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Starbase 113 - Bad Eggs - Act One

Posted on 2024, Fri Feb 2nd, @ 5:34am by Lieutenant JG Jewel Marsden
Edited on on 2024, Fri Feb 2nd, @ 9:41am

1,472 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Attack Of the Cadavera(Starbase 113/Outpost/Townsend)
Location: Turbo Lift thirty-four
Timeline: 07:22 Hours

Turbo Lift thirty four was just your average standard silver colored Starfleet Turbolift. It was referred to as TL by those in Damage Control. It was also known by a lengthy list of alternate names. But usually, it was a smooth endless way of travelling through Starfleet ships. bases, colonies, stations. Only this morning Turbo Lift thirty-four was about to learn it was more. Far more.

A number of heads were all bent towards several different monitors all of them staring at who got into TL 34.

"Look it's Barlow from Security."
"And Smithers from Science."
"And Joyden from Engineering."
"I'm looking forward to seeing him bounce."
"Cahall from Flight."
"West from Communications."
"Lavender from Civilian Services."
"Bright from Chief Strategic Operations."
"Johns from Secuity."
"Cartwright from Hangar Seven."
"Transporter Specialist McCavan."
"Stellar Cartography O'Larn."
"Elizabeth Corey from the Academy."
"Snotty Bitch."
"Mrs. Lyee and her daughter Shanna."
"Counsellor Jorgon."
"Nurse Philcott."
"Fighter Pilot, Scout
"Alpha Centauri News Network Reporter Wittle."
"Intelligence officer Kerry."
"Science Officer Barter's sister Jamica."
"The fat bitch from the library. Jemma something."
"Jemma Wright."
"What's the name of the red-haired whore with big tits?"
"Sonya Kippling."
"Rose Andrews from the civvi school."
"Thommy Brett."
"Mark Whyte
"Media Relations Officer Keeley."
"Harley-Morris, the snooty nose surgeon."
"Green-Li-Vack, the thirteen yr. old know it all."

"That's how many?"
"How many can the lift hold?"
"If we let too many more in, they're going to be squashed in too tight and no one's gonna get smashed."
"That lifts hold forty."
"Let's do it."

Hitting the yellow button on the controller, Jayden watched as the door slide closed, stopping several kids from entering.

No one in the lift was any wiser, and no one saw the small light flash, changing from yellow to rose, stuck onto the side of the lift up near where the floor display appeared. It started it's upper run, and it wasn't more than two minutes that one of the men reached out towards the deck selector.

Watching from the depths of the station, the bad eggs as they were known had their eyes glued to the monitor which showed them what was happening inside the lift. They had turned down the sound but had it loud enough for them to hear the screams. The TL roared up the shaft, whizzing towards the upper levels.

Hands reached out, slamming on top of each other, trying to make the TL stop. More hands waved at the camera which just stared back at them. Hands slammed at the emergency button. The faster the TL went, the more unstable the two footed group became. One of the teens trying to hold himself upright, knocking one of the women over, sending her down to the floor, her face tightening, her mouth wide open, her legs tangled with someone else's bringing them down on top of her, slamming her elbow into her boob.

Language was yelled.
Tears were shed.
Faces turned white.
Mouths opened to purge earlier eaten food.
Shoes failed to grip.
Bodies slammed into the walls.
Heads cracked into each other.
Handheld items flew through the lift confines.

Bodies lifted from the floor, as the lift slammed to a stop, before it began its downward plunge. For the people trapped inside, it was a terrifying ordeal, one they wouldn't forget. Descending without a stop, the normal stable lift became a horror ride, as the lift suddenly slammed into the left of the shaft, then jumped up, slammed down, jerked right. Left. Right. Up. Up. Down. Each time the TL sped up or slowed down, the magnetic locks ground against the rails.

"!" The Bad Eggs were transfixed, no one tried to translate the words. Eyes were wide as they watched what was happening on the monitors.

Sitting in the Engineering Area Alarm Center, the blonde haired male was more intent in the crossword puzzle then watching the console in front of him. With the PADD sitting at the angle it was, he didn't see the flashing light beneath it. With the speaker turned down, he couldn't hear the screams and cries. With nothing to interrupt him, he continued to work and interpreting 5A.

