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Posted on 2023, Thu Sep 7th, @ 12:49pm by Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell & Commodore Emily Janeway
Edited on on 2023, Wed Sep 13th, @ 10:15am

1,406 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)(Star Base 113)
Location: Commander In Chief's 2nd Office-Star Base 1
Timeline: 1 Hour After Halo's Departure

The Admiral waited for Captain Janeway to come to his office for the meeting.

Janeway walked to the door to the office the commander-in-chief proceeded to add her entry codes to the door. She was still wearing her usual uniform from her old ship that she wore when she was transferred. She sat down at one of the chairs in the office to talk to her commander-in-chief for the introduction.

"Hello Captain, I am Admiral Lovell"

Janeway replied said Nice to meet you, you have something to discuss with me today? I have understood that you were still wondering my appearance of my apparel of my new uniform, and why I’m wearing different Starfleet’s uniform regulated clothing .

"Yes, We have a candidate for your first Officer, I want you to meet with her and see if you would like her to be your first officer."

"Thats Fine, It's still getting change,"

Janeway began to collect her own thoughts on what she wanted to speak about to the commander-in-chief furthermore.

"Please let me see who is the candidate for my first officer will be able to have what it takes to uphold the responsibility will be required of the person to be able to rely on them responsibility will be required of the person to be able to rely on that person’s expertise in a time of need arises, just like my mother has done with her, first officer, not the one with her before her journey to the delta quadrant that who’s an untimely death. "

"I can agree, it is Lt. Commander Lola Martinez, Currently stationed on the Halo as Second Officer"

good wonderful is she up and ready to go to start ?

" Also, I do have a Small request I do have another family member besides mother and my grandma four-legged animal Trust a comrade of mine is he is a valuable asset, especially on missions, that require his expertise like rescue missions scouting recon. Also, if we need it for security issues like tracking down or detecting any narcotics or alien substance that could be a threat to the prime directive. His name is Augustus. He is a Belgian like rescue missions scouting recon. Also, if we need it for security issues like tracking down or detecting any narcotics or alien substance that could be a threat to the prime directive. His name is Augustus. He is a Belgian Malinois German Shepard & mention I am a dog lover and she has been with me since my Academy days and my basic training so I like to keep him to my vessel?"

The Admiral stands up. "Captain its your Ship, Your Rules, And Plus, You and the USS Halo are under my command, So As of now the Only two ships that are allowed to have animals on are the USS Halo and USS Intrepid, Anything else Captain?"

Janeway then said "Not that I can think of as of right now is there a way I can contact in case there is a problem or do I know when I will have a full staff crew members of Janeway said not that I can think of as of right now is there a way I can contact in case there is a problem or do I know when I’ll have a full crew members for my to be ship space worthy? also is my ground field, ready to go ground tactical recon vehicle also is my ground field, ready to go, ground, tactical, recon vehicle, known as the Kodiak? Have you seen it? The field demonstration?"

"Every thing is ready just get a Crew" He laughed

"That's is good to know. I will wait for them to come to my ship and when will my dog will be arriving from earth I know it’ll be a while before Phil have him cleared to go for his voyage deployment."

"I can get him here within the Hour, I will make a Priority Task Under My Authorization, Sound Good?"

Janeway nodded her head while she looked straight at the admiral’s eyes "
yes, I believe there everything will be right in order. I’ll just need everything put away. I dropped off my possessions with the commander of the intelligence division on intrepid also yes do you bring the recon all terrain mobile assault, vehicle deployed to to be readiness for space, exploration, whatever missions we come across, yeah case you haven’t noticed I am a automobiles kind of person likes, fast, cars, sports cars, off road vehicles, so yes, we will be using it as my mother once again so to me that’s her favorite catchphrase do it instead of her doing make it so. I’ll need to access codes for my quarters, as well as the master override keys, all the documents proof of ownership, showing I am the captain of the USS intrepid. As well as in case the warp core’s main engine is to reach the to the point of failure . I have to make sure I have the codes to initiate shut down."

"Captain everything you need will or is already there"

Janeway asked "what about my personal household quarters items and my own clothes and my personal items that were bought from the transportation shipping department for them to be shipped delivered to my new ship ?"

"Will be there, Just send the info over"

Janeway shrugged her shoulders as she looked confused as she asked her head command officer “ so you just sent over the information”?

"Sorry, I mean't send it over to me, and I will relay it as a Direct Order from me to send the stuff over to the Ship."

“Then that’s fine with me also when I’ll know when to be shipped out?”

"Time is unknown, But for now once you have gotten use to the Intrepid get back by 0400, You are having a Visitor"

“ OK I will do that, I’ll just be needing a schematic map of my intrepid ship to get myself familiar with my ship&layou.” if possible, you can download it from your computer to a Padd for me to use”

"Yes Here take this" and hands her a New PADD, its design was unfamiliar. Then it activated. It was one of the New Holographic PADDs, All ships starting since last month all Had Holographic Control panels on every system. Meaning the Halo, and Intrepid had the New Panels as well. "This will be of use, Just type in you command codes and you will be able to see anything you like about your Ship. Anything else?"

Janeway just said "thanks, if you think of something that will be helpful needing just added in to the ship’s systems. I’ll be checking the shipping loading dock crew. With all the supplies for the ship. I know we will be getting new latest weaponry weapons that were created during my last ship or some of my designs. Hopefully they’re not defected from being assembled in the process of manufacturing or manufacturing ammunition rounds cartridges or other military hardware equipment"

"Sounds Good, Now if you Excuse me, I have a Meeting to get to. and Captain congrats on the new command of a Vessel"

“ thank you sir” Janeway stands stiff straight facing forward military position salute. "is the meeting for me to come to you? At 400 hour’s? I’m just getting confused with how how I’m supposed to get ready for my first commanding ship."

"Admiral Janeway is on her way back to Resupply Voyager and give some New Information to me, And She wants to meet with you"

“ excellent news when should she be arriving to meet you and her and me?”

"At 0300 but the First meeting is with me, and then at 0400 is with you"

“When I’m going to expecting announcement for me to come in at 0400 for the second meeting ?”

"She will contact you"

Janeway responds with the uncertain words to come up with a respond from what the head command officer just said to her that her mother will contact her in do time “ OK I understand. I guess I apologize I’ve been anxious, I’ve already met my executive officer last night.”

"Thats Fine, Now I am running late, See you later Captain" and The CINC left.


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