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Kalkarindji & SB 113 - Oops.... What the hell!

Posted on 2024, Thu Feb 1st, @ 8:25am by Lieutenant JG Jewel Marsden
Edited on on 2024, Thu Feb 1st, @ 11:38am

982 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Attack Of the Cadavera(Starbase 113/Outpost/Townsend)
Location: Family Quarters Deck -Quarters 1745
Timeline: Current

Ensign Jenny Cooper, stopped just inside her daughter's bedroom and leant against the door. Catching sight of her husband she pointed and then watched him shrug, then point to the untouched plate of food.

She turned her thumb in the direction of their four year old daughter, and got a single nod from her husband.

"Theresa honey what are you doing?"
"I'm looking for the dead men mum."
"What dead men sweetie?"
"The dead men that Miss Tar said were coming from the bad man station." Jenny looked at her daughter then across to her husband. "I want to see their dangly bits. I asked daddy to show me, but he wouldn't."

"Ah...." Looking wide eyed at her husband Jeff, Jenny moved closer to him, when he wiggled his finger. "What in the hell is going on?"

"You haven't heard." It wasn't a question.
"I've been in surgery for the best part of eleven hours. We had three kids brought in. It was one after another. What dead men?"
"Apparently Kalkarindji had a screw up, someone got stuck in some equipment and hit a purge button, trying to get attention. The person sent thousands of bits that were meant to go into the furnace, into space."

Jenny groaned. Now she knew what the others were talking about. "Right and they're coming our way. Our head was trying to get us to pay attention regarding some incoming. I thought she meant incoming ship."
"Hardly. Apparently, Collins is giving assistance to Kalkarindji."
"And I'm sure that went over well. And the dangly bits?"

Jeff leant closer and let her feel his dangly bits.
"Yeah, I picked our darling daughter up from preschool and she wanted me to show her my dangly bits. Needless to say, my mouth dropped open." Jeff nibbled his wife's ear. "Though I'm quite prepared to show you."
"I'll bet you want me to do more than just look."

"Yes Theresa." Jenny turned her head towards her daughter.
"Do you think Miss Tar can get some dangly bits for us to see tomorrow?"
"Ah." Jenny wasn't exactly sure what to say. She never thought that she'd have to have this conversation with her daughter at this young age. Taking in a deep breath. "No, I think the shop is out of dangly bits." She tried not to laugh at Jeff's expression.

Theresa screwed up her face. "But mum, we all want to see the dangly bits."
"Well I'll see what I can do about finding some dangly bits."
"We asked Miss Tar if the boys had dangly bits. Patricia says her brother has dangly bits, but they are very small."
"Well they do grow just like boys grow."

Theresa looked at her mum. "Can't daddy show me?"

= = = = Family Deck Quarters 114 = = = =

"Naomi Pane! Leave your brother alone."
"But mum! Miss Tar said that boys have little dangly bits! I want to see. I want to tell all my friends that I saw Todd's dangly bits!"
"No Naomi. Good girls do not do that." Jessica was getting a headache. She was relieved that Todd was a dead sleeper. She wasn't at all certain she could have handled this conversation if he had been awake.

"Why can't I just stick my hand down and feel it."
"Because that is not what good girls do."
"Then I don't want to be a good girl."

"At what age do they start sex education?" Jessica walked towards her bedroom. "What I wouldn't give for a serious drink about now!" Flopping down on her bed, she stared at the ceiling and groaned.

= = = Cafe Twelve Observation Deck = = =

"Should I ask?" Security Officer William Shaz leant against the serving counter and stared at the dozen or so girls from four to fifteen, who were all fixated at the dark space beyond the station.

"Dangly bits." Kerry Anders pushed the mug of real coffee towards the ensign.

About to take a mouthful, he spluttered sending the coffee flowing in all directions. Coughing, he put down the mug. "Excuse me?"

"They are staring out into space, waiting for the dead men to come, with their dangly bits on display." Kerry mopped the counter.

"Right. Personally, I don't think Collins should have offered 113's assistance. It's bad enough that Star Fleet can't do anything about the station..."

"Kalkarindji is an outpost." Kerry corrected. "And since that coffee came from Kalkarindji, I'd consider thinking twice about what you say. Or you'll be back drinking replicator swill."

William listened to the giggling coming from the girls, as he sipped his coffee. Putting it like that, he considered his options. "You're right Kerry, decent coffee is everything." He placed his mug on the counter and continued to watch the girls.

= = = Commodore's Quarters = = =

Ilyce lay on the bed in her quarters and stroked the fur of her animals. She didn't have to move her head to see what her five were doing. They all sat, facing the direction of the viewing window.

"Okay. Okay. Okay. I get the point." She told the group of people who were standing at the bottom of the bed. "So, spit it out."

"Some of them did not just die." A big barrel chested man, announced. "Some of them were killed."

"Wonderful." Ilyce swore. "That isn't our problem. If Savage got the contract paperwork, then it isn't his business either, it's a case belonging to the original contract offeror." Ilyce stated. "And if all the pieces have medical releases, then there isn't much we can do. Starbase 113, does not have the forensic staff needed to go through all of these pieces." If she didn't speak to the dead, there would be no way that anyone would know what she'd just been told. So, did she say something, or did she not. Rubbing her head, she pulled the pillow closer and turned off the light. Tomorrow was another day.


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