"Marsden! We've got smoke coming for TL Shaft 12."
"Number running." Jewel wiggled backwards, boots coming in to view.
"How many TLs are hot in the shaft? Two. Four. Six or one?" Stations often had their TL shafts divided into sections. Her actions would depend on the lay.
"That shaft runs three from the bottom to three at the top."
"One TL. Call Engineering and see who's sitting on the alarm panel. She's smoking cause it's off it's rails."

"How the hell does a TL come off it's magnetic rails?"
"Not very easily." Sin answered. Twisting her controller, she entered her code, and worked her way into the section she wanted.
"What are you doing?" Hands flying over the keyboard, she activated the shaft barrier, and watched the column colour over, as the shaft barrier lowered into place.
"Lowered the shaft barrier. If the TL comes totally off, the barrier will stop it coming through the shaft wall and out the nearest hull plate. "Commandeer another TL, we're going to have to work from the TL Mechanics Room or the TL Return Room at the top of the station."

"If she's off her rails, how the hell do we slow her?"
"One of seven ways." Jewel answered, as she took control of the TL locked it with her code and brought up the hidden directory, which gave access to all of the TL decks. Making her selection, she turned her attention back to her controller.
"What's that?" Another of those with her indicated the controller.
"It is called a controller. They are under trial. DCE 1's have them. It allows mobile control of all the ship or stations functions, systems, you name it. It's interphased with the computer. It allows me to access relevant data. TL thirty-four is seventy five percent hotter than it should be. It's sitting on the mags, but nine of the fifty-two clips are gone."

"You mean she's sliding on the magnetic rails."
"Yep. Tell me she's empty." Jewel tapped the controller and swore when an image appeared. Reading the weight and doing a quick calculation, she whistled. "Twenty-Five to Twenty-Nine passengers."
"Yeah.....Have them on standby on Deck....." Jewel paused as she went through items in her head. "Choose one of the garden decks. Evac the three decks above and three below. I'm shutting down all TL's. Contact security, They're going to need to handle the riff raff." Jewel continued to give orders, as she hit keys on the controller.

"Are we meant to be slowing?"
"Shaft barrier lowering, means capsule stops till barrier passes the capsule, then we......." Jewel felt the TL restart increasing speed. "Recommence our climb."

=/\= Damage 1 to Commodore Collins. =/\=

=/\= Collins. What do we have Marsden? =/\=

=/\= I've stopped all TL's three medical. One security and the one I've locked are the only five working. I'll explain face to face, in three minutes. Everyone is frozen, except those using medical and security designated lifts. =/\=

=/\= Confirmed. I'll be waiting for your arrival. Collins out. =/\=

"Ah... is there anyone you don't know?"


"You weren't a survivor?"

"No, I have my own history. I worked under a Yack survivor, she was DCE when it disappeared. When they reappeared, she was WDDCE, Marine. Security. Rapid Response. She laid out a plan for a fast response damage team. It's taken many years, but Collins agreed to allow a trial, here on 113."

"Mad Black's XO on the Halo."

"That she is." Jewel stepped out o the TL Maintenance Deck, and straight into place in front of Ilyce. "Commodore, TL thirty-four is coming off it's magnetic rails. She's way over speed, ping ponging between highest to lowest. Shaft Barrier's have lowered. Damage has requested medical on one of the garden decks. Three decks either side to be evacced. The TL is not empty. There are seven known ways to stop the TL. I'm not keen on any. I need Mad."

"USS Halo...."

"Either I get a line with Mad at the end, or my choice is number eight. And it means blowing the bottom off the TL shaft and forcing the TL out into space. If I do that, it'll bounce off the gravity pool, straight back into the station and no you can't transport. Which means blowing up the TL before it makes contact with the gravity pool and then what's left will act like shrapnel and come back at 113. Caught within the gravity pool, it won't just hit the bottom of the station."

"Colla." Collins kept her eyes on Jewel. "I need an emergency line to the USS Halo. Mad Black to be precise."

"Yes sir."


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