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Confrontation-Part 1

Posted on 2024, Wed Feb 7th, @ 11:41am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commander Kate Townsend & Sergeant Major JB Dersch & Lieutenant Aubrie Fox & Gunnery Sergeant Janet Bruke III & Corporal Kate Score & Cadet Freshman Grade Tess & Captain Mark White & Captain Maddison Black & Captain John Fitzgerald & Lieutenant Teresina Waylin & 1st Lieutenant Nakita Alexeievna
Edited on on 2024, Wed Feb 7th, @ 11:42am

4,702 words; about a 24 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: USS Halo
Timeline: Current

USS Halo NCC-85053

Upon entering the bridge, Townsend assumed command and promptly issued a series of directives. "Commander, I require a Red Alert to be initiated immediately. Helm, I request that you bring us into Defense Pattern Delta with plate number one. Furthermore, I implore you to conduct a thorough scan of the incoming vessels and provide me with a comprehensive report without delay." His tone conveyed an air of urgency, indicating that he was not willing to take any chances regarding the current situation. The remainder of the team proceeded to carry out his orders with precision and efficiency.

With a sense of urgency, he reached out and tapped the arm of his chair to activate the communication channel with the fighter plane bay. "Alexeievna," he called out, "please prepare the fighters immediately. We're going to need them as soon as possible."

As soon as Nakita heard the klaxon, she mobilized the fighter wing. She was issuing orders and reminders to her people. "Yes, sir, mobilizing now." She said over the comms.

Fitz began to press the buttons on his console, he activated the red alert which began to sound the klaxon, the accent lighting changed to red, and he brought up his weapons and shield controls and readout. "Phasers and torpedoes armed, shields up and at full strength." He said

=/\+ Waylin Report. =/\+ Mad signed. She preferred to fight face to face, to feel the way the blood river mingled with her sweat. The smell of the encounter was anything but sterile. Bridge Battle was anything but as thrilling. She wanted the feel of a bullet or blade tearing at the skin. She wanted the sensation of a blade sliding through the skin. She wanted the feel of a dedicated dull blade, as it tore into the flesh and dragged it's way along the skin. Anything was better than the feeling of simply giving a command or the pressing of a button. Adjusting her sleeve, she watched how those on the bridge reacted.

=/\= Waylin to Black. 1 at the bow on the lowest. 3 at the arse on top. 2 middle middle deck. Two with me, roving to deal with the shit. Getting some weird looks, DCE needs updating. Expecting solvent issues. Rest of ship are NOT in suits. Decidedly unimpressed. =/\=

Sin shot a glance at the five men who were standing a short distance away, ogling them, as if they were weirdo's. "You lot have sixty seconds to find your assigned locations, before you're shoved into a vent to sit it out. DCE do not scrap shit."

"Since when does damage do it in suits?" One called back.

"It's called being prepared McCaught. They can hardly work on a hull breach without a suit." A deeper male voice clarified dragging several of the men, including the speaker back out of the corridor. "Apologies WDDCE." He glanced in her direction. "I'll do my best to keep them from getting under your feet."

=/\+ IID. =/\+ Mad signed her sleeve sending the instruction to Waylin. Seeing that the Admiral had everything under control, Mad saw no reason for her to sit doing nothing on the command deck and more reason to rove. "Does the Admiral need assistance on the C Deck or am I free to rove?" She hadn't been to battle with her new boss yet, but he'd soon get the gift that she liked to be where things happened. She could issue instructions to the C Deck wherever she was. If he expected her to sit glued to the C Deck, then they had problems.

Back on the middle of the middle deck, Sin tapped her controller, starting each isolation door into action.
"Helmet's on DCE." She made the announcement direct to all DCE staff. =/\= Initiatising Iso doors. DCE to Full NonAtmo. =/\= She confirmed back to Black.

Unclipping her helmet, while waiting for the Admiral's reply, Mad glanced at the ID, as it slid locking those inside from the rest of the ship. Lifting her controller, she followed the process of DCE and the ship's progress toward battle. She looked at the weapons system and watched the display of what type had been brought online. They were all Star Fleet designated, which made her wonder if the Halo had any specials, but now wasn't the time. They would make do with what they had.

