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Admiral Captain Lt jg

Posted on 2024, Tue Feb 13th, @ 10:02am by Admiral Mike Ward & Captain Mark White & Lieutenant JG Jewel Marsden

890 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Attack Of the Cadavera(Starbase 113/Outpost/Townsend)
Location: Starbase 113 - Academy Center

Jewel wasn't exactly sure how she felt about this. She knew how she'd felt about it personally when she'd been old, but then she'd gotten an advantage given her past. Being in the position of actually taking a female cadet and leading her through to becoming a fully fledged DCE was a daunting task. She wasn't... hadn't taught. She'd shown, guided but never taught. Her time spent with her rounder had made it look easy, but Jewel knew it hadn't been.

Hitting the chime, she waited for the summons. She was not so sure about this process.

It chirped allowing her to enter

Sitting around the table with the Academy bigwigs, she was feeling the jitters.

Seated comfortably at the holographic table, the Admiral had a detailed space map pulled up in front of them. The map displayed live tracking of the Damn Cadavera, which was currently moving through the vast reaches of space. Meanwhile, the Captain lounged on the sofa, leisurely sipping coffee as they kept an eye on the proceedings.

"Gentlemen, I'm Lt Marsden, I was asked to bring you up to date on the trial that Commodore Collins approved which I'm told one of you is going to oversee."

"One of us? Oh Shit," the Captain said from his seat on the couch, No one said The Captain, who was seated on the couch, reacted with surprise to something that had just happened. He exclaimed, "Oh shit, one of us?" It was clear that he was taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. He then added, "Nobody said they were going to do that." His words conveyed a sense of confusion and concern, hinting at the possibility of a problem arising due to this unexpected occurrence.they were gonna do that.

Jewel relaxed. "From what I was told, both of you would be overviewing the trial. Both of you would be doing the monitoring, and be out with the group. Though while I'll assure you that I'll avoid you shimmering through the smaller vents, the rest will depend on what I'm having the females do. I would therefore suggest, you tighten your trousers, I'd like them focused on what I'm showing them, not what you're showing them. I'm not keen on both genders together in my JTs. I'll supply the baggys, so I don't have to rescue anything that gets stuck. Some of the time they'll watch, most of the time they'll get hands on. 113 is a good size station, it's a great place to learn."

The Captain had the looked of is she giving orders to a Admiral and Captain?

Ward looked to her. "Thats sounds good, But I would refrain from giving any type of authoritative sayings to the Captain"

"My apologies." Jewel apologized. "I am just going by what I was told. I wasn't expecting to be part of this. If you'll work out what you are doing and let me know." Jewel stood up. This education thing was harder than she thought.

The Captain rose. "Its Fine, We are all stressed out at the moment"

Jewel knew her flaws and men were one of them. Damage she could work with, but she had her issues. It had been a lot easier being surrounded by Mad, Sin, Jason, Arctic, Inferno, Mason, Arcadia, Fire, Antarctica, Anatye, Isseka, Echo, Erakala, Quoiba and Yunyarinyi. They were the first lot of Mad's damage control women, and they'd clicked. It hadn't taken them long to realise she cracked when men were involved.

~You need to shut up~ She thought, ~Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.~ The words kept echoing in her head.

The Admiral seen this and knew what she was saying in the head. "Captain, I will see you in a little bit." Once he left he spoke to the Lt.

"You good Lt." Ward asked.

Jewel stared into nothing. All she could hear were the screams of the other children. All of them female, all of them laying on silver medical tables. all of them surrounded by adults in white coats... She'd long since blocked out those same white coated adults who surounded the table she lay upon.

It was almost like someone had gripped her tank pack and dragged her backwards. Finding herself facing the door, she reacted. Bolting to the door, she retched it open and stormed through it, not stopping until she found herself alone in an empty TL, the doors automatically closing, the TL dropping downward. By the time, the doors opened just above the lift return deck, Jewel felt sick to her stomach. Ripping off her helmet she bent over a nearby toilet and let everything pour out, until her knees went weak and she crumbled to the floor. Needing to make herself disappear, she commando crawled to the nearest vent, using her tools to open it, she flung her helmet inside and disappeared after it. Resealing the vent from the inside, before she started to climb down a ladder, away from any chance of being found.

Ward noticed that his colleague seemed to be overwhelmed with fear, so he thought it was best to give her some space. He made a mental note to arrange another meeting soon, where they could discuss things further and address any concerns that she may have.


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