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USS Halo & Starbase 113 - What the....

Posted on 2024, Wed Feb 14th, @ 2:57pm by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Sergeant Major JB Dersch & Rear Admiral Ilyce (Pronounced Ice) Collins & Captain Maddison Black & Lieutenant Teresina Waylin & Lieutenant JG Jewel Marsden

1,219 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: USS Halo & Starbase 113
Timeline: After the Halo Event

"That she is." Jewel stepped out o the TL Maintenance Deck, and straight into place in front of Ilyce. "Commodore, TL thirty-four is coming off it's magnetic rails. She's way over speed, ping ponging between highest to lowest. Shaft Barrier's have lowered. Damage has requested medical on one of the garden decks. Three decks either side to be evacced. The TL is not empty. There are seven known ways to stop the TL. I'm not keen on any. I need Mad."

"USS Halo...."

"Either I get a line with Mad at the end, or my choice is number eight. And it means blowing the bottom off the TL shaft and blowing a hole in 113, then forcing the TL out into space. If I do that, it'll bounce off the gravity pool, straight back into the station and no you can't transport. Which means blowing up the TL before it makes contact with the gravity pool and then what's left will act like shrapnel and come back at 113. Caught within the gravity pool, it won't just hit the bottom of the station."

"Colla." Collins kept her eyes on Jewel. "I need an emergency line to the USS Halo. Mad Black to be precise."

"Yes sir."

Colla was turning her seat when the deck went red, and everyone turned their attention to their consoles.

"What do we have people." Ilyce asked.

USS Halo

The chaotic scene unfolded as The Admiral was forcefully pulled away from the bridge. Suddenly, a deafening explosion rocked the ship, sending both The Admiral and Sin hurtling across the bridge and nearly crashing into the ready room. The once pristine tactical console erupted in flames, while the helm station was completely destroyed. Wires dangled from the ceiling and a thick haze of smoke hung in the air, making it difficult to see or breathe. The ship was now in disarray, and it was transparent that it would take a great deal of effort to bring it back to a functional state

The Admiral, struggling to regain his balance, managed to get back on his feet and yelled out urgently, "Computer! I need you to move all the controls in the bridge to Battle Bridge immediately!"

With the Ships computer being linked to the rest of the fleet, It now sent a distress message to Star Base 113.

Starbase 113

"We're receiving a distress message from the USS Halo, sir."

"Alert the USS Ross to prepare for immediate departure. Notify the 111th and the Hazard Team. As well as our CMO and CEO, I want extra medical and engineering bodies on the Ross when it departs. Unravel the message Mr Cruze. What were we sent?"

"Main screen sir." Everybody turned towards it, as a seventy second clip of what happened on the bridge replayed across the screen, including the Admiral's forced removal from the bridge, by a suited DCE, their stumble, and everyone's reaction to the caught explosion, followed by several seconds after.

"That's Waylin dragging the Admiral towards the IID. Three dead. He's moving everyone to CD1." Jewel pushed the TL to the back of her mind and watched the monitor. "DCE don't drag Admirals off C Deck, so Mad's given that order. That's not a system crash, that's a bomb. It could have inflicted more damage being placed elsewhere, so it was targeted at someone. Mad's not there, so she'll be..... somewhere on deck two. That blast came up. She'd have marines, security, engineering as well as damage in suits strip searching. Can I see the data flow please?"

Moving closer to the monitor Jewel scanned the rows of letters, numbers and symbols. "They've got interruption to some flow, there will be dead communications spots, temperature fluctuations. Speed will be limited. She's lost transporter functions. Life Support has been shut on the C Deck, but Mad would have everyone in suits by now. She'll follow protocol and shut any element that uses power that isn't absolutely necessary. Two TL's running shut the rest down. Two replicators, every other replicator shut down, switched lighting to bare. Torches and glow sticks the go. She'd have everyone pulling decorative finish plating, so they can find any other ED's."

USS Halo

"Starbase 113 on emergency channel." The woman manning communications announced.

Mad was focused on the Halo's damage and while she filed what her sleeve was capturing, 113 wasn't her issue. She knew that CD1 or the Battle Bridge where they were, along with only the other absolutely necessary areas would have retained their lighting, every other area would have transferred to Damage Protocol, which meant between zero to three percent normal. Everything deemed not absolutely necessary would have been

"We've got reports of unresponsive Turbolifts, Replicators, Lights. Temperature fluctuations."

"Damage Protocol." Mad answered. "CD1, medical are the only levels with full services. Part of the marine deck and the engineering deck have Damage lighting level three percent. Anything not absolute has been shut down. TL's and replicators on this sized ship means two working, all others shut off. Temperature fluctuations are caused by the way the ship's built. You've got full weapons, shields, and other necessary systems. Deck one is sealed." Mad gave a plate she was working on a hard yank, and dragged it out of the way, so she could access the internal. "Stop worrying about complaints, they're alive and if their arses aren't in suits that'll keep their family jewels from freezing. I'll kick them out the nearest airlock. Concentrate
on keeping the ship working."

"USS Halo, Starbase 113. Ah I've...."

"Mad it's Marsden. I've got up to thirty people in a TL that's losing clips. She's jumping and my only solution is eight."

"TL Barrier deployed?"


"Cut two of the Damage viewers off, put a water hose in both and flood. Get five bags of PP's and start soaking with a dripper. Cut into the drone link, dump sedation gas from the fours. Plug the DV's give it two hours. Release all the fours. Watch weight of TL Cap. When the weight increases, cut the cap off, and add more gas. Higher the PP's the more the cap will steady and slow. Alternative. Don't cut the cap and release four of the two drones. Shaft barrier will stop shrapnel. Get Med to clean up. Damage don't do garbage."

Starbase 113

"There could be children in that..."
"Yes, Collins. And you're worrying about killing thirty people, contained when if the Cap leaves the shaft and puts a hole in your hull, you'll not only be cleaning up for months, but you'll be scrapping organic matter off for years. Thirty instead of four hundred." Mad cut Ilyce off. "If you went damage, you certainly had an arse of a trainer."

Jewel rolled her eyes and hid her grin.

"We don't have PP's. I'll have to get them from Kalk..."
"Do it. Kalk359224. Direct to Jason. Since you've got no back up. Get Jason over to 113. Declare it."

Jewel pulled a face. "Ah..."


"Am I going toooo."

"I'm declaring you have damage protocol in effect. My call. My lead. Make the call Marsden."

"Making the call." Jewel answered shrugging at Ilyce.

"Is there any other choice?" Ilyce asked.

"No." Mad answered. "You've got two choices. Follow my instructions, or blow the capsule."


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