The admiral shifted his attention towards the captain, his eyes conveying a sense of understanding, "Captain, if you feel that it is necessary to be there, you have my permission to do so." He then turned his gaze back to the viewscreen, where the ships were dropping out of warp. Townsend, the ship's commander, took charge and issued crisp orders, "Commander, bring up a visual on those incoming ships right away. And ETA On the Incoming Starfleet Ships"

"On screen now, Admiral," the security chief said, "Starfleet ships four minutes out. Incoming ships register as three Mo'gai class heavy warbirds and one D'deridex class. Their shields have been raised, and their disruptors are hot."

Admiral Townsend's voice boomed across the bridge, his orders clear and concise. "Weapons free. Shoot to disable, not destroy." As he spoke, his eyes darted between the tactical display and the helmsman's console. "Helm, pattern Delta Echo 4," he barked, the urgency in his voice betraying the gravity of the situation. The helmsman's fingers flew across the console, and the ship lurched into motion, hurtling towards the incoming vessels. The tension on the bridge was palpable as the crew prepared for the impending confrontation.

Turbo Lift

That was all she needed. "Coms alive." Her sleeve confirmed, as she locked her helmet in place, left the crossbow where it was and headed for the closed Isolation door. Entering her code, the door started to open, stepping through, Mad stepped into the TL, locking it to DCE. Making her deck selection, she raised an eyebrow when two young men stepped into the TL on the next deck.

"We're at red gentlemen, would you care to explain to me where it says you're to move from your stations?"
"Ah.." One looked at the other.
"We were told too....."
"And exactly who are you?" The other man asked, stepping closer to try to intimidate her.

Carefully placing her foot, she took no pleasure in how hard he hit the deck, wrapping a gloved hand around his shirt, she dragged him up and against the wall.
"Mad Black." She didn't bother saying her position. Signing with one hand, she followed her sleeve which called for security to their location. Not exactly protocol in the red, but their actions weren't protocol either. They were involved in something, and while she didn't know what, it had to be something serious for them to do it in red.

=/\+ Code 3 to MyLo. =/\+ It was unusual for anyone to call for assistance during a red, but something wasn't sitting right as far as her head was concerned. Bringing the TL to a halt, Mad brought up Halo's deck plans in her head.

Deck three. CO's quarters. Briefing room 1. XO's Quarters. Guest Quarters 1-4. Nursery/Class Rooms.

With whatever was taking place on the C Deck, it would be far easier for someone to cause additional problems by attacking it from below. And with both the Admiral and herself on the away mission, anything directly below the C Deck could have been tampered with. While the CO's quarters, Briefing room, XO's Quarters, Guest Quarters 1-4 and Nursery/Class Rooms didn't have the same security as the C Deck, they weren't unprotected.
=/\+ Major Dersch, search team to Deck three. Damage to three. =/\+

With what had happened on the away mission front of her mind. Mad wouldn't put it past someone having their bases covered by having someone onboard supplying a little extra insurance.

In the Classrooms, Were Commander Townsend, Cadet Tess, and Katie Townsend, Daughter of the Townsends.

Not waiting for either damage or the marines to arrive, Mad prioritized. Admiral on C Deck. Meant CO quarters were empty. Since she was here meant her quarters were also empty. Guest Quarters were also empty. Which left the nursery and the classrooms.

Getting a vibration from her mobility sensor, she glanced let to see Waylin and two men dressed in DCE suits exiting the nearest TL.
"Clear deck. Start Nursery. I class." She ordered Waylin.

Sin gave Mad the thumbs up sign and moved towards the nursery, leaving Mad to take the classrooms.
=/\+ Make it one. =/\+ Mad signed to her sleeve which corrected the marines ETA. She had no intention of hitting any alarms, thereby letting who ever know that their time was up. Opening doors, she hit the metal piece of her glove against the wall, getting the teacher's attention. "Evac. Beyond ten." Mad didn't use her sleeve, she had no idea what she sounded like. She just gave the instruction and moved to the next room, repeating her instructions until she stepped into the classroom and found Commander Townsend, Cadet Tess, and Katie Townsend, Daughter of the Townsends. Not that it mattered who they were. "Evac. Beyond ten. TL Seven. Marine search coming."

