your doing your job, Now take up ops and get me more power to weapons and sheilds"

"Ah... Right." Sin looked at the door. "If a certain Captain appears, I'm advising the Admiral, he's the shield, sir." Dropping down under the console, she ripped off the floor plate and reached for her toolbelt. "We'll go dark for twenty seconds." Sin stated, as she found the junction, uncoupled several cables and returned them to another junction. "Please, don't blow a main in General Engineering." She whispered, pulling another handful of cables out and linking the cables to the next junction. "Ignore the sound." Sin instructed, sliding her blackout visor down over her helmet, gripped the cap she wanted and yanked.

A loud squeal echoed through the battle bridge, bouncing off the walls, a bright blue light, casting an unusual glow over everything, while Sin sat in the seat and worked the keyboard, before sitting her controller on the desk linking it and pushing the requested power levels up. "Seventy percent increase, Sir."

She remembered Mad saying, it was not the time to give someone who didn't need to know all the facts, the facts. So she hoped that the panels from which she pulled the power didn't all spark and cause fires, but knowing there would soon be fire retardant flowing from the emergency systems, likely flooding areas of the Halo, probably engineering, and more likely the marine areas.

Townsend waited as she did her job.

Main Engineering

There were more than forty loud shrieks, followed by forty neon blue light flashes, as people moved away from consoles, walls, panels, and everything else, as all of engineering plunged into pitch blankness, followed by a loud crunch before the evacuation alarm started, and the emergency response system began to pump retardant down from the emergency system.

"Khught on toast!" Dorna yelled as she threw her hands up in the air in frustration. "Ok people, you better know what to do now!" She waved her crew away to safety and at one point, pulled an Ensign by the arm as they slid like a bug under the falling fire doors. She practically threw him towards the exit, but she didn't care-now was NOT the time to be gentle. "Head for the Jeffries Tubes if you have to! Snah phu! Use the brains you're supposed to have and fall on your training!" She advised, managing to grab a PADD from a nearby console.

Battle Bridge

"Done as requested Admiral." She would have run off the Battle Bridge, she preferred to work in the background. "Is there anything else Sir?" She really wanted to crawl into a vent and not come out until she could safely go back to the dark realms of Damage.

Hallway Near Main Engineering

The Tellarite skuttled on behind the sea of bodies that were her people, calling out orders, and coordinating with the DC's and her crew still on search. She was on her way to Auxilliary Engineering when she hit her comm badge. "Villersh to Admiral Townsend! Engineering is quat thanks to some mukkup who doesn't know their main appendage from a phaser array!" She skidded to a stop when she found a section of hallway with display capabilities. Tapping the panel, she proceeded to look for the safest spot she could exact repairs and return to her beloved Sanctum. "We're able to move on impulse power, Admiral. I'll see what I can do to bring warp online."
That said, Dorna grunted and took off again. "One last thing, Admiral. If you can find that little mukkup that cut my Iron Lady's Heart, tell them they had BETTER fix it or I will make them clean Her Hull with a toothbrush!"

=/\=Sorry about that Commander, Moving the halo away from the battle, How quickly can we activate our MVA?=/\=

"We can't." Sin stated. "Damage protocol doesn't allow for it. You'd lose every powered system onboard, and unless you want Mad laying cables trying to patchwork systems. There is literally no way she'll bring that online." Sin looked at the Admiral. "You are aware, Damage Protocol seven, that we're operating under, diverts all control to the highest ranking DCE. In this case, Captain Maddison 'Mad' Black. As soon as the computer identifies the ship's got 'battle' damage or in the case of this computer system, runs a scenario list, matching the damage to a logical cause, and an explosive device or ED is listed under activate damage protocol, you need the highest ranked DCE to concur. Not even the chief Engineer can override the setting. It was created to stop battle hungry captains from taking damaged ships into a catastrophic cascade failure." Sin looked at him. "They blocked the Chief Engineer from overriding because they think and process things differently. Damage reacts and it's deemed that Damage has the heart of the ship as their priority. General Engineering, has to put everything in a set order, they are more by the book." She waited for him to explode. "Mad could tell you more. Basically with every advancement, they have brought in additional securities. This ship has thousands if not more additional securities."

Townsend sighed. This was getting to be a pain in his ass.


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