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Kalkarindji & SB 113 - Oops.... What the hell!

Posted on 2024, Thu Feb 15th, @ 11:51pm by Outpost Captain Savage Ivanov & Rear Admiral Ilyce (Pronounced Ice) Collins & Lieutenant JG Jewel Marsden & Kyaron (pronounced Karen) Ivanov (nee Barker) & Lieutenant Lillian Hansen & Admiral Mike Ward & Captain Mark White

1,338 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Attack Of the Cadavera(Starbase 113/Outpost/Townsend)
Location: Starbase 113 & Kalkarindji
Timeline: After call between Savage & Ilyce

Commodore Ilyce Collins waited till the last stragglers found seats.

"I'll make this short and sweet. A call came through from Kalkarindji. They took a contract to destroy several thousand body parts and corpses. It was a Star Fleet contract. In Ivanov's words. Some idiot got stuck and thought hitting the purge button would notify people of his situation. A flight directive has gone out. It seems that 113 is in the path. For those not aware, because of the embalming process, you cannot beam them onboard. They must be recovered manually. So, since we are Star Fleet, we will give this our utmost attention and lend Kalkarindji any and all assistance. Now, since we do not have block out blinds, that means everyone and anyone can see out the viewing windows. Use whoever you can think of. Some elements are going to be upset. Some are sure to complain. You know who is in the BC. Divert what you candle handle up the chain."

As Admiral Ward made his way into the room, the Ambassador and Captain trailed closely behind him. His expression told a story of frustration and disappointment as he uttered, "It seems like chaos has erupted...just great."

Hansen walked in and found her seat. Hell has broken loose. As always.

"Commodore Collins ...Wha..."
"Commodore exactly why are the dead in space?"
"Commodore Exactly what do I say to the kids?"
"I thought the dead were...."
"Is this going to be...."
"Exactly what....."
"Can I just say...."
"I hardly think having a stat..."
"Are we returning the pieces?"
"How can you refer to them as pieces."
"Well what else....."
"I have to express my......"

Ilyce stood at the front as the questions, statements and more kept on coming to the point that emotions were running high. Sticking her fingers in her mouth and letting out a shrill sharp whistle, she brought about silence.

"Enough!. Every one of you are adults. We will do this without it turning into a crowd screaming for their favourite sports team. Now, I know, this isn't normal. I also acknowledge this is our first get together. You need to learn how I do things, and I need to learn how you do things. Just because my butt is in the Big Chair, does not mean I intend to walk over everyone to get my way. In my opinion, a station this size works better with everyone working together. Now, that being said, it's my butt in the BC, so there will be issues where certain things have to be done, or not done and while I openly acknowledge it may not be liked. I will make those decisions and you will follow them." She watched as the group of dead formed in the back corner.

"Now, let's start with this and then we'll do your questions. Throughout history the way we have taken care of those who have died have changed. We used to bury our dead, in the ground, or in crypts. Or we have cremated them. Now however, we no longer bury them, use crypts, or return ashes once cremation has happened. We give remaining family a holographic imager, which contains our lost one's images. What happens to the remains? Some warrant a space burial, however there are conditions that must be met. We leave that to those who really met the criteria. The rest, are stockpiled until they have reached a certain number, then they are put on the contract list, and people who have the required equipment bid for that contract. Death is usually not a common dinner table topic."

"Kalkarindji has those facilities. They placed a bid, and won the contract. I'm well aware of what some of you think about having an outpost like Kalkarindji so close, but it is there. And we will give our neighbor assistance. You will not add to the state of play by opening your mouths and trashing the situation. If it reaches my ears, and I assure you it will. You won't like what and how I remind you of what you are. Do I make myself clear?" Ilyce waited for everyone to understand.

"Now, let's deal with your questions. Blakemore."

"Commodore exactly why are the dead in space?"

"An employee got himself stuck in the processor and couldn't raise assistance, so he hit the purge button. That is a Kalkarindji matter. Hanson."

"Commodore, exactly what do I say to the kids?"

"Death is part of life. Someone acted, afraid for their life and we are now dealing with that. I'll be asking both the Academy, and the Civilian Education Teachers, to focus on these topics over the next week. Admiral Ward, Captain White, Lt Hansen and those from the counselling department, get together and get onto the same page. Should you need assistance Fi Bailey and those from Eneabba, including myself can be lassoed in. Rickard."

"How can you refer to them as pieces."

"Because that is what most of them are. Anyone with a basic level of knowledge about Death should realise that they do not dispose of bodies, one at a time. I am not religious. We will not turn this into a religious crisis. Cartz."

""Are we returning the pieces?"

"Yes. Starbase 113, does not have organic burn facilities. Anyone that dies and does not warrant a space burial will be stockpiled. Then transferred to Kalkarindji for process completion. On that topic, I will add, that there is a distance requirement for Space Burials, because construction elements like stations, ships etc create what is called gravity pools, and if certain measures aren't taken, you will have coffins floating endlessly around stations for years. T'Var."

"What will the process be to resolve this issue?"

"The pieces will need to be manually captured and brought onboard 113. They will have to be confirmed as organics for process completion, or OPCs. Then they will be scanned and identified as part of the contract. Kalkarindji will be sending a transportation vessel. Once we've done our bit, they will be returned to Kalkarindji for final processing. Depending on the quantity, marines of the 111, security, medical, science with the assistance of volunteers from the academy and their instructors under the guidance of damage will corral what comes our way. Some of the crew of 113, are due to renew their space suit training, so feel free to use this as that. If extra hands are needed, you know where to find me."

Ward let out a deep sigh of frustration and shook his head in disbelief. With a heavy heart, he turned around and made his way towards his office, leaving White and the rest of the group behind. The air around them was tense, and the silence spoke volumes about the gravity of the situation.

With a sense of urgency, the Admiral walked purposefully back into the designated area. He was clearly troubled by something that he had just witnessed. He stood there for a few moments, his mind racing with a plan of action. Suddenly, he knew exactly what needed to be done. He spoke authoritatively into the computer, "Computer! Initiate lockdown of all windows. Full blackout!" The computer responded with a beep, acknowledging the command. Immediately, all the windows in the area turned opaque, plunging the room into total darkness. Besides the lights overhead.

"Thank you oh great one." Denise wanted to get down and kiss the floor. "Ah, sorry Admiral, I didn't realise you were back. What exactly do I do with these?" She indicated the pile of Padds in her arms. They are filled with questions from parents about the 'dead' situation. It seems to have caught the attention of the younger students." She looked at the window, which was now covered. "Whoever blocked the windows should get a medal." She locked at the Admiral. "Are you alright sir, you look a little weary. You're going to have every cadet in here, especially the female ones, you know how they think of you as Gramps."

To be continued


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