"Commander, we have a situation. The deck is being evacced. Please use TL Seven, it's been programmed by Damage to drop straight to ten. Bridge has been notified. Deck two is also being evacced. Please follow not ask." Sin knew Mad's speech didn't include the flow words. She touched Mad's arm.
Commander Townsend just nodded and moved with the group.

"ED?" Sin asked.

"AM fucked. Incoming vessels hot. Logical damage Halo. C Deck." Mad spoke to Sin. "Marine coming." She pointed to Sin's two men. "Look search only. You C Deck. I Two."

Away Mission Fucked. Incoming vessels with their weapons hot. Situation leads to damaging the Halo logical. Damage to C Deck. Marines on way. Male damage conduct a visual search only. Me to C Deck Mad to deck two. Sin translated Mad's words, which means, two was the target. Mad wouldn't put anyone else in danger.

"Got it." Sin answered, turning to her chosen two. "Escort the Commander and his family to TL Seven. Check the sensors, one outside seven the other with them to ten then return. I want a visual and only a visual search of this deck. I'll be on the C Deck. Mad's got two. You see the marines. Split three ways. C Deck, two and here. We're looking for a device to cause major damage." Sin told her two. Prime target is deck two, to take out the bridge. MOVE." Sin gave the last in a louder tone, making her two Damage Control male's move.

Dersch and Score quickly mobilized, Suited up in Full gear. =/\=On our Way Captain, Eta 3 Minutes=/\=

=/\+ Make it one. =/\+ Mad's sleeve spoke Mad's sign back to the marines. After a short delay, they got Mad's voice without the flow. "Two Three evacing. Damage Visual Three. Marines. C Deck Sin. Marines. Evac. Get Admiral ten. Two prime. Logical. Remember I deaf."

=/\=DCE 1 to Marines enroute. XO requests you cut ETA to one minute. Decks two and three evaccing. There are two suited DCE undertaking visual search on three. Marines requested. I'm heading to the C Deck. Marines requested. XO has two. Deck two is the priority. Marines requested. XO is deaf. Admiral to be carted off C Deck bamn. Evac deck is ten. =/\= Sin knew everyone knew bamn. By Any Means Necessary. "DCE split. ED. Prime two. Evac ten. Stand and hold. =/\=


Crewman Zach was pissed. He hadn't expected them to come this quick! He hadn't even set the bomb on the halo yet! DAMN IT!!

Then the Young Blond Sec/Tac Lt., Fox that was her name came around and said they needed to go. But she dropped to the floor as Zach shot her, Lowest level stun, Cause one, She was hot as hell, and he didn't like to hurt those types, And two, She would have know the second he went to the shuttle bay. He quickly moved to Deck 2. He need to set the bomb below deck 1, Where he wanted to kill as many as possible, He entered the Jefferies and began to climb.

Mad opened a vent hatch closest under the C Deck. It usually wasn't used because most people were just too large. But both her and Sin knew even with their suits could use the vent. It was a tight fit, but they would fit. They'd used them before. Watching Sin step into six, Mad started the fast scramble up the vent.

Stepping through the opening C Deck isolation door, Sin killed the sound. "Commander Fitzgerald under Authority of XO. You have Command. Admiral, Mad has called for evac of decks two and three. She is certain there is an explosive device on two, intent on wiping the C Deck. My instructions are to remove you from the C Deck. The last lug I had to BAMN. I dragged out by his hair. Please choose to walk. In a situation like this, if I have to choose, sir. I will choose to annoy you rather than her. Sir." Sin gave him a wide smile through her helmet, wrapping one gloved hand around one of his arms. She'd apologize later, but she'd rather piss him off, then Mad. Though not to Mad's level she would still try to maintain the ranking chain, until she had no choice. Mad's instructions were clear. Get the Admiral off the bridge. If Mad didn't time it right, or the marines didn't get there in time, her suit would keep her alive. No one else on the bridge was wearing one. She wouldn't be surprised if Mad glued him into one.

The chaotic scene unfolded as The Admiral was forcefully pulled away from the bridge. Suddenly, a deafening explosion rocked the ship, sending both The Admiral and Sin hurtling across the bridge and nearly crashing into the ready room. The once pristine tactical console erupted in flames, while the helm station was completely destroyed. Wires dangled from the ceiling and a thick haze of smoke hung in the air, making it difficult to see or breathe. The ship was now in disarray, and it was transparent that it would take a great deal of effort to bring it back to a functional state

The Admiral, struggling to regain his balance, managed to get back on his feet and yelled out urgently, "Computer! I need you to move all the controls in the bridge to Battle Bridge immediately!"

With the Ships computer being linked to the rest of the fleet, It now sent a distress message to Star Base 113.

Sin's choice of word wasn't at all polite, and she realised she was picking up more of Mad's ways then just DCE. Giving the Admiral more than just a polite shove into the arms of an incoming marine, she moved to check the C Deck crew. "Get him down to ten and stick someone armed to him." Sin instructed the marine, paying no attention to his rank. She checked the bloodied head of the man closest to the helm station. "He's going to need medical and assistance." Turning him over to a marine, she bypassed the woman near by, whose head was decorating the nearby console. "Dead."

"Get the main site isolated." Sin glanced up hearing Walker's voice.

"I decided detonation was the go sign." He moved to check on the man at the security station.

"Don't assume it was only one." Sin stated. "Clear the C Deck. Make it dark. When everyone without a suit is clear take out a couple of hull plates, if we're being watched, it will draw their attention."

Walker stopped and looked at her. "The explosion was deliberate?" His voice was shocked.

"With the intent to kill everyone on the C Deck."

"Damn. I definitely want that transfer killed. I thought Damage would be interesting but not this interesting. Is there a protocol for popping hull plates." That wasn't in any class he'd sat.

Glancing quickly around the area to make sure everyone alive had been removed, leaving Walker and another DCE suit. Four suited marines, herself
and three dead. Listening to the security chief grumble as he was lead off the deck. Sin pulled three round circular coin like discs from her tool belt and handed two to Walker. "Get to the hull plate." She climbed onto the console, pulled herself up through the ceiling layer, yanked down several of the internal structure and inched upwards till she could touch the inside of the hull plating. "Metallic side to whatever you want to pop. It'll stick fast. With these there is no delay." She placed hers and barely seconds later it ate away enough of the plate to cause it to pop.

"This isn't SF." Walker did the same.
"No, but it works."
"Do I get to know more?"
"Mad has contacts. She tells them what she wants, sometimes it comes in varieties, sometimes it doesn't. Mad tests, if she's happy it disappears, then reappears with the appropriate packaging." Sin stated. "Some find their way into other applications or areas, like the marines."

"We call'em poppers." The nearest marine stated, as Sin dropped down from the console. "Often wondered who came up with some of the items we get given."

Mad cursed up a storm, as she slid backwards dragging the unconscious wounded man. He'd taken most of the blast. His right arm dangling useless hanging by several muscle threads. Both his hands blown off, one of them shoved down the front of his waist, fingers bent around his belt to keep it from being lost. His chest was visible through holes in his shirt, the skin visible on his legs were black and charred, while other areas were blemish free. Pulling him backwards, as her boots reappeared from the vent. Mad felt hands support her legs as she stopped wiggling and let who ever it was drag her backwards, until she was free and they took over the rest of the drag to free the bomber.

"Bomber." Mad got a nod from a suited marine. "Lock down, medical."

*Are you hurt?*

Mad snorted when the pair of hands signed.

"Not good NonAtmo if hurt."

*Answer my question.*

Mad touched her sleeve and pressed a selection. "Sleeve Communicator. NonAtmo Class Modified. No Damage. Wearer. Level 33. Bruising. Non Fatal. Does Not Need Medical. Assistance Not Required."

*Right.* The marine held out a hand which Mad gripped and used to rise to her feet.


*Pissed off his pride and joy is damaged. From what I heard, one of yours was dragging him off bridge when it exploded. Three dead. More wounded.*

*Better ship than him* Mad signed back, thanking the marine. "Continue search."

*You think they're more?*

"Logical. Sure, no. Not stop certain." Mad rubbed her hip, heading up to see the C Deck.

"You want to translate Roderick?"

"Sir. Better the ship than the Admiral. Keep searching, it's logical for there to be more. Don't stop the search until we're certain, and I'd add, we're probably gonna be glued to the Admiral."

"Poor Bastard. She'll have him wrapped in bubble wrap."

"Surrounded by Marines, walking on security, having his food tasted before he's fed." Roderick added.

"It's a wonder she doesn't have him transferred to a marine vessel."

"You have no idea who she is, do you sarge?"

"Should I?"

"She's one of the seven."

"She's the lone female Yack survivor?"

"Yeah. Went in DCE first assignment and came out a marine wrapped in WDDCE."

Mad stood on the C Deck and looked at the damage. Someone definitely wanted the Halo or someone on it gone. They could have done more damage by targeting other areas, so it had to be some one not some thing.

*You hurt?* Sin signed.
*Bruised.* Mad signed back. *Every marine, security, and engineer, search entire ship. Strip search.*
*Person or.....*
*More damage hit other areas.*
*You think someone was after someone.* Sin watched Mad give a single nod. *Limit coms?* Receiving another nod, Sin returned it, as Mad limped towards the IID and disappeared.

Battle Bridge

Stepping out onto the Battle Bridge or CD1. Mad toggled her sleeve, looking at the Admiral. "Have you been to medical?" She asked, knowing full well he hadn't. He'd be too focused on recent events. "One ED. Blew up in the process of being placed. Placer under guard in medical. Three dead on C Deck. Search continues. They could have inflicted far greater damage if they'd targeted other areas, which means they were after someone. You've got marine shadows. Security are leading the investigation. I've ordered a full ship search. And I'd like everyone in a suit. Whoever's responsible had to have back up plans, and I wouldn't be surprised if there are people onboard who support or do their bidding."

"I haven't hit medical, The Kilo has dropped out of warp and is taking fire from the Romulan Ships. I am having us move into attack posture now, We have to aissit, Helm! Bring us within firing range! Tactical Raise Hell!" THe ship groaned as it moved to attack"

"Halo needs the Viv and Sugar treatment." Mad stated, widening her feet to keep her balance. "We're going to be a sitting duck, a carefully placed full spread could open us up like scissors to a piece of cloth. Halo needs decent weapons that aren't maxed out." Mad stated. "Everyone knows everything about SF weaponry. They sell it to raise funds, before they put it on their ships. People learn how to counter them before they're used. Someone wants someone on this vessel dead, or everyone on this vessel dead, or they want Halo gone. If I tell you, with very little work I can take out all of their powered systems, do you want it done?" What she didn't say was that, they'd be dead in the water as well as every other ship within a certain distance. But no one would be able to fire. They'd all be sitting and drifting waiting for a tow. "Oh and It'll piss the CEO off." Mad added. The Halo wasn't her command. The Admiral was still brain enough to have command. Therefore it wasn't her place to override him. Make him, nude, crazy, wanting the crew to scrub the floors with their tooth brushes, citing Jesus, then maybe, until then. Either he said yes and she weaved her magic, pissing off the CEO, or she went back to work, and maybe still pissed off the CEO, when she plunged it into the dark and diverted three quarters of it's power elsewhere.

Deck 4

Sin stood before the Chief of Security. "If I or any DCE can be of assistance just ask. There's one male injured under guard in medical, he was injured trying to plant the device. Three dead from the C Deck. Admiral has acquired marine shadows. He moved to CD1 or the battle bridge. Mad's ordered the entire ship be searched."

Alex stood waiting in front of one of the TL access doors. He'd ignored everyone's comments, and continued to press the call button again and again and again. He'd never seen the TL take this long.
"Look at the panel."

Thomas Jerrick tapped the panel.
"What does it say?"

"Damage lock."
"No it says TL locked by authority of Damage Control."

"So, I'm going to stand here until they unlock it."
"You're an idiot. Damage have control of the ship's systems because the ship has battle damage. The TL's are offline, their doors are locked, so some idiot doesn't ply them apart and break their neck falling down an empty shaft."

Hendersson looked at Jerrick.
"That's where you normally go 'oh'."
"And that means you use the Jeffries Tubes like everyone else."
"And do you have a torch or glower?"
"Because only absolute necessary area's like the Battle Bridge, Medical, parts of the Marine decks, parts of Engineering have lighting. You really need to listen."
"Because you lazy son of a bitch, I'm going to be pissed, if your accident causes me more reports."

Main Engineering

Chief Engineer Dorna Villersh was BEYOND Pissed. If there was a word to describe what the next level after that, she didn't care to know. Right now, all she DID know was that her "Iron Lady" was being chewed up and spit out ugly. It was becoming more and more difficult to prioritize what needed repair first.

"Sir! Deck 2 is-" The Tellarite rounded on the speaker, tusks out and ears almost spitting smoke.
"I..don't...CARE, you mukkup!" She roared, toeing up to what turned out to be a Bajoran Ensign. Tilting her head back, she looked up at him and grabbed his uniform. Now eye to eye, she growled out. "Did I ASK for your report??"
"N-n-nnn...nnooo s-s-sSir..." he babbled out, blue eyes wide with fear.
"No, I did NOT!" Dorna's voice was a deadly whisper. "Did I order you to give me one?"
"N-no S-sir..."
"EXACTLY!" She yelled and pushed him away by extending her small arm sharply. As he fell onto the deck, she stood over him with fists on hips. "The next time you come to me, it better be at an ORDER Ensign! Got that?" Dorna stared at him like that for a few heartbeats, watching the terror in his eyes. Pushing one hooved foot in against his leg none too gently, she added. "Now get to your station, mukkup!"
The Ensign crab-walked away from her and then stumbled up and out of sight. She looked around the area unmoving. "Do you all understand me?" Quick murmurs of assent followed the request. and the Tellarite nodded. "Good."
The Chief Engineer then quick-marched towards the Warp Core. Tapping her comm badge, she called out.
=/\=All Engineering teams in search mode, REPORT!=/\=
As she heard them tell her what they'd found from the blasts and systems, she swore. "Whoever this creature is that decided my Lady wasn't good enough for them, may their..."

USS Kilo

Mark was seated in the center chair of the USS Kilo, his eyes fixated on the adrift Halo in the distance. Despite the chaotic scene that lay before him, he remained calm and focused, issuing orders to his crew with precision and clarity. The Halo's bridge had been mercilessly bombed, leaving it vulnerable and in dire need of protection. Mark knew that it was up to him and his team to defend the Halo at all costs, and he was determined to see it through.

"Helm, take us in with full impulse! Tactical fire at will, and make every shot count! Our mission is to defend the Halo at all costs!" Mark yelled from the center chair.

"Sir, the Halo is hot and making a........ah.... ... a ...... very slow crawl.......ah.......ah. run for ..... for"
"I... ah think we're in trouble."
"Do they know what damage they've taken?"
"We're putting ourselves in direct line of their weapons. Sir."
"Sir, that's not battle damage. That bridge damage has blown from the inside out. If I had to guess, I'd say someone tried to blow out the bridge from underneath."
"But didn't succeed. Some of her hull plates have been popped. Making it look like she's got more damage than she has."
"According to my scans, her weapons are green and hot."

"Well Didn't expect that, open the channel to the Halo" White ordered.

"Line is open, but we don't have a solid link." Came the reply. "Communications will come and go."

"Halo, Do you read? Whats your status?"

"Fuc.... Oops. This is ...... Halo." A female voice answered. "Putti....... you....ogh....... mal..... Townsend."

USS Halo

"Admiral , Kilo. You have voice, but no visual. It has been reported to Damage. Communication is playing a bit, on our end. I'd say they'll miss at least half what you say. I've reported it to Damage Sir